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 Αν θέλουμε να βάλουμε σταφίδες ή κόντιτα στο κέικ, θα πρέπει πρώτα να τα
αλευρώσουμε καλά και μετά να τα ανακατέψουμε πολύ ελαφρά με το μίγμα του κέικ,
έτσι ώστε να μη χάσουν το αλεύρι τους. Επίσης, μπορούμε να βάλουμε στη φόρμα
ένα μέρος από το μίγμα για το κέικ σκέτο και μετά να προσθέσουμε το μίγμα που
έχουμε ανακατέψει με τις σταφίδες και τα καρύδια. Πολύ βασικό, είναι να
γνωρίζουμε, πως τα κέικ που έχουν ξηρούς καρπούς, ιδιαίτερα σταφίδες, είναι
καλύτερο να γίνονται σε φόρμες που δεν έχουν πολλές εσοχές.
 Αν κάνουμε κέικ με καφέ στιγμής, θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιούμε τον καφέ με τους
χοντρούς κόκκους και επίσης να γνωρίζουμε, πως για να διατηρηθεί ο καφές στο
κέικ, δεν πρέπει να τον ανακατεύουμε πολύ με το μίγμα.
 Θα πρέπει να ψεκάζουμε με το αντικολλητικό σπρέυ τη φόρμα πάρα πολύ καλά,
ώστε να έχουμε καλύψει όλες τις πτυχές της.
 Το μίγμα, όταν μπαίνει στη φόρμα δεν πρέπει να καλύπτει πάνω από τα 2/3 της
φόρμας, επειδή τα κέικ φουσκώνουν.
 ΄Οταν πλέον έχουμε βάλει τη ζύμη στη φόρμα, με μια σπάτουλα κάνουμε μια
χαρακιά γύρω από το κέντρο, για να αναπνέει το κέικ όσο ψήνεται και να βγαίνει με
επίπεδη βάση και όχι με "καμπούρα".
 Ψήνουμε το κέικ στους 175 βαθμούς Κελσίου, όχι σε αέρα, αλλά στις αντιστάσεις
πάνω κάτω και πάντα στην κάτω σχάρα, για να ψηθεί πρώτα μέσα και μετά από
 Πρέπει να γνωρίζουμε αν ο φούρνος μας αποδίδει τη θερμοκρασία που θέλουμε.
Για να το τσεκάρουμε αυτό, μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μεταλλικό θερμόμετρο
φούρνου. Αν διαπιστώσουμε πως ο φούρνος μας δεν έχει τη σωστή απόδοση
θερμοκρασίας, μπορούμε να τον αλλάξουμε, να τον φτιάξουμε με τη βοήθεια ενός
ειδικού ή αν δεν έχουμε τέτοια δυνατότητα, θα πρέπει να ρυθμίζουμε τη θερμοκρασία
στην οποία τον βάζουμε, ανάλογα με τη διαφορά που έχουμε εντοπίσει.
 Πώς διατηρουνται οι μελιτζάνες στην κατάψυξη;
 Πώς διατηρούνται οι μπάμιες στην κατάψυξη; ΕΡΩΤΗΣΗ:
Πώς διατηρουνται οι μελιτζάνες στην κατάψυξη;
Για να διατηρήσετε τις μελιτζάνες στην κατάψυξη, τις τηγανίζετε πρώτα ελαφρά ή τις
ζεματίζετε. Στην περίπτωση που θέλετε οι μελιτζάνες να χρησιμοποιηθούν για
μελιτζανοσαλάτα, τις ψήνετε πρώτα και μετά τις βάζετε στην κατάψυξη.
Πώς διατηρούνται οι μπάμιες στην κατάψυξη;
Πριν βάλετε τις μπάμιες στην κατάψυξη, πρώτα τις καθαρίζετε και τις ζεματίζετε
ελαφρά ή απλώς τις καθαρίζετε και χωρίς να τις ζεματίσετε τις βάζετε στην
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Storing meat
It's especially important to store meat safely to stop bacteria from spreading and avoid
food poisoning.
Store raw meat/poultry in clean sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the
fridge, so it can't touch or drip onto other food.
Follow any storage instructions on the label and don't eat meat after its 'use by'
When you have cooked meat and you're not going to eat it straight away, cool
it as quickly as possible and then put it in the fridge or freezer. Remember to
keep cooked meat separate from raw meat.
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Freezing meat
It's OK to freeze raw meat providing you do the following things:
freeze it before the 'use by' date
follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label
defrost it in a microwave if you intend to cook it as soon as it's defrosted,
otherwise thaw it in the fridge so that it doesn't get too warm
try to use the meat within two days of defrosting - it will go off in the same
way as fresh meat
cook food until it's piping hot all the way through
When meat thaws, lots of liquid can come out of it. This liquid will spread bacteria to
any food, plates or surfaces that it touches. Keep the meat in a sealed container at the
bottom of the fridge, so that it can't touch or drip onto other foods.
Always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands after they have touched
raw or thawing meat, to stop bacteria from spreading.
If you defrost raw meat and then cook it thoroughly, you can freeze it again, but
remember never reheat foods more than once.
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Tin cans
When you have opened a can of food and you're not using all the food straight away,
empty the food into a bowl, or other container, and put it in the fridge.
Don't store food in an opened tin can, or re-use empty cans to cook or store food. This
is because when a can has been opened and the food is open to the air, the tin may
transfer more quickly to the can's contents.
This advice doesn't apply to foods sold in cans with resealable lids, such as golden
syrup and cocoa.
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Cling film and kitchen foil
Cling film
Cling film is useful for protecting food but, like many things, it needs to be used
Not every type of cling film is suitable for using with all foods. Check the description
on the packaging to see what foods it can be used with.
There are three main points to remember when using cling film:
Don't use cling film if it could melt into the food, such as in the oven or on
pots and pans on the hob.
You can use cling film in the microwave, but make sure the cling film doesn't
touch the food.
Only let cling film touch high-fat foods when the packaging says the cling
film is suitable for this. High-fat foods include some types of cheese, raw
meats with a layer of fat, fried meats, pies and pastries, and cakes with butter
icing or chocolate coatings.
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Kitchen foil
Kitchen foil, which is made from aluminium, can be useful for wrapping and covering
foods. But it's best not to use foil or containers made from aluminium to store foods
that are highly acidic, such as:
many soft fruits
This is because aluminium can affect the taste of these sorts of food, especially if they
are stored in aluminium containers for a long time.
