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Card 6
Weathering –1) Chemical – oxidation, water, sulfuric acid 2) Mechanical – exfoliation, root pry, abrasion, frost
action, gravity
Draw water cycle
Karst topography occurs in Valley and Ridge , limestone is dissolved by carbonic acid
Draw a picture of stalagmite and stalactite
Draw a picture of zone of aeration, water table and zone of saturation
Draw and label the ground zones: top soil, sub soil , weathered parent rock and bed rock
Card 7 Fresh Water Process Part 2
• Glaciers: Valley and Continental
• Define: Terminal and Lateral Morraine, till, meltwater deposit
• Rivers and Streams: 1) Immature- V-shaped valley, water flows
quickly, rapids 2) Mature – meanders, slow, river valley
• Define the following features: oxbow lake, alluvial fan, delta, flood
plain, levee
• Humans pollute rivers by water from agricultural run off
Card 9
Fossils- found in sedimentary rocks
Trace Fossils
Several preserve the entire Fossil: Amber, Freezing, Tar Pit
Describe Relative dating,
Law of Superposition, index fossils
Card 10 Historical Geology 2
Describe Absolute Date examples Carbon dating (once living) and Uranium dating
(never living)
• Geologic Time divisions:Eons --- Eras- periods ---- epochs
• Precambrian – majority of geologic life is here, stromalites major life form 4 billion
years, until cambrian period
• 3 Eras :
• Paleozoic- ancient life
Mesozoic- middle life
• Cenozoic- recent life
Describe one or two examples of life in that era
Card 11 VA Geology
• Draw a Map of VA, label each of the
• 1 or 2 Key features about each
• Type of rock found in each.
Chesapeake Bay Card 12
• Define: Watershed, Drainage Basin, Tributary
• What are the 5 major VA rivers that empty into the Bay
• Bay Problems:
1. Nutrients and fertilizers add nitrogen to the water which increases the
algae; algae uses up oxygen which kills off animals. Prevents sunlight from
2. New species have been introduced into bay which have no predators;
increased populations.
3. Harmful chemicals from surface runoff.
Human Impact
1. Pesticides, herbicides, trash dumps.
Define: point and non-point source
Card 13 Oceanography part1
• Draw the ocean floor and label the following features:
continental margin, shelf, slope, submarine canyon,
trench, rift, abyssal plain, and seamount.
• Identify any tectonic process that cause these features to
form ex. Trenches, rifts, etc.
• Define salinity –
• What is the most abundant salt in sea water?
Card 14 Oceanography part 2
• Currents- How do currents form? Warm vs. cold. Which ones impact
the US?
• Zones- diagram the different zones of the ocean (surface,
thermocline, deep) discuss how and why they are different.
• Tides – Neap and Spring Tide explain
• Life Zones – plankton, nekton, benthos- explain and give examples
• Ocean issues – overfishing, pollution, dumping, oil spills, fertilizers.
Card 15 Meteorology Part 1
• Layers of the Atmosphere- diagram the layers, the
boundaries, indicate key things like: ozone, jet stream,
auroras, where jets fly, radio waves, meteorites,
• Air Circulation/winds – diagram land breeze/sea breeze,
describe all 4 air masses ( continental tropical,
continental polar, maritime tropical, maritime polar)
• Coriolis Effect- define
• Human impacts- destruction of ozone, cfc’s, burning
fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide, traps heatgreenhouse effect.
Card 16 Meteorology Part 2
Types of Precipitation – Define Hail, Rain, Freezing Rain, Snow, Sleet
(Describe under which conditions when each type will form)
Severe weather – Tornadoes, Hurricanes – how they form, things necessary
to maintain strength, the scale by which they are measured.
Weather symbols – draw the 4 front symbols and describe them,
Draw a simple weather station model –
Define isotherm and Isobar
Define Thermometer, Barometer,Windvane, rain gauge,
Card 17 Astronomy Part 1
Planets- list planets in order, include one special feature about each one.
Theories – Describe Big Bang and Solar Nebular Theory
Define: Asteroids, where are they found
What is the difference between a meteor, meteoroid, meteorite
What are the 3 parts of a comet, where do they orbit, why does the tail point
away from the sun?
What are the 3 types of Galaxies? Draw a picture
What is the Red Shift? What Theory does this support?
Card 18 Astronomy part 2
• Stars – list and draw the life cycle of stars – low mass, medium and
high mass
• Sun – draw and label the layers of the sun
• Draw and label the phases of the moon
• What is the HR diagram? Draw and label each axis.
• What is the difference between absolute and apparent magnitude?
• What did each of the following people contribute to or believe
in:Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton.
• What is a planets period of revolution, its period of rotation
• Draw the diagram of the seasons and label the solstices and
• What was the first space mission to the moon? Who was the first
man on the moon? Who was the first American who orbited the