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Diagnostic Test
Scientific Investigation
1. A biology class wanted to develop a research project to predict the
effects of a new highway on wildflower species found in the Piedmont
region of Virginia. The class could best conduct such a study by
sampling flowers found in the highway construction area —
A. one year before highway construction begins
B. both before and after highway construction is completed _
C. immediately after highway construction is finished
D. during the time highway construction is taking place
2. People long ago believed that maggots came from meat. In the late
1600s, Francesco Redi made the hypothesis that maggots came from
flies rather than from meat. Which of these experimental designs could
be used to test Redi’s hypothesis?
According to the table, which graph
below illustrates the calories used for
1 hour of jogging followed by 2 hours
of walking?
4. Which sentence best states the importance of using control groups?
A Control groups allow comparison between subjects receiving a treatment
and those receiving no treatment. _
B Control groups eliminate the need for large sample sizes, reducing the number
of measurements needed.
C Control groups eliminate the need for statistical tests and simplify calculations.
D Control groups provide a method by which statistical variability can be reduced
The hypothesis best supported by this
graph is that these beetles are most
active when the area is —
A free from predators
B coolest with some sunlight _
C wettest from dew
D richest in oxygen supplies
6. In 1928, the scientist Alexander Fleming was trying to grow the
bacterium Staphylococcus, and by chance, discovered that it would not
grow in the presence of a mold that he named Penicillium. In 1939,
Ernst Chain and Howard Florey purified penicillin, and in 1941,
penicillin was first used to treat bacterial diseases. In 1945, Alexander
Fleming, Ernst Chain, and Howard Florey received the Nobel
Prize in medicine for the discovery and isolation of penicillin. These
facts show that —
A Florey and Chain unfairly used Fleming’s work and should not have
received the Nobel Prize
B chance plays no role in scientific discoveries
C scientific progress often requires the efforts of many people working together_
D whenever possible, the Nobel Prize should be given to more than one person
Which of these hypotheses is best
supported by observations of this animal?
A This animal spends much of its time
digging. _
B This animal usually hunts for food at
C This animal is herbivorous.
D This animal has poor hearing.
The data show the growth of two
bean plants over several weeks using
four different fertilizers. The
experimental data would be more
valid if which of the following
variables was included in the
A A fifth fertilizer was tested.
B Only one plant was tested.
C The plants were grown at variable
D A control without fertilizer was included
for each plant. _
The most valid and reliable test of this hypothesis would include an
experimental group of pine seeds that was recovered from a fire area
and pine seeds that were —
A germinated after a fire
B tolerant of fire
C found before a fire _
D placed in a fire
10. A student wanted to study the effect of temperature on algae levels
in a local stream. Which items are most useful for gathering data and
most appropriate for communicating the results of her observations?
A Research on the Internet and videotapes of water samples
B Microscopes and written descriptions of weather patterns
C pH strips and written observations of stream water
D Test tubes, thermometers, and graphs of results
Jan consistently read the volume of liquids
as shown. How would this practice impact
her work?
A Her measurements would lack precision.
B Her measurements would be too high.
C Her measurements would be too low for less
dense liquids.
D Her measurements would be very accurate.
Which hypothesis is best supported by
this graph?
A A disease of cardinals spread throughout the park.
B Dominant cardinal chicks were the first to be fed.
C The population of cardinal predators increased.
D The cardinals’ food supply increased.
13. Scientists have noted a decline in fungi species dating back to the
early 1900s. Annual crops of edible mushrooms in France and Germany
have declined since 1950. One hypothesis to explain this decline is that
edible fungi are being overharvested. Global warming and air pollution
have also been considered as contributing to the decline. Which of the
following would exclude overharvesting as the cause of the decline?
A Fungal-population increases in tropical regions
B Similar declines among edible North American species
C High fungal numbers in nitrogen-poor soils
D A parallel decline in non-edible species
Which factor would need to be
known before a valid conclusion
could be based upon these data?
A The original average height of grass _
B The length of the study period
C The density of the phosphate solutions
D The mineral content of the potting soil
15. A student wanted to look at plant growth in five different soil
samples. He planted the same type of seeds in identical containers and
left them together in full sunlight. He gave each plant the same amount
of water and charted the growth of each plant stem. What is the
independent variable in this experiment?