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Για να τα διώξετε σκορπίστε ωμό ελληνικό καφέ ή φύλλα λεβάντας
Αλατα γενικά
Ένας πολύ καλός και δοκιμασμένος τρόπος,για να εξαφανίζονται τα άλατα και οι
βρομίτσες από διάφορα ηλεκτρικά της καθημερινότητας μας, είναι η χρήση του
κιτρικού οξέος,δηλ. ξυνό.Με το ξυνό έχω καταφέρει να διώξω άλατα από την
εσπρεσιέρα μου και να λειτουργεί πάλι ρολόι,από τον αποστειρωτήρα των
μπιμπερό,όταν ήταν μωρά,και σε άλλα που δεν θυμάμαι τώρα.Καμιά φορά το ρίχνω
χύμα γύρω από την μπαταρία της βρύσης και με λίγο τρίψιμο..λαμπίκο.Α! στην
εσπρεσιέρα εννοέίται οτί μετά από 2-3 νερά επανέρχεται και η γέυση γιατί στην αρχή
επικρατεί το ξυνό του ξυνού.
Cleaning objects
If our espresso machine, hot water boiler,
Αν σας πέσει πολύ αλάτι κατά λάθος, ρίξτε μέσα στην
κατσαρόλα μία ξεφλουδισμένη πατάτα. Θα τραβήξει
αρκετή από την αλμύρα
κοσμήματα γυαλισμένα
Για να λάμψουν τα κοσμήματά σας, είτε έχουν πετράδια πολύτιμα, είτε όχι βάλτε τα
σε κατσαρόλα με νερό και απορρυπαντικό πλυντηρίου ρούχων (για να μην αφρίζει)
και βράστε τα για λίγα λεπτά. Τα πετράδια δεν παθαίνουν κάτι, καθαρίζουν τα
χρυσαφικά και λαμποκοπουν.Ξεβγάλτε τα με νερο ζεστό για να στεγνώνουν γρήγορα
και αποτελειώστε το στέγνωμα με πιστολάκι κι όχι με πετσέτα που μπορεί να αφήσει
Μας συμβουλεύει: Νένα Μιρμίρογλου
Σχολιάστε το
Σχόλια επισκεπτών
Θέμα: Σόδα η θαυματουργή!
Από: nervosa_anorexia 27 / 7 / 2005
Και η μαγειρική σόδα έχει θαυμάσια αποτελέσματα πάντως.
Απλά τρίβω χρυσές καδένες-δακτυλίδια κλπ με σόδα, ξεπλένω με
άφθονο νερό και αποκτούν τη χαμένη τους λάμψη.
Τελικά, η σόδα φαγητού είναι απ`τα πιο χρήσιμα (και φτηνά)
υλικά: Αντικαθιστά επαξίως (μαζί με ξύδι) τα ξεβουλωτικά
νιπτήρων, αλλά χαρίζει και υπέροχο, κατάλευκο χαμόγελο, αν
τρίψουμε 1-2 φορές το μήνα τα δόντια μας με λίγη σόδα επί του
δακτύλου μας (μην το παρακάνουμε όμως! κινδυνεύει η
των δοντιών)
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Θέμα: Re: Σόδα η θαυματουργή!
Από: Ειρήνη 25 / 8 / 2005
Εγώ τα κοσμήματα τα πλένω με μία παλιά οδοντόβουρτσα και με
οποιαδήποτε οδοντόκρεμα χρησιμοποιώ, και μετά τα σκουπίζω καλά
με μία αφράτη πετσέτα που τα γυαλίζει κιόλας. Και αστράφτουν και
τα πετράδια και τα μέταλλα. Αυτό βέβαια για τα ασημένια και τα
χρυσά, γιατί τα faux θα χαλάσουν με το νερό. Πάντως συμφωνώ για
την σόδα, είναι όντως πολύ χρήσιμη σε πολλά, και για τα δόντια, αλλά
και για το τρίψιμο των μαγειρικών σκευών ή για τα μεταλλικά
μπιμπελώ που έχουμε, μπρούτζινα, χάλκινα, ασημένια κλπ
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Θέμα: Re: Σόδα η θαυματουργή!
Από: Νένα 5 / 4 / 2006
Συμφωνώ πως η σόδα είναι θαυματουργή.Μάλλιστα
αν βάλετε σόδα με
λεμόνι σε πανί και τρίψετε ασημικά είναι το
καλλίτερο απ όλα.
΄Ομως όσον αφορά στα κοσμήματα, όλα όσα
αναφέρετε θέλουν και
Το απορρυπαντικό με βράσιμο δεν θέλει άλλη
διαδικασία.Μιλάω για
αληθινά κοσμήματα είτε έχουν πέτρες είτε όχι.
Δεν είναι δική
μου ιδέα.Χρυσοχοος μου τη σύστησε όταν τον
είδα πως καθάριζε τα
της βιτρίνας που πάντα πιάνουν σκόνη.
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Θέμα: Re: Σόδα η θαυματουργή!
Από: Μαρία 24 / 3 / 2006
...και απλό σαπούνισμα με υγρό πιάτων δουλεύει... (για αυτά με τα
πολλά σκαλίσματα χρήσιμη μια οδοντόβουρτσα)
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Θέμα: SODA
Από: DINA KYR. 26 / 4 / 2006
Simfono ksi ego gia tin soda.Episis to idio katharizei kai
plisimo rouxon.Pairni tis murodies kai ta rouxa ginontai
kataspra.Filika NTINA..
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Θέμα: Κοσμηματα γυαλισμενα
Από: Donald Duck 9 / 5 / 2006
Καποιες φορες,ειδικα οταν βιαζομαι.κανει δουλεια κ το Αzax -για τα τζαμια.Οχι ομως για συχνη χρηση
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Egg whites whip best at room temperature. First, make sure the bowl and beaters are
free of grease and the whites are free of any yolk. Grease and yolk will inhibit
Για αφράτο κέικ
Στο κέικ είναι καλύτερο να χρησιμοποιείς ηλιέλαιο αντι για βούτυρο . Αυτό
κάνει το κέικ αφράτο σαν σφουγγάρι και φουσκώνει πάντα ότι και να βάλεις
μέσα !! και ασπραδια
Για να αντέχει το στομάχι σας το σκόρδο.
Για μερικούς απο μας το σκόρδο εκτός απο το αιθέριο άρωμα που αφήνει στο
περασμά... μας, δημιουργεί και έντονο πρόβλημα στο στομάχι μας. Καούρες και όλα
αυτά τα υπέροχα που συνοδεύουν μια στομαχική διαταραχή. Η λύση απλή.
