Download Bay leaves belong to the laurel family and is aromatic

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Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
Bay leaves belong to the laurel family and are aromatic. The unique fragrance of the leaf
and the special flavor makes it favorite in the culinary art of the Mediterranean region. In
the fresh leaves the flavor is dormant and with sufficient drying the flavor released. There
are many regional varieties of bay leaves.
The bay laurel is found in the Mediterranean area. The damp and shady sites in gardens
are ideally suited for its cultivation. Due to its extensive use in European cuisine it is a
popular garden plant of the region. The leaves can be picked the year around.
The plant is very adaptable to moist soil conditions which are reasonably fertile and are
sufficiently watered. Though the preference of the plant is for full sun light it is found to
grow well in shady places. The plant shows a high degree of tolerance to high winds;
however extreme maritime contact does not do much good to the plant. Many people
plant laurel as a foliage plant. The resistance to all insect pests and most diseases make
the plant a favorite with herb lovers.
There are many ways for propagating bay leaves. The common methods are layering,
sowing and planting cuttings. The best time to cast seed is spring. Seed beds are to be
prepared with sufficient moisture. After sowing, the seeds are to be lightly covered with
some soil. The ideal temperature for the germination of the seed is around 21*C. The
germination of seed takes, some times many days. There is the risk of seeds rotting
before germination and excessive moisture level should not be maintained.
The ideal time to do cutting of the stem is in the summer or in beginning of fall.
However, developing bay leaves through stem cutting has not very successful. The size
of the stems can be between 9 to 15 cm and it should be from a ripe branch. The stems
should be shed of the leaves, leaving only three or four. They can be planted on soft
compost filled in a convenient pot. The cuttings should be protected from direct sun light.
Humid conditions in the surroundings, is essential for the roots to sprout. This takes place
within a year.
The method of layering is common to all plants. Bend the step to the soil and where the
stem touches the soil make a cut. This portion should be held below soil level by using
stones or wire. The bay laurel plants are best layered in the spring season. If the process
has been successful the layered region would give out shoots in six to twelve months.
Bay Leaves in Myth, Lore and Religion
Ancient Greece gave lot of importance to the bay leaves. Bay leaves were closely
associated with achievements of excellence in Greece. The word “baccalaureate” is
derived from bay leaves. The Greek scholars wore garlands of bay laurels. The word poet
laureate echoes bay leaves. In the divination rites of the Delphic Oracle bay laurel leaves
were one of the main ingredients. Bay was equally revered and sometimes feared by the
Romans. In ancient Rome the sudden wilting of the bay leaf plant was ominous; it would
bring disaster to the family members in whose garden the tree stood. One of the
interesting beliefs was that if bay leaves are thrown in the fire and if it burns with an
explosive sound it was considered a good omen which brought fortune. On the other hand
if it burned without any noise it was a sure harbinger of evil. There was association of
bay leaves with dreams and some placed bay leaves under their pillows to invite pleasant
dreams. The belief that Bay could protect one from lighting among the Romans made the
Emperor Tiberius crown himself always with bay leaves during thunderstorms. There
was widespread use of the plant in the potions of medical men of Rome. In the Saturnalia,
a feast in Rome in memory of god Saturn celebrated in the month of December, an
ornamental garland made of the leaves of bay was worn by people as part of the ritual
celebration. Bay leaves were sacred to gods Apollo and Aesculapius .These gods were
responsible for the medicine and healing. In the worship of these gods these leaves were
important ritual elements. The medication made of these leaves had important qualities to
ward off evil spirits which caused the infirmity. The ancient people boiled these leaves
with other ingredients and drank it as a regular tonic. According to Dioscorides, the bark
of bay leaves in potions broke the stones in the kidney and prevented liver disorders.
In the Bible bay is held in great esteem as the symbol of great wealth and opulence. “I
have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.” (Psalm
37:35). Some of these beliefs were prevalent even in Shakespeare’s time. He alludes to
the belief in Richard II:
“ It is thought the king is dead; we will not stay,
The bay trees in our country are all withered”.
In recent times travelers have found the use of bay leaves among the Seminole of Florida
as a protective. The person who was in charge of the funeral chewed bay leaves and spat
the assistants at the funeral to ward off the effects of evil spirits. During the burial the
chewing of the bay leaves went on regularly. The entire body of the dead man was strewn
with leaves of bay.
The Uses of Bay Leaves
One of the main uses of bay leaves is in the culinary arts. It is an essential condiment in
many European, North American and Indian cuisine. Some times the leaves are used
whole during cooking and before serving the leaves are removed. In order to obtain
stronger flavor of the leaves, sometimes it is ground and added to the preparation; this
also helps avoid biting on the leaf directly.