A Soil _
B Light
C Container
D Seeds
In the table, which item of data is
most likely to be invalid?
A Plot 1 on July 1
B Plot 2 on June 15 _
C Plot 3 on May 15
D Plot 4 on May 30
In the lab setup pictured, a student is
trying to determine the effect of
pollutants on the growth of three groups
of seeds. The results will not be valid
because the experiment has —
A no conclusion
B no hypothesis
C too few experimental groups
D too many variables
18. Orchids were studied to determine if the amount of humidity
affected the flowering of these plants. Which of these was the
independent variable in this study?
A The percentage of humidity _
B The amount watered
C The length of time required for flowering
D The number of flowers on each plant
19. Richard was observing black swallowtail butterflies in the field.
Which one of these is an observation he made about a black
swallowtail butterfly?
A The black swallowtail is closely related to the spicebush swallowtail.
B The black swallowtail belongs to the class Insecta.
C The black swallowtail likes to fly more than anything else.
D The black swallowtail laid its eggs on a parsley plant.
Which variable appears to control leaf production in these plants?
A The amount of water
B The temperature _
C The number of daylight hours
D The relative humidity
21. A biology class in Virginia conducted a survey of the plant species
found on their school grounds. They found several plants that they
didn’t recognize. What resources would be most helpful to the class in
identifying the plants and determining if they were introduced as
exotic species?
A Biology textbooks and the encyclopedia
B Virginia native plant checklists and plant identification keys _
C Fossil records and historical society publications
D Virginia newspapers and science journals
22. A student hypothesizes that thick leg muscles are an inherited trait
in dogs. The student collects data on several dogs, and the data show
that dogs that live outdoors have thicker leg muscles than dogs that
live indoors. What should the student conclude?
A Dogs that inherit thick leg muscles may not survive indoors.
B Dogs with thick leg muscles may require more exercise than dogs with thin leg
C Inheritance alone may not account for thick leg muscles in dogs. _
D Inheritance of thick leg muscles may be associated with coat thickness in
23. A company that produces Brand X flea shampoo claims to have the
most effective shampoo for killing fleas. Which of these sets of data
supports the Brand X claim?
24. Francesco Redi performed an experiment in 1668. In the
experiment, he placed rotting meat in two jars. The first jar was left
open. After a few days, fly larvae were found on the decaying
meat inside. The mouth of the second jar was covered with gauze.
After a few days, the decaying meat inside was
free of fly larvae, but larvae were found on the gauze. This experiment
supports the hypothesis that —
A adult flies are not attracted to decaying meat
B fly larvae prefer fresh meat
C fly larvae only come from adult flies _
D decaying meat produces fly larvae
25. Harvester ants often strip a bush of all of its leaves. Some people
believe this helps the plant grow thicker, healthier
stems. In an experiment, a student stripped off all the leaves from a
set of plants. In a second set of identical plants, the student allowed
ants to strip off the plants’ leaves. In order to improve this
experimental design, it is most important to add a set of plants —
A exposed to a different ant species
B of a different species
C with its leaves left intact _
D that are dormant
These data were collected by
observing responses of different
organisms to light. Which conclusion
is supported by these data?
A Organisms that use photosynthesis are
attracted to light. _
B Protists are not attracted to light.
C Animals are attracted to light.
D Decomposers are attracted to light
27. Which question cannot be answered scientifically because the
quantity cannot actually be measured?
A How fast can a tiger swallowtail butterfly fly?
B How heavy is a mature female elephant?
C How happy is a chimpanzee when it finds its favorite food? _
D How much food does a water buffalo
consume in one day?
28. In 1869, DNA was discovered within the nuclei of cells. By the
1940s, scientists knew that chromosomes were made of both DNA and
protein but did not know which was the genetic material of cells. In the
1950s, scientists demonstrated that DNA is the material responsible for
heredity. In 1953, using information collected by other scientists, an
American biologist and an English physicist built a three-dimensional
model of DNA. These discoveries best illustrate the importance of —
A independent research
B replication of results
C collaborative efforts among scientists _
D recent improvements in the scientific method
Four disinfectants were tested in two trials, each for their effectiveness
in controlling bacterial growth. The table shows the bacterial growth in
each trial after four days. Which of the following conclusions is best
supported by the results of this study?
A Disinfectants kill most bacteria on contact.