Αφαιρέστε το φύτρο απο τις σκελίδες. Εκείνο το μικρό κοτσανάκι που θα βρείτε αν
κόψετε την σκελίδα στην μέση κάθετα. Αφαιρέστε το καλέ να πάει στο καλό!!!!
Για να μην μαυρίζει ποτέ η σύβραση.
Όταν προσθέτε κρεμμύδια- σύβραση σε κάποιο φαγητό, πριν τα ρίξετε στο τηγανάκι
αλατίστε το λάδι,που ήδη ζεσταίνετε (μην ξεχάσετε να βάλετε και λιγότερο αλάτι στο
φαγητό) κι έπειτα ρίξτε τα κρεμμύδια. Δεν μαυρίζουν με τίποτα, εκτός κι αν ξεχάσετε
το τηγάνι για καμιά ώρα, οπότε όχι μόνο τα κρεμμύδια αλλά και το σπίτι ολόκληρο
θα καεί!
Για να μή σπάζουν τα αυγά κατά το βράσιμο
Τα αυγά σπάζουν με το βράσιμο όταν τα έχουμε βγάλει μόλις από το ψυγείο.
Γι αυτό πρέπει να τα βγάλουμε περίπου 20 λεπτά πιο πριν για να πάρουν τη
θερμοκρασία δωματίου. Αν όμως βιαζόμαστε τα τυλίγουμε σε αλουμινόχαρτο
και ρίχνουμε στο νερό λίγο ξύδι.
 για τις λαδιές στα ρούχα
Πριν βάλετε το ρούχο στο πλυντήριο, βάλτε πάνω στο λεκέ λίγο απορρυπαντικό
πιάτων (για πλύσιμο στο χέρι) και τρίψτε έτσι ώστε το απορρυπαντικό να διαπεράσει
το ύφασμα. Θέμα: σχόλιο γιά την συμβουλή της Κατερίνας Κ
Από: κούλα παπαδοπούλου 19 / 12 / 2006
Μερικά χρώματα είναι ευαίσθητα στο απορρυπαντικό πιάτων για αύτο θελει προσοχή
(την έχω πατήσει και το ξέρω)!... γειά σου Κατερίνα
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 Θέμα: Λεκέδες
Από: Νένα 23 / 12 / 2006
Πράγματι οι λαδολεκέδες κυρίως βγαίνουν με σαπούνι πιάτων. Προσοχή μόνο στο
χρώμα του υγρού. Το πράσινο π.χ. αφήνει πρασινίλα σε ρούχα ανοιχτόχρωμα.
Προτιμήστε διαφανές ή λευκό υγρό.
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 Θέμα: λεκεδες στα ρουχα
Από: eleni 24 / 12 / 2006
nomizw oti oi lekedes sta rouxa feyfoyn mono me stegno
katharisma se ena KALO KATHARISTIRIO... ta peiramata sto spiti
egw ta fobamai...
breite ena kalo katharistirio me peira kai oxi kati tuxaia pou
exoun erhei stin ellada ta pas katharia kai sta dinoun
bromika..... apla se kerdizoun me tis xamiles times... pou
telika einai kai xalimi i poiotita tous....
kales giortes
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Θέμα: Re: λεκεδες στα ρουχα
Από: Τάσος 3 / 1 / 2007
Θα πάθετε πλάκα με το SA8 Prewash υγρό πρόπλυσης της AMWAY. Εμένα
προσωπικά με έχει ξελασπώσει πάρα πολλές με τεράστια επιτυχία (είμαι λίγο
απρόσεκτος γενικότερα). Ρίχνεις μια μικρή ποσότητα πάνω στο λεκέ πριν το
βάλεις στο πλυντήριο και... αύτό ήταν όλο. Δοκιμάστε το!!!
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Θέμα: Re: λεκεδες στα ρουχα
Από: yiannis 3 / 1 / 2007
o tasos exei dikio arkei to aporypantiko na einai kalo kai isxiro egv
bazv ava perle. einai leyko kai den tha exete problhmata me ta
xtvmatista.esti exv bgalei kai melani apo stylo.
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Θέμα: Re: λεκεδες στα ρουχα
Από: TONIA 24 / 1 / 2007
έχω πάθει πλάκα με το ταλκ, ναι το ταλκ για μωρά. Μπλουζα
είχε βουτυρο την έπλυνα 3 φόρες, μια την σιδέρωσα κιόλας
ετοιμαζόμουν να την πετάξω, έβαλα τάλκ και την άφησα δυο
δεν χρειάστηκε ούτε να την ξαναπλύνω... φανταστικό!
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Θέμα: Re: λεκεδες στα ρουχα
Από: φωτεινη 20 / 9 / 2007
καπιοι οταν δουν ενα λεκε στο ρουχο δεν τρεχουν στο καθαριστηριο. ισως θα
επρεπε να μαθεις να χρησιμοποιεις ενα πραγματακι που λεγεται πλυντηριο
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Από: pikandikoula 4 / 1 / 2007
Ego pandos ida tin kopella pou mou kanei tis doulies na vgazei epimono leke apo ladi
se forema pou ixa xilioplinei me ta panda...... tou evale talk kai to siderose me to
atmosidero kai meta tinaxe to perisio talk. KAI O LEKES EGINE LOUIS!!!!
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Από: Ελευθερία 8 / 9 / 2007
Συμφωνώ για το ταλκ και επαυξάνω. Δεν χρειάζεται καν να είναι φρέσκος ο λεκές
από λάδι. Εγώ το δοκίμασα σε λινό παντελόνι με λεκέ ούτε κ γω ξέρω από πότε κ
εξαφανίστηκε. Πραγματικά σε σώζει σε δύσκολες καταστάσεις!
[Απάντηση] | [Νέο σχόλιο ]
 Θέμα: λεκές από λάδι
Από: georgia 8 / 9 / 2007
Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω αφού βάλουμε ταλκ στο λεκέ το σιδερώνουμε κατευθείαν
επάνω στο ταλκ ή βάζουμε καμιά εφημερίδα και από πάνω σιδερώνουμε όπως
κάνουμε με το κερί?
[Απάντηση] | [Νέο σχόλιο ]
 Θέμα: κι ένα προϊόν!
Από: tatiana 24 / 9 / 2007
Ένα αποτελεσματικότατο προϊόν για στεγνό καθάρισμα λαδιών είναι το σπρέι
της τζόνσον σε χρώμα προτοκαλί στα σούπερ μάρκετ. Ψεκάζεις το λεκέ, τον
αφήνεις να στεγνώσει, τινάζεις το ταλκ κι έπειτα το πλένεις κανονικά στο
πλυντήριο. Εμένα μ`έχει βοηθήσει καταπληκτικά στα παιδικά ρούχα όπου οι
μαμάδες με ρωτάνε πώς δεν έχουν οι σκούρες μπλούζες λαδιές!
