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Speed = Distance  Time
Velocity is the speed and direction of an object.
Acceleration is a change in speed or direction.
In order for an object to have momentum, it must be in motion.
If an object resists a change in motion, it has inertia.
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion states: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton’s 1st Law states: An object will remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside
What is the average acceleration of a motorcycle which goes from zero to 60 m/s in 5 seconds?
A=(60-0)/5=12 m/s²
If a cannon ball and a volleyball are rolling at the same speed down a track, which has more inertia?
Which has more momentum? cannon, cannon
If the same 2 balls are sitting on the floor, which has more inertia? cannon
Which has more momentum? neither, both have zero momentum because they're not moving
What is the name of the force that pulls things down to Earth? Gravity
What 2 things determine the strength of this force? Mass & distance
What is happening between O and A? speeding up/constant acceleration (+)
Between A and B? constant speed/zero acceleration
Between B and C? slowing down/constant acceleration (-), also known as deceleration
Name one point where the object is not moving. At 0 and below C at very end of graph
16. At what point on a rollercoaster is gravitational potential energy at its maximum? Top of first, highest hill
17. Where on a rollercoaster is kinetic energy increasing and GPE decreasing? anytime going down hill
18. The gravitational force between two objects depends on which of the following?
A. their masses and their velocities
B. their masses and their weights
C. their masses and their speed
D. their masses and the distance between the objects ********
19. Which of the following statements is true about electrical charges?
A. positive charges repel each other *******
B. positive and negative charges repel each other
C. negative charges attract each other
D. Both A & C
E. None of the above
20. At the atomic level, what causes an object to have a positive charge?
A. The object loses electrons. ********(Atoms can only lose electrons, number of protons can't change)
B. The object has a balance of protons and electrons.
C. All of the above
21. If an object initially has 100 J of energy when it starts moving but has 70 J of energy at some point later, what is
the object doing?
A. accelerating
B. decelerating********
C. moving at a constant velocity
22. Which object will have more Kinetic Energy?
A. A stationary bulldozer
B. A car driving at a speed of 2 m/s **********(the heaviest moving object, if speeds are the same)
C. A bird flying at a speed of 2 m/s
D. They all would have the same kinetic energy
23. What is the difference between thermal energy and temperature?
E. Temperature is the average kinetic energy while thermal energy is the average potential energy
F. Temperature is the average potential energy while Thermal energy is the sum of kinetic energy and
potential energy
G. Temperature is the average kinetic energy while thermal energy is the sum of potential energy and
kinetic energy**********
H. Temperature is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy while thermal energy in the average
kinetic energy
24. The International System of Units (SI) is used by scientists
I. only in the United States
J. in most of Europe.
K. only in France
L. all over the world.**********
25. No more energy can be removed from matter at
A. its freezing point.
C. absolute zero.**********
B. 0ºC.
D. 273 K.