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Name: ______________________________
Date: ______________
Period: _____________
Unit 5 – Africa --- NORTH AFRICA – Unit Exam
Section 1: Circle the letter of the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1. Africa can be divided into four major geographical regions. These regions are
known as:
North Africa, West Africa, Latin Africa, and Southern Africa
Mid-Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa
North Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Central and Southern Africa
East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa
2. On the northern border of Africa is a large body of water called the:
North Sea
Black Sea
Red Sea
Mediterranean Sea
3. Africa is home to the longest river in the world. Although this river begins in
East Africa, it flows northward and ends in North Africa. The name of this river
is the:
Congo River
Niger River
Nile River
Zambezi River
4. Located on the north-eastern border of Egypt in North Africa (and the East
African countries of Sudan, and Ethiopia) is another large body of water. This
sea is called the:
North Sea
Black Sea
Red Sea
Coral Sea
5. Although many of Africa’s regions are rich in minerals, most of the land in Africa
is still used for what purpose?
Developing large metropolitan cities
6. Much of the culture of North Africa has been influenced by traders from the Arab
traders from Asia. As a result, the primary religion of the countries in North
Africa is:
7. Over the centuries, ancient Egyptians worked out ways to predict the flooding of
the Nile River. As a result of their efforts, they developed this tool to keep track
of the pattern of flooding.
A sun dial to know what time of day the Nile River would flood
A 365-day calendar based on the sun
An aqueduct to channel the flooding waters
A dam to keep the Nile River from flooding
8. The people of ancient Egypt used stories about their gods to explain nature. What
did the ancient Egyptians use as a symbol of the life cycle?
9. This city was the capital of ancient Egypt which marked the beginning of the
Egyptian civilization that would last more than 3,000 years – one of the longest
lasting civilizations in history.
10. Ancient Egypt developed a method of architecture in which they could build
pyramids. The best known of Egypt’s pyramids is called the:
Step Pyramid of Memphis
Great Pyramid of Giza
Sumerian Pyramid
Hatshepsut’s Pyramid
11. This landmark is the largest free-standing sculpture of the Ancient World. It has
the head of a human and the body of a lion.
The Minotaur
The Pillar of Thebes
The Sphinx
The Mastaba Pyramid
12. Sand storms deteriorated many of the sculptures and monuments of ancient
Egypt. But, today what is the main problem in preserving these monuments?
Robbers and thieves
Internal wars and conflicts
Other countries buying and removing them from Egypt
13. Following the death of this very young pharaoh, Egypt’s wealth and its hold on
the empire began to slip away. When this pharaoh died at age 18, he was buried
in a solid-gold coffin in a splendid tomb filled with gold and jewelry. What is the
name of this young pharaoh of ancient Egypt?
14. A major factor in causing the ancient Egyptian civilization to weaken was:
pharaohs were too young
rule by outsiders
slaves overthrew the government
people of ancient Egypt adopted a democratic government
15. The capital city of Egypt is Africa’s largest city. It has a larger population than
Los Angeles and Chicago combined. The name of this city is:
Cape Town
16. While most Muslims in Egypt believe the laws of Egypt should be based on
Islamic law, there is one major disagreement among the Egyptians. This area of
disagreement is concerned with:
The restriction of travel of Western cultures in Egypt
The urbanization of major cities in Egypt
The behavior of women in public
The prohibition of alcohol
17. The two main ethnic groups of Algeria are:
Catholics and Muslims
Berbers and Arabs
Bantus and Swahilis
Twas and Tutsis
18. What is the name of the man-made waterway providing a transportation corridor
for North Africa between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea?
Panama Canal
Erie Canal
Suez Canal
Grand Canal
19. What is the name of Egypt’s main seaport which was founded by Alexander the
20. What is the biggest problem for farmers in North Africa?
(a) lack of technology
(b) lack of workers
(c) lack of water
(d) lack of fertilizer
21. Although most of the land is desert, North Africa is rich in natural resources.
What is the major natural resource in North Africa?
iron ore
Section 2: Egyptian Mythology
Match the following ancient Egyptian gods to their responsibilities.
________ 22. Seth
a) God of the Sun and Creation
________ 23. Ra (most important god)
b) God of Chaos
________ 24. Horus
c) God of the Dead
________ 25. Osiris
d) God of Light
________ 26. Isis
e) Mother Goddess of Fertility and Nature
Section 3: Ancient Egypt’s Social Classes
27. – 31. The history of ancient Egypt is divided into three periods: Old Kingdom,
Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom. During the Middle Kingdom, Egyptian society
saw a rise of a middle class of people. Arrange the following five classes in descending
order in the social pyramid of ancient Egypt. (Write the letter of each class in the
different levels on the pyramid.)
craft workers, merchants, and scribes
Section 4: Vocabulary
Read each sentence and then write in the blank the letter of the corresponding word that
best fits into the sentence
32. Muslims believe that the __________________________ [ (a) Bible, (b) Torah,
(c) Quran ], their holy book, contains the words of God and that they were revealed
to Muhammad during the month of Ramadan.
33. When a group of people share similar beliefs and customs, they are said to share a
_________________ [ (a) plantation, (b) culture, (c) rift ].
34. Cultures are constantly changing as people and ideas move from one place to
another. This movement of customs and ideas is called ______________________
[ (a) migration, (b) cultural diffusion, (c) Pan-Africanism ].
35. Many Egyptians do their grocery shopping in the ___________________________
[ (a) casbah, (b) bazaar, (c) coup ] or open-air market.
36. Much of the recorded history of Ancient Egypt was written on scrolls made of
______________________ [ (a) slate, (b) linen, (c) papyrus].
37. Hatshepsut was one of the very few female _______________________________
[ (a) peasants, (b) fellaheen, (c) pharaohs ] since most of them were male.
38. Many people believe the ancient pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves; however,
in reality they were built by the _________________ [ (a) vassals, (b) peasants,
(c) coups] during the periods of when the Nile River flooded their fields and they
could not farm.
39. Ancient Egypt’s history is reflected in the story of the many
______________________ [ (a) dynasties, (b) fellaheen, (c) terraces] in which
the title of pharaoh was passed down along family lines.
40. We have been able to learn a great deal of the history of Ancient Egypt through the
Rosetta Stone which is written in three languages: Greek, Egyptian, and a form of
Egyptian picture writing called __________________________ [ (a) phonetics,
(b) Swahili, (c) hieroglyphics.
41. Many Egyptian pharaohs built ______________________________ [ (a) towers,
(b) pyramids, (c) roads] to protect their bodies after death before going to the
Section 5: Countries and Capital Cities in North Africa. Match the capital city with
its country.
Capital City
__________ 42. Egypt
A. Tunis
__________ 43. Libya
__________ 44. Tunisia
__________ 45. Algeria
D. Tripoli
__________ 46. Morocco
Section 6: Essay
For the following question, your answer must be in paragraph form (3 or more sentences). Use the
your laptop for your answer. Use appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
47-50. How do Muslims show their faith in Islam in their daily life?