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Βράσιμο πράσινων λαχανικών
Για να διατηρούντε πράσσινα τα λαχανικά μας και μετά το βράσιμο είναι να
τα βράζετε χωρίς αλάτι!
Don't add too much oil to the pan (a nice thin coating will do fine- a quarter of
an inch is both unnecessary and dangerous).
Don't use meat that is still partially frozen.
Don't wear a tank top when cooking with hot oil.
Don't use tongs to fight with a big piece of beef that is thoroughly stuck to the
bottom of the pan (because you didn't follow the 2nd bit of advice from
If you burn yourself while cooking use butter o r- toothpaste
Use the special cover (like a sieve) when frying.
When frying potatoes with olive oil (which is the healthier way) use it only
once. When the oil gets cold put it in a jar and use it the next time in a roast,
when frying either fish, meat balls, snitzel etc., and then throw away.
Βελούδινος πουρές
Άσπρος και βελούδινος θα γίνει ο πουρές αν χρησιμοποιήσετε στην παρασκευή του
ζεστό αντί για κρύο γάλα.
Velvet mushed potatoes
Your mush potatoes will become while and velvet if you use hot milk instead of cold
΄Όταν θέλουμε να τρίψουμε κρεμμύδι δεν χρειάζεται να παιδευόμαστε με τον τρίφτη.
Καθαρίζουμε, κόβουμε και τοποθετούμε στο multi ή blender με 1- 2 κουταλιές λάδι
και γυρίζουμε 2 – 3 στροφές. Προσέχουμε να μη γίνει κρέμα.
When we want to grate an onion the easiest way is to peel, cut and place in the multi
or blender with two spoonfuls of olive oil and give it 2 - 3 spins. Be careful not to
make it like cream.
Lemons in deep freeze
If you are a passenger and lose your bag, go to the lost and Found Department and fill
in a claim application. If your baggage is not found you are allowed compensation.
; The Heart Healthy Food Groups
By: Reader's Digest
Here are the five types of foods that are essential to good health and the keys to a
strong, long-lived heart.
Base your diet on these, getting the number of daily servings we recommend, and
your chances of heart disease will fall significantly--and almost immediately!
1. Protein--Power for a Healthy Heart
No food group offers more versatile protection from the heart attackers than protein.
Lean beef, eggs, and pork are packed with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. Fish
delivers omega-3 fatty acids that keep heart rhythm steady and discourage blood
clotting. Skinless chicken and turkey are low in artery-clogging saturated fat, and their
protein keeps food cravings (and the risk of overeating) at bay. Beans--legumes such
as chickpeas, ρεβίθι, black beans, and kidney beans--are not only rich in high-quality
proteins but are also one of nature's richest sources of soluble fiber, which whisks
cholesterol out of your body and helps hold blood sugar levels steady.
Of course, no food group holds more peril for your heart, either. Cuts of beef and pork
that are high in artery-clogging saturated fat raise your level of LDLs and your heart
attack risk. The solution? On the 30-Minutes-A-Day Eating Plan, you'll find new meat
cuts and proteins that will help keep your total saturated fat intake to about 7 percent
of total calories. (Most Americans get about 12 percent of their daily calories from
saturated fats.) Here's how to enjoy heart-healthy meats and more.
Create a seafood habit. The healthiest seafood for your heart is cold-water ocean fish
because it's so rich in omega-3s. The most popular kinds are salmon and tuna; other
choices include mackerel, herring, and anchovies. Your goal is to get three or four
servings of these fish a week. How? Have canned tuna for lunch twice a week (make
your tuna salad with low-fat mayo) and salmon for dinner once or twice a week, or
get anchovies on your Friday-night pizza. Or get creative: Use canned salmon to make
salmon patties, or make a Spanish-style salad of cooked potato cubes, sautéed onions,
a can or two of tuna, olive oil, and salt and pepper. It's delicious!
While other seafood may not have as many omega-3s, pretty much all types are
terrific sources of protein. So if sautéed sole or shrimp appeals to you more than
salmon--or a chicken breast or steak, for that matter--by all means, choose the
Notice that the suggestions above don’t require you to invest a fortune at the seafood
counter or to do any type of exotic or challenging cooking. Today, there's not a
household in America--no matter how far from an ocean--that can't easily add hearthealthy seafood to its diet!
That said, if you truly detest fish or have a shellfish allergy, simply substitute another
type of lean protein--and consider getting omega-3s from walnuts, ground flaxseed, or
fish-oil capsules if you can.
Rediscover beef and pork. Long vilified by health activists, these classic centerpieces
of the American dinner plate deserve a second chance--and a place in your hearthealthy eating plan. The fact is, both meats have gotten healthy makeovers to fit
modern tastes: Beef is 27 percent leaner today than 20 years ago, and pork has 31
percent less fat. In one National Institutes of Health study, volunteers who ate lean red
meat five to seven days a week had the same slight improvements in cholesterol--their
LDLs dropped 2 percent, and HDLS rose 3 to 4 percent--as those who stuck with
chicken and fish.
The lowest-fat cuts? Pork tenderloin, top and eye rounds marked "extra lean,"
boneless shoulder pot roast, and boneless pork sirloin chops.
Shift the focus to beans. Beans deserve the lunchtime or dinner spotlight several days
a week. Few people bother to learn bean-dish recipes, but if you can commit to
coming up with three or four that your family enjoys, and then prepare one every few
days, you will do wonders for your health! Make meatless chili; create quick, hearty
soup by mixing drained and rinsed canned kidney beans and frozen veggies with a can
of low-sodium minestrone soup or chicken broth; sprinkle chickpeas or black beans
from the salad bar over your lunch salad; or order a bean burrito (hold the cheese)
when you go out for Mexican food.
2. Good Fats--Better Than Low-Fat
Why keep spreading saturated-fat-laden butter or crunching on snacks packed with
artery-damaging trans fatty acids when you could eat as if you spent your days beside
the Mediterranean Sea--spreading fruity olive oil on crusty bread and fresh veggies
and snacking on almonds? Countless studies have shown that these cornerstones of
the Mediterranean diet protect your heart. That's why nuts, olive oil, and heart-healthy
canola oil, which contains some omega-3 fatty acids, get top billing in this plan, too.