B Strong concentrations of disinfectants can be harmful.
C Some disinfectants are more effective than others. _
D Disinfectants cannot be used to control bacterial infections
Which data point on the graph is
probably invalid?
31. In an experiment, the height of several plants was recorded daily in
millimeters. Which tool would be the most accurate and appropriate for
this measurement?
A Digital scale
B Graduated cylinder
C Yardstick
D Metric ruler
The results of Pasteur’s experiment
helped Pasteur to —
A reject the theory of spontaneous
B isolate the virus responsible for smallpox
C produce a vaccine against rabies
D convince people to cover food
33. A scientist designed an experiment to test the effect of temperature
on bacterial growth. He grew three different cultures of the bacterium
E. coli under three heat lamps at different temperatures. What was the
independent variable in this experiment?
A Length of the experiment
B Number of bacteria
C Reproduction rate
D Temperature
34. A student soaked 50 lima bean seeds and 50 green bean seeds in water
for24 hours. Then she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of two
centimeters, using the same amount of water, light, and heat for each kind
of seed. She measured every three days to determine which type of seed
grew the fastest. The paragraph describes —
A an observation
C a hypothesis
B an experiment
D a conclusion
Which of these would be the best
conclusion regarding the experimental
results shown?
A The tallest this species of plant will ever
grow is 50 cm.
B This species of plant grew best between
18°C and 26°C.
C The ideal temperature for all plant growth
is 26°C.
D Plants will not grow above 26°C.
Biologists surveyed four islands in a
chain near a continent. They identified
species found on the mainland and those
species that were unique to each
island. Based on these results, which
island is probably farthest from the
In a student experiment, 4 earthworms were
placed at each end of a compartment as shown.
After 10 minutes, all of the earthworms were
together in the same area. The students
concluded that the earthworms had moved as
far as they could in that period of time. Which
alternative explanation is also supported?
A The earthworms moved to their preferred
temperature range.
B The earthworms needed to be with other
earthworms for warmth.
C The earthworms preferred to be in protected
D The earthworms moved randomly until they
grouped together.
38. A scientist observes that a species of insect appears to be more
numerous during dry summers than during wet summers. Which is the
next step to determine an explanation of this phenomenon?
A Develop a hypothesis
B Publish the observation
C Observe the species in the winter
D Present a theory in a scientific journal
39. A student plans to conduct an experiment to determine how a change in
the pH of water affects the population growth rate of algae. To ensure that
her experimental data are valid, she should —
A hold the acidity of the water constant
B vary the temperature of the water used
C control the final algae population sizes
D use the same species of algae in all trials
A student constructs several
terrariums like the one shown.
Each terrarium is exposed to a
different amount of sunlight each
day. In order to determine the ideal
amount of sunlight, which of the
following variables must be held
A Type of plants
B Growth rate of plants
C Wavelengths of sunlight
D Amount of sunlight received
As part of an experiment to measure
decomposition rates of different
materials, students put food scraps from
the cafeteria in compost bin A and leaves
and grass clippings in compost bin B for
six weeks. Students in first period
measured the temperature in bin A, and
students in sixth period measured the
temperature in bin B. What is the greatest
error in the students’ experimental
A There are too many uncontrolled variables
in the experiment.
B Temperature is the only dependent variable
in the experiment.
C The materials chosen decompose too
D The students put equal masses of materials
in each bin.
42. A student hypothesizes that green algae will grow fastest when
exposed to blue light. To test this hypothesis, the student should design an
experiment with which independent variable?
A Color of algae
B Rate of algae growth
C Color of light that algae are exposed to
D Amount of time per day that algae are exposed to light
The diagram shows a setup for a plant investigation. Which variable is
most likely being tested?
A Hours of light exposure
B Plant species
C Soil volume
D Soil pH
44. Students in a biology class thought that salt water would affect the
movements of planaria. They put 25 planaria in salt water and recorded
their observations. Which flaw was present in the design of their
A There was no hypothesis.
B There was no control.
C The sample was too big.
D The procedure was too complicated.
45. A scientist develops a hypothesis, designs an experiment, and obtains
data that support her hypothesis. Which of the following best describes
when a hypothesis becomes a theory?
A When one good set of scientific data supports a theory
B When the official scientific method is followed
C When a website is created to display the theory
D When it is supported by consistent data from many experimental trials