The bay leaves which became an essential ingredient in many dishes have certain
accompanying properties. In the Middle Ages people thought bay leaves have magical
qualities .They also used the leaves to cause abortion. Due to the lauric acid content in the
leaves it can ward off insects. In herbal remedies they are used for treating high blood
sugar, migraine, bacterial and fungal infection. Bay oil is used in the preparation of
liniments for sprains. Preparations made of bay leaves helps in the onslaught of
menstruation. The pain on the aching limbs is reduced by the infusion of bay leaves in the
bath water.
The essential oil obtained from the bay leaves is used in the manufacture of some
varieties of soap. It is used as a hedge plant. The presence of bay leaves affords
protection to other plants from insects because of their natural insect repellent qualities.
The wood is employed in making of handicraft .It is used as friction sticks to make fire.
Some also fashion walking sticks from its wood.
Bay Leaves in Aromatherapy
Civilized man used aromatic plants for religious ritual, medical application, magic and
also as a cosmetic. Their use as incense is very ancient. Ancients believed that diseases
entered human body through the evil spirits and the burning of these incenses warded off
the evil spirits. The word perfume derived from the Latin perfumum meant through
smoke. This ancient belief was the primitive foundation of modern aromatherapy.
The process of distillation was known to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. With the
Christianization of Rome, the Monks in the monasteries were engaged in studies on
medicinal qualities of herbs and the process of distillation. Side by side with this folklore
also developed. Arabs have made significant contribution to the science of distillation.
An Arabian alchemist, Avicenna (10th century AD) is considered the first person to find
out a viable and practical form of distillation of the essential oil from aromatic plants.
The well known strong effects of the bay leaves on the nervous system and because of its
mild narcotic effects they are employed in aromatherapy. It can be used in depression
related conditions, anxiety and fear. It enhances awareness level and builds up
The Aromatherapy recipe given below is ideally suited for enhancing awareness level,
confidence and general well being. It is a combination of Bergamot oil and Bay laurel oil.
The bergamot is an urbane scent suited to the civilized adult taste. Bay laurel oil is
associated with fame, wealth and success. The fragrance is ideal for interviews and
important business meetings.
2 drops of Bay laurel
3 drops of Bergamot
Bay Leaves in Massage Therapy
Massage of the body for curing ailments and relieving pain is very ancient. Modern
studies have only confirmed the benefits of these therapies. It has been proved to lower
stress levels, cure insomnia, cure muscle pain in some cases, enhance the body posture
and reduce dryness of the skin. Massage has also salutary effects of blood circulation and
the flexibility of the body. If the circulation level increases, it results in the removal of the
accumulated toxins from the body and produce fitness. The whole body is revitalized and
recharged by an effective massage. It also enhances the sexual vitality.
There are many custom made blends available in the market for various purposes. The
recipe given below is an ideal blend if you are experiencing fatigue.
Cedar wood
Bay laurel
Sweet Almond oil
3 drops
2 drops
2 drops
1 ounce
Pour all the essential oils into a suitable container and then add Sweet Almond oil into it
and shake thoroughly. Massaging gives immediate energy boost. It is ideal for refreshing
tired legs, feet and back.
Bay Leaves in Soap Making
The unique fragrance of bay laurel oil and the many accompanying benefits on the skin
and the lingering sweetness of its aroma persuade soap makers to use it in the commercial
or home recipes. Many brands in the market have a tinge of bay laurel about it. It is
possible to make very fine soap, after shave splash and shampoo at home with a little
imagination. Try this bay laurel shave splash.
Bay laurel shave splash:
The aroma of the bay laurel gives confidence for the whole day and the essential oil that
is to be used in its preparation is bay laurel oil.
3 oz witch hazel extract
2 oz distilled water
½ oz dark rum 1 table
1 tbsp vegetable glycerin
1 strip of orange peel
1 strip of lemon peel
5 dried clove
½ stick of cinnamon stick
3 ml bay laurel oil
Take fruit and spices in a glass jar. Mix witch hazel, water, rum and glycerin well and
pour into the glass jar. Then add the bay laurel and shake gently. The after shave is ready.
The following precautions have to be followed in the use of bay laurel oil. Always dilute
with carrier oil before application on the body. It should not be used during pregnancy. It
has to be used in moderation because of narcotic effect. It may be ideal to conduct a skin
sensitivity test by applying a small portion of the oil on the skin and wait a few hours to
see if there is any sign of allergic reaction.