All three are rich in monounsaturated fats. Eat them in place of saturated fats, and
they'll lower LDLs, slightly increase HDLs, and reduce triglycerides. While you need
to keep saturated fats low, monounsaturated fats can make up 20 percent of your daily
calories. Just watch your portions--oils, nuts, and nut butters are calorie dense, so a
little goes a long way. Here's how to rebalance your fat budget.
Say no to saturated fats. Remove skin from chicken and turkey before eating; trim
excess fat from all meats; choose mayonnaise and salad dressings with no more than 1
gram of saturated fat per tablespoon (look for versions made with canola oil, often at
health food stores); and replace heavy cream in recipes with condensed skim milk.
For baking and cooking, substitute canola or olive oil for butter by using one-fourth
less oil than the amount of butter called for in a recipe (for example, in a muffin
recipe, use 3/4 tablespoon of oil instead of 1 tablespoon of butter). If you must have
butter, whipped varieties have 30 percent less saturated fat.
Banish trans fats. Eat only packaged snacks and baked goods with no partially
hydrogenated fats or oils listed as ingredients. Switch to trans fat-free margarine or
use olive oil instead.
Pump up the monounsaturated fats. Invest in an olive-oil sprayer (Misto is one
brand) to give toast and veggies a light, flavorful coating instead of using butter or
margarine. Make olive and canola oils your first choices for salad dressings,
marinades, and cooking. (Other oils have lower levels of heart-healthy monos.) Try
olive oil for scrambling eggs, browning stew or soup meat, and sautéing vegetables.
Commercial olive or canola oil sprays are good for coating cookware to prevent
Goodbye, Mr. Chips--hello, nuts. The monounsaturated fats in nuts (and omega-3s in
walnuts) make these delicious nuggets a perfect heart-healthy snack. To guard against
overeating, put one serving in a bowl, put the container back in the cupboard, then
enjoy. Choose unsalted nuts to help control blood pressure.
Diversify your nut portfolio. Beyond peanuts and walnuts, try pistachios, pecans, and
hazelnuts. Sprinkle them on cereal and salads and add them to muffin batter, yogurt,
and pudding.
Don’t forget the peanut butter. PB has impressive amounts of monounsaturated fat,
protein, vitamin E, and fiber. Have some on toast for breakfast, enjoy a good old
PB&J for lunch (on whole wheat bread, of course), or scoop out a tablespoon and use
it as a dip for baby carrots, apple slices, or pears as an afternoon snack.
Top desserts with Coromega. This orange-flavored, pudding-like gel (you can eat it
straight from a single-serving container or spoon it over yogurt or ice cream) is about
as far as you can get from fish in taste, but it's packed with the omega-3s usually
found in seafood. Find more info about this emulsified form of omega-3 fatty acids,
produced by the Coromega Company of Carlsbad, California, at
or by calling (877) 275-3725.
3. Fruit and Vegetables--Nature’s Cholesterol Cure
Our ancestors filled their bellies with wild produce; today, researchers suspect that
our bodies evolved to expect big daily doses of the antioxidants, cholesterol-lowering
phytosterols, and soluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables. Without them--and most
of us get four produce servings a day or less--heart risk rises. Here's how to hunt and
gather nine servings a day at home and at work.
Take a juice break. Sip 100 percent orange juice or Concord grape juice as one of
your daily fruit servings, or mix juice concentrate with olive oil for a sweet salad
Whirl up a blender drink. Toss frozen strawberries; orange juice; and a banana, pear,
or nectarine (take the pit out first!) into the blender for a triple serving of fruit,
smoothie-style. Add plain yogurt with a sprinkle of wheat germ or ground flaxseed,
and you’ve got breakfast.
Chop early, grab often. Buy a cantaloupe or small watermelon, cube the fruit, and
keep it in a container in the fridge for an easy, antioxidant-rich snack when you're
looking for something to nosh on.
Put fruit and veggies in easy reach. Keep a bowl of cherry tomatoes and a bowl of
bananas or apples on the kitchen counter. If you see them, you'll eat them.
Redefine fast food. Supermarkets have a huge selection of bagged salad greens. In 15
minutes, you can grab a bag (look for extras, such as cranberries and walnuts right in
the bag) of baby spinach or chopped romaine and a container of tomatoes, sliced
carrots, mandarin orange slices, chopped nuts, and a sprinkle of raisins from the salad
bar. You'll have five produce servings right there!
Obey a new second-helpings rule. Allow yourself to take second helpings only of
vegetables at dinner. You'll save calories from fat and boost fiber intake.
Eat the rainbow. From blueberries to carrots and tomatoes to pineapple, have as
many different-colored fruits and veggies as possible each day to get the widest
variety of nutrients.
Splurge like a chef. You'd buy a fancy cake, a specialty ice cream, or a cheesecovered frozen veggie, so why not those gorgeous raspberries, that box of
clementines, or a bunch of deep green asparagus instead?
Buy insurance for your cupboard and freezer. This means canned (in juice) and
frozen fruit and veggies for times when you run out of fresh or don't have time to
wash and chop. Some frozen produce has more nutrients than the fresh stuff because
it's frozen immediately after harvesting.
Tuck extras in. Keep a bag of grated carrots in the fridge to toss into soups, stews,
casseroles, sauces, tuna salad, and even muffins. Add extra frozen veggies to soups
and stews.
Wash and blot, but don't peel. Cut your risk of food poisoning by washing all
produce and blotting it dry. Then eat it all, skin included--it's full of fiber, and the fruit
or veggie flesh just below it contains extra nutrients.
4. Whole Grains--Count These Carbs In
Simply eating a high-fiber, whole grain breakfast could cut your risk of heart attack
by 15 percent; switching completely from refined to whole grains could slash it by 30
percent. That's the power of whole grains. These natural nuggets are filled with
vitamin E and a wealth of heart-protecting phytochemicals, plus insoluble fiber to
help digestion. Some, such as barley and oatmeal, also have cholesterol-lowering
soluble fiber. Here's how to fit in three or more whole grains every day.
Think fiber in the morning. Here's new motivation to breakfast on oatmeal or another
high-fiber cereal: Each gram of soluble fiber cuts your LDLs by as much as 2 points,
according to the American Heart Association. From raisin bran with 8 grams per
serving to supercharged fiber cereals with as many as 14 grams, there are lots of
cholesterol warriors in the cereal aisle. One bowl a day could lower your LDLs by 16
to 28 points.
Boil once, then freeze the leftovers. Brown rice, barley, and walnuts,are delicious. To
save weekday prep time, cook up a big pot on the weekend and freeze extras in
single-meal portions, then defrost in the microwave as needed. Add to ground poultry
for extra body when making meat loaf or burgers.
