Download 45 Ways to Practice Spelling

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45 Ways to Practice Spelling
Choose 3 different activities to do each week for your spelling contract. One
assignment is due after each homework night. Please write the number of the
assignment you are doing on your paper under your name (Spelling Activity #1).
This is your “contract” for the entire year.
Write each word 3 times, using your best penmanship.
Write each spelling word two times, once in cursive and once in print.
Write 10 sentences using all your spelling words.
Write each spelling word once and then write a rhyming word. List the
words that have no rhyming words.
5. Rainbow your words in 3 different colors. Write each word once and then
trace over the word in two more colors.
6. Write the words in ABC order.
7. Create a word search with your spelling words. Be sure to solve the puzzle
when you are finished. (You may do this on graph paper or use
8. Backwards Words- Write your words forwards, then backwards.
9. Type all of your spelling words on the computer or on a typewriter.
10. Ransom words - Use old magazines, catalogs, or newspapers to cut out
letters and glue them down to spell your words.
11. Print one of your spelling words neatly. Take a colored pen and draw an
outline around the word, closely following the shapes of the letters. Close
your eyes and remember the shape.
12. Write a story using ALL of your spelling words.
13. Paint Your Words- Use small paint brushes to paint the words.
14. Word collage - Design a collage using all of the words using markers,
colored pencils etc.
15. Picture words - Draw a picture and write your words in the picture.
16. Words without Vowels - Write your words replacing all vowels with a line.
17. Words without Consonants - Same as above but replace consonants with
18. Scrambled words -Write your words, then write them again with the
letters mixed up.
19. Surround words - Write your words on graph paper and outline in colors.
20. Pyramid Words - Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a
time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words.
21. Choo-Choo Words - Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word,
using different colors of crayon or colored pencils for different words.
22. Draw a picture that illustrates each word and write the word below it. List
the words you did not illustrate.
23. Write all your spelling words that begin with a consonant in one list. Put
the words that begin with a vowel in another list.
24. Write each spelling word and circle the vowels.
25. List the words from shortest to longest.
26. Write your words with colored pencils. Use a different color for the vowels
and for the consonants.
27. Make a flower garden. Write a spelling word on each flower.
28. Make a picture. Use spelling words in place of some of the lines to make
“hidden” words.
29. Write a story using 10 spelling words. List those words you did not use.
30. List your spelling words from easiest to hardest to learn.
31. Make a cross where two words have the same letter in the middle.
Sometimes the word cross may be lopsided.
32. Write all your spelling words that have double vowels in a list. On a second
list write the spelling words that have more than two vowels in them. List
the words with one vowel letter in a third list.
33. List your spelling words by special sounds and sight words.
34. Write your spelling words in a different shape such as a square, circle or
35. Read all your spelling words three times, and then see how many you can
write from memory. Look at the list once more. Try to write all the
remaining words without looking again.
36. Put the spelling words with short vowel sounds in one list and long vowel
sounds in another list. If a word has more than one syllable, use the first
37. Write each spelling word and separate into syllables.
38. Print the first letter of each word very large. Put all the other letters inside
in the right order.
39. Make a chart for the number of syllables and list each word under the
correct heading.
40. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of each spelling word. For
example, draw a picture of the sun for bright. Put the word under its
41. Make each of your spelling words a beautiful thing by printing or writing it
as artistically as you can.
42. See how many antonyms (opposites) you can write for your spelling words.
List those words you don’t know an antonym for.
43. Write each word and a synonym for it. List the words for which you cannot
find a synonym.
44. Write all your spelling words. List the homonyms beside each spelling
word that has one. For example: bear and bare.
45. List your spelling words in three columns. Give a title to each column.