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Teacher: Robinson
Day 1
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A: n/a
Learning Target
Bell Ringer
B: 2/6
Exit Ticket
Day 2-3
Learning Target
Bell Ringer
Lesson Plans
Dates: 2/6-2/17
Course: Pre-Biology
I can name the two major types of cell division and describe the purpose for both types.
List & describe the purpose of the major cell structures.
1. Differentiate between somatic and gamete cells.
2. Differentiate the GOAL of mitosis and meiosis.
3. Describe the different forms DNA can take… including nucleoid, chromatin, chromatids, chromosomes, & homologous chromosomes.
4. Describe the cell cycle including a summary of the major events that occur during interphase (G1, S, and G2) as well as the general overall
purpose of mitosis/cytokinesis.
5. Review some illustrations of the cell cycle.
Differentiate between the purpose of mitosis and meiosis. How does an organisms’ asexual/sexual mode of reproduction influence the type of cell
division an organism uses?
Mitosis worksheet
Questions from lecture/discussion
B: 2/8
I can name the two major types of cell division and describe the purpose for both types.
List & describe the purpose of the major cell structures.
6. Review yesterday’s lesson. Repeat as necessary.
7. Question/answer session with class.
8. Review illustrations of the cell cycle.
Day 4-5
Learning Target
The students should write a summary that explains the major differences between diploid and haploid cells.
Differentiate between the purpose of mitosis and meiosis. How does an organisms’ asexual/sexual mode of reproduction influence the type of cell
division an organism uses?
Mitosis worksheet
Questions from lecture/discussion
I can name each of the steps of mitosis as well as identify the major events of each step in this process.
A: 2/9
Bell Ringer
In addition to naming and describing the steps of mitosis, I can also explain the purpose of the major events that occur in each stage of mitosis.
Name each step of mitosis in the correct order.
B: 2/10
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A: 2/7
Exit Ticket
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Describe each step of mitosis and label the structures found throughout the process. Write a short summary of each stage of the mitotic cell cycle.
Identify the purpose of each major structure and event observed throughout the process of the cell cycle/mitosis.
Day 6-7
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Exit Ticket
Learning Target
Bell Ringer
Review how mitosis is different between plants and animals (concerning the cell plate formation in plant, but a cell membrane cleavage in animal
Draw an example of a cell that has 6 chromosomes in metaphase would appear like. Is the nucleus present? Why or why not?
Compare/contrast types of cell division
Homework & discussions
I can explain the difference between diploid and haploid cells and explain why mitosis is always contains diploid cells.
Describe the major events that occur in each phase of mitosis, be sure to explain when the nucleus is and is not present in a eukaryotic cell?
A: 2/13
B: 2/14
Quiz :
Purpose and phases of mitosis.
Review somatic and gamete cells concepts.
Describe the major differences between diploid and haploid cells. Explain the purpose for this.
Group Activity:
Have the students hypothesize how this process could occur with a “trading of cards” activity.
Exit Ticket
Day 8-9
Learning Target
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A: 2/15
B: 2/16
Day 10
Bell Ringer
Neapolitan Ice Cream Lab:
Sequence the events as to how Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches can be divided in such a manner that each new half still maintains the qualities of
a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich.
Explain the MAIN REASON for the events of each phase of mitosis.
I can explain the purpose of meiosis, and describe how the events of independent assortment and crossing over both play a major role in producing
genetic variation within a gene pool.
I can describe the major events that occur in it, and differentiate between mitosis & meiosis accordingly.
Are the cells resulting from mitosis identical to the original cells or are they unique?
Explain the concepts of gene segregation and independent assortment.
Explain the process of crossing over.
Explain how linked genes interfere with independent assortment.
Exit Ticket
Group Review Activity questions:
1. Review bell ringers & exit slips.
2. Summarize the major events of the cell cycle
3. Justify how mitosis is used for growth (identical cells) and meiosis is for variation.
4. Differentiate between haploid and diploid cells.
5. Differentiate between somatic and gamete cells.
6. Do all organisms that undergo mitosis also experience meiosis?
7. Do all organisms that experience meiosis also undergo mitosis?
What is the difference between a diploid cell and a haploid cell?
Learning Target
What are the major differences of mitosis and meiosis? Include a description that identifies not just the difference in purpose, but also in
chromosomal layout.
Organize a review sheet from the bell ringers & exit tickets for this unit.
Review activity/discussion
I can statements from days 1-4.
(Add dates)
A: 2/17
Bell Ringer
I can describe how each type of cell division is related to asexual and sexual reproduction.
Compare and contrast gene segregation and independent assortment. Explain how both play a role in increasing genetic variation within a
Test on asexual cell reproduction, interphase & mitosis.
B: n/a
Asexual & Sexual reproduction.
How do the major events of meiosis produce cells that are they unique (assorted) when compared to the parents?
Exit Ticket
CCSS/ MS Framework Competency/Objective:
Obj 4b. Differentiate between the types of cellular reproduction.