Use the rule of three. Choose breads with "whole wheat" leading the ingredients list
and with 3 grams of fiber per serving. Substitute whole wheat toast for bagels and
low-fat multigrain muffins for pastries. Make sandwiches with whole-grain breads or
5. Dairy Foods--Better Blood Pressure Control
Having milk on your morning cereal, a cup of yogurt as a midafternoon snack, and
grated low-fat cheese on your chili at dinnertime boosts your intake of calcium, a
mineral vital for healthy blood pressure. In the landmark study, Dietary Approaches to
Stop Hypertension (DASH), a healthy diet that included low-fat milk products cut
blood pressure levels as effectively as drugs. Researchers suggest that dairy's calcium
and protein work with the magnesium, potassium, and fiber in fruits, veggies, and
whole grains to better regulate blood pressure. Use the following tips to get the
calcium advantage without adding saturated fat.
Ease into fat-free. If you drink whole or 2% milk, switch to low-fat for a while, then
try fat-free. Or use fat-free milk in cereal and soups, where the flavor difference is
less noticeable, and use low-fat in coffee and hot cocoa.
Add fruit. A cup of yogurt topped with chopped fruit and a tablespoon of nuts makes
a filling snack. Try vanilla yogurt topped with banana slices and a dusting of
cinnamon; add sliced strawberries and chopped walnuts to strawberry yogurt.
Replace the water. Use milk instead when cooking oatmeal or soups that can be
served creamed.
Top it with cheese. An ounce of grated low-fat cheese is delicious melted on bread or
as a topping for chili or beans.
Cutting Back on Bad Fats
By: Reader's Digest
Ten ways to get lean the right way.
We’ve come a long way nutritionally from the days when all fat was bad. Today
researchers and doctors recognize that there’s no reason to tar every fat with the same
brush. Instead, they’ve now identified the “good” fats (monounsaturated
and polyunsaturated) and the “bad” fats (saturated and trans fats).
The good news is that we can now eat certain fats and still be perfectly healthy. And
let’s be honest--fats often taste rich and wonderful. The downside? To make smart
choices, you have to be conscious now of four types of fats. But there’s an easy way
to figure this out. Basically, if a fat is a solid when at room temperature, chances are
it’s a bad fat. That would include most animal fats, butter, shortening, and some nut
oils. Good fats are usually in fish and plant oils. Remember that, and you are well on
your way to choosing the right fats.
Of course, even good fats have their limits. All fats provide your body with 9 calories
per gram, more than twice as much as proteins or carbohydrates. And in the end,
weight gain and weight loss are about calories. For good health and weight, keep your
total fat intake to 30 percent of calories or less, and keep saturated fat intake to less
than 10 percent of calories in a day or less. Trans fats? Try to keep them to zero. Here
is a slew of ways to follow all of these important health rules:
1. We’ll start with the easiest: Choose low-fat products over regular: Do not
accept the argument that low-fat versions don’t taste as good. It’s not true! Low-fat
versions may not taste the way you or your family is used to, but after a week or two
of using the new version, you’ll stop noticing the subtle decline in richness. Here are
the places to start:
Milk: You need not jump all the way tono-fat; 1% milk is perfectly healthy,
but still has that rich milk flavor. Use 2% as a stepping-stone from whole milk,
but don’t stop there--35 percent of the calories still come from fat in 2% milk.
Ice cream:Most “light” versions taste as rich and creamy as the full-fat
versions. We particularly like the Breyer’s line of light ice creams.
Yogurt: Given that most people eat their yogurt flavored, it is hard to notice
the difference between regular and low- or no-fat versions.
Ground beef: Don’t think that buying fatty ground beef and pouring off the
grease makes it fine. Much of the fat is bound in with the meat. Good quality,
90-percentor-more ground sirloin is leaner and healthier for you.
Cheese: Particularly mozzarella cheese for pizza. Low-fat versions still have
all the taste and texture you so desire.
2. Keep your spreads soft. That means choosing soft margarines, and leaving your
butter out of the refrigerator. The softer the spread, the less you’ll use on your toast or
bagel, thus the fewer saturated fats you’ll get. Also, remember this: The softer the
margarine is at room temperature, the lower the amount of trans fats it contains.
3. Choose sat-fat-free spreads. It’s amazing what manufacturers can come up with
when they put their minds to it. Today you can find butter-like spreads in your
refrigerated sections that are low or even free of all saturated and trans fats, and that
actually taste good. Good brands to try include Benecol (which will also help lower
your cholesterol when used regularly), Canoleo, Earth Balance Natural Buttery
Spread, and Blue Bonnet. All except Blue Bonnet are transfat-free; Blue Bonnet has
0.5 mg trans fat per serving.
4. Buy a pretty bottle, fill it with olive oil, then top it with a liquor stop. You
know, the kind you use to pour out shots of liquor. Now keep the bottle on your
counter in plain view and use it for everything short of frying (olive oil burns at high
temperatures). Olive oil is the best oil to use because it contains high amounts of
monounsaturated fats and low amounts of saturated fats (all oils contain a mixture of
the three: mono, poly, and saturated;the key is the ratio), isn’t too strongly flavored,
and is affordable. Buy the deepest green, extra virgin olive oil you can find--the
darker the color, the greater the amount of phytonutrients, potent little plant-based
cancer fighters.
5. If you can’t go without your butter, mix it with olive oil. Let a stick of butter
soften at room temperature, suggests Barbara Morris, R.Ph., a pharmacist, speaker,
and anti-aging expert and author. Beat the butter smooth, then slowly beat in 1/4 or
1/2 cup olive oil. You’ve just significantly cut the amount of saturated fat while
adding loads of healthy monounsaturated fat.
6. Eat the right meats. Sure, meat is one of the primary forms of saturated fat. But
meat--whether red or white--is also an excellent source of protein and trace minerals
like zinc and iron. The key is choosing the right meats. For instance, of the 19 cuts of
beef that meet the USDA’s labeling guidelines for lean, 12 have only 1 more gram of
saturated fat on average than a comparable 3-ounce cooked serving of skinless
chicken. The best choices include top sirloin beef, with 2.4 grams saturated fat, and
chuck pot roast, with 3 grams saturated fat.
7. Don’t be taken in by the “other white meat” slogan. Put simply, lean chicken is
much less fatty than lean pork. A 3-ounce serving of broiled chicken breast (no skin)
provides 140 calories, 27 from fat, and only one-third of that fat is saturated. The
same serving of roasted lean pork loin delivers 275 calories, 189 of them from fat,
half of which is saturated. To top it off, the chicken has 6 more grams of protein than
the pork.
8. Once a week, eat an exotic meat in place of beef or pork. We’re talking emu,
bison (buffalo), venison, wild boar, or ostrich. All have less than 1 gram of saturated
fat per 3-ounce serving, are super rich with protein, and taste extremely good.
9. Rinse ground meat under hot water after cooking. This rinses away a good deal
of the fat.
10. Find ways to cook your steak with other ingredients. The goal: Stop putting
whole slabs of steak in front of you. Instead, slice the raw beef and sauté with peppers
and onions, fajita style. Or cook steak pieces in a wok with lots of vegetables (pepper
steak, beef and broccoli). Or top a crunchy, robust salad with steak slices. Or make
shish kebab with steak cubes and veggies. Why? You almost always eat less meat
when you prepare it as part of a nicely integrated dish. Hold off on the whole steak for
very special occasions.
Baking with Sugar and Sugar
By: Sydny Carter
Most people enjoy sweets. We satisfy our sweet cravings with fruits and honey, and
with extracts of grains, herbs, vegetables, tree saps and grasses.
Other Natural Sweeteners
Refined fructose is sweeter than granulated sugar. It can be substituted in
baking recipes with little trouble--simply add one-third less. Fructose attracts
more water than sucrose, so fructose-sweetened products tend to be moist.
Baked products made with fructose will be darker than if they were made with
white sugar. Fructose is available in health-food stores.
Brown rice malt syrup consists of maltose, glucose and complex
carbohydrates. It is an amber-hued syrup resembling honey, but it is not as
sweet as honey. It can be substituted cup per cup for granulated sugar, but the
liquid ingredients should be reduced by ¼ cup per cup of rice syrup. Enzymetreated syrup, as opposed to malted syrup, will tend to liquefy the batter of a
baked product. Use the malted syrup for best results.
Fruit juice concentrates, such as apple juice concentrate, orange juice
concentrate, or white grape juice concentrate, are wonderful substitutes for
sugar and add interesting flavors as well. Juice concentrates are made up of
fructose and glucose. Use ¾ cup for every cup of white sugar, and decrease
the amount of liquid by 3 tablespoons.
Stevia is a naturally sweet herb that has been used for hundreds of years in
South America. Since neither the herb nor its powdered form has been
approved as a food additive by the FDA, it is available only as a dietary
Sweet Teeth
Sugar performs many important roles in baking. It provides moisture and tenderness,
liquefies when it bakes, increases the shelf-life of finished products, caramelizes at
high temperatures, and, of course, adds sweetness. Refined sugar, whether from sugar
beets or sugar cane, helps cookies spread during baking, allowing their crisp texture.
Because of these critical functions, bakers can’t simply replace sugar with a different
Cutting Down on Sugar
By: Reader's Digest
Ten ways to get rid of the sweet stuff.
America is a country drowning in sugar. In fact, the amount of sugar we eat and drink
every year has soared nearly 30 percent since 1983 and is likely a major contributor to
the soaring rates of overweight and obesity in this country. Even worse, since sugary
foods often replace more healthy foods, nutrition experts say the influx of sweets
indirectly contributes to diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer--all of
which are directly affected by what we eat.
Although the USDA recommends we get no more than 10 teaspoons of sugar a day,
the average American downs about 34 teaspoons--more than three times as much. In
this third chapter on carbohydrates, we show you ways to get your sugar consumption
down to healthy levels. But beware: Uncovering all the sugar in your diet isn’t easy.
Sugar often hides under several pseudonyms and turns up in even the most innocuous
foods (like bread, crackers, salad dressing, ketchup, and mustard). But with the
following tips, you should be able to have your cake and eat it too.
1. Cut down slowly. Forget going cold turkey. Therein lies failure. Instead, if you
normally have two candy bars a day, cut to one a day. Then next week, one every
other day. The following week, one every three days, until you’re down to just one a
week. If you normally take 2 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee, use the same routine,
cutting down to 11/2 teaspoons for a week, then 1, then 1/2. Eventually, get to the
point where you’re using artificial sweetener if you still need the sweet taste. The
more sugar you eat, the more you’ll crave. So cutting down slowly is the best way to
tame a sweet tooth gone wild.
2. Go half and half. Mix half a regular soda with half a diet soda. Half a carton of
sweetened yogurt with half a carton of plain yogurt. Half a cup of regular juice with
half a cup of seltzer. Do this for two weeks, then cut back to one-quarter sweetened to
three-quarters unsweetened. Continue until you’re only drinking the unsweetened
3. Grant yourself a daily sugar “quota,” and use it on foods where it matters
most. For most of us, that means desserts. Don’t waste it on dressings, spreads,
breakfast cereals, and soda. Not only will this reduce your sugar intake in a day, but it
will help you lose your sweet tooth. Sugar is incredibly addictive: The more you eat,
the more addictive it becomes and the more it takes to satisfy you. The opposite is
also true: Train your taste buds to become accustomed to less and you’ll be satisfied
with less.
4. Establish rules about dessert. For instance, only have dessert after dinner, never
lunch. Only eat dessert on odd days of the month, or only on weekends, or only at
Mediterranean Diet: The Basics
By: Allrecipes Staff
The research promoting eating like the peoples of the Mediterranean grows every
Mediterranean Menus
Fresh lemon juice and plenty of garlic flavor these pan-fried pork chops served with
greens and steamed carrots.
Pork Chop and Feta Skillet
Pork Chop and Feta Skillet [Dinner]
Submitted by: the allrecipes staff
Fresh lemon juice and plenty of garlic flavor these pan-fried pork chops served with
greens and steamed carrots.
Warm and satisfying, this stew is bursting with flavor. Serve with a crusty bread and a
Greek Salad.
White Bean, Spinach, and Barley Stew
Classic baked squash becomes a meal with a few Moroccan-inspired additions.
Moroccan-Style Stuffed Acorn Squash
Mediterranean Diet
What is the "Mediterranean" diet?
There's no one "Mediterranean" diet. At least 16 countries border the Mediterranean
Sea. Diets vary between these countries and also between regions within a country.
Many differences in culture, ethnic background, religion, economy and agricultural
production result in different diets. But the common Mediterranean dietary pattern has
these characteristics:
high consumption of fruits, vegetables, bread and other cereals, potatoes,
beans, nuts and seeds
olive oil is an important monounsaturated fat source
dairy products, fish and poultry are consumed in low to moderate amounts,
and little red meat is eaten
eggs are consumed zero to four times a week
wine is consumed in low to moderate amounts
Does a Mediterranean-style diet follow American Heart Association dietary
Mediterranean-style diets are often close to our dietary recommendations, but they
don’t follow them exactly. In general, the diets of Mediterranean peoples contain a
relatively high percentage of calories from fat. This is thought to contribute to the
increasing obesity in these countries, which is becoming a concern.
People who follow the average Mediterranean diet eat less saturated fat than
those who eat the average American diet. In fact, saturated fat consumption is
well within our dietary guidelines.
More than half the fat calories in a Mediterranean diet come from monounsaturated
fats (mainly from olive oil). Monounsaturated fat doesn't raise blood cholesterol
levels the way saturated fat does.
The incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean countries is lower than in the United
States. Death rates are lower, too. But this may not be entirely due to the diet.
Lifestyle factors (such as more physical activity and extended social support systems)
may also play a part.
Before advising people to follow a Mediterranean diet, we need more studies to find
out whether the diet itself or other lifestyle factors account for the lower deaths from
heart disease. See the Lyon Diet Heart Study entry in this Guide for more information.
Related AHA publications:
Easy Food Tips for Heart-Healthy Eating (also in Spanish)
"How Can I Cook Healthfully?" and "How Do I Follow a Low-Fat Diet?"
in Answers By Heart kit (also in Spanish kit)
How many of these did YOU know about?
How many of these did YOU know about?
A sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a
knife under the flap. The envelope can then be resealed.
Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them
neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to.
For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm water and put
Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won't
refreeze. (wish I had known this for the last 40 years!)
(My sis sent me this e-mail. It's a full page of hints. I'll post a few at a time. :)~~ang
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for
a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The
wax will fall out.
Crayon marks on walls? This worked wonderfully! A damp rag, dipped
in baking soda. Comes off with little effort (elbow grease that is!).
Permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store receipt
BLUE!) rubbing alcohol on paper towel.
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
Whenever I purchase a box of S.O.S Pads, I immediately take a pair of
scissors and cut each pad into halves. After years of having to throw
away rusted and unused and smelly pads, I finally decided that this would
be much more economical. Now a box of S.O.S pads last me indefinitely!
In fact, I have noticed that the scissors get 'sharpened'' this way!
Blood stains on clothes? Not to worry! Just pour a little hydrogen
peroxide on a cloth and proceed to wipe off every drop of blood. Works
every time! (Now, where to put the body?) LOL
Use vertical strokes when washing windows outside and horizontal
for inside windows. This way you can tell which side has the streaks.
Straight vinegar will get outside windows really clean. Don't wash windows
on a sunny day. They will dry too quickly and will probably streak.
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely
light scent in each room when the light is turned on.
Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will
smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels
and linen.
Candles will last a lot longer if placed in the freezer for at least 3
hours prior to burning.
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a paper bag and add the
flowers. Shake vigorously as the salt will absorb all the dust and dirt
and leave your artificial flowers looking like new! Works like a charm!
To easily remove burnt on food from your skillet, simply add a drop or
two of dish soap and enough water to cover bottom of pan, and bring to
a boil on stove top.
Spray your TUPPERWARE with nonstick cooking spray before pouring
in tomato based sauces and there won't be any stains.
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
Wrap celery in aluminum foil when putting in the refrigerator and it will
keep for weeks.
When boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to help bring out the
corn's natural sweetness
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half, and rub it on your
forehead. The throbbing will go away.
mrtnzangel8 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
Don't throw out all that leftover wine: Freeze into ice cubes for future
use in casseroles and sauces ......... Left over wine? What's that? :)
To get rid of itch from mosquito bites, try applying soap on the area
and you will experience instant relief.
Ants, ants, ants everywhere .. Well, they are said to never cross a chalk
line. So, get your chalk out and draw a line on the floor or wherever ants
tend to march. See for yourself.
tnacndn 2 months ago said:
RE: How many of these did YOU know about?
Thank you mrtnzangel. I have heard of some of these hints and can vouch for a few of
them too. Thank you for sharing. :o)
Whiter Socks
To get dingy white cotton socks white again boil them in water with a slice lo lemon.
How To Enhance Your Bathing Experience
These were on my AOL welcome screen this morning.
1. Toss a packet of powdered milk under running bath water. Milk's lactic acid will
remove dead skin cells,leaving your skin's texture baby soft.
(I have a recipe for scented milk bath posted)
2. Add a quarter cup of pure vanilla extract to a warm bath. Vanilla has the ability to
lift spirits and revive.
3. Brew three cups of very strong chamomile tea and add it to your bath water.
Chamomile has soothing,healing properties that ease tension.
4. Mix half a pound of sea salt with one pound of
baking soda. Add to warm tub and soak until water
cools. This bath not only soothes skin but also helps it dispose of toxic wastes.
Επιμέλεια: Ωmeg@
Αυτή η κατάσταση προκαλείται από επαναλαμβανόμενους σπασμούς στους οποίους
το διάφραγμα(ο μύς που χωρίζει την θωρακική κοιλότητα απο την κοιλιακή
χώρα)συσπάται απότομα και συγχρόνως η τραχεία κλείνει μερικώς.
Ο λόξυγγας είναι ένα συχνό πρόβλημα.
Οι κρίσεις συνήθως διαρκούν μόνο μερικά λεπτά, αλλά περιστασιακά μπορεί να είναι
παρατεταμένες, κουραστικές και επόδυνες!
Για να ανακουφιστείτε από τον λόξυγγα πρέπει να ανεβάσετε το επίπεδο του
διοξειδίου του άνθρακα στο αίμα για μερικές στιγμές, αυτό θα έπρεπε να προκαλέσει
κανονική αναπνευστική λειτουργία για να συνεχίσετε.
- να επανέλθει η φυσιολογική αναπνευστική λειτουργία.
- να εξασφαλιστεί ιατρική συνδρομή εάν είναι απαραίτητο.
1.Συμβουλεύστε τον ασθενή να κάτσει ήσυχα και να κρατήσει την αναπνοή του όσο
το δυνατόν περισσότερο.
2.Εάν ο λόξυγγας επιμένει, συμβουλεύστε τον ασθενή να τοποθετήσει μία
χάρτινη(όχι πλαστική)σακούλα γύρω από την μύτη και το στόμα του και να
ξανααναπνέει τον εκπνεόμενο αέρα για μερικά λεπτά.
3.Εάν ο λόξυγγας του ασθενή συνεχιστεί για περισσότερο από μερικές ώρες, τότε θα
πρέπει να τηλεφωνήσετε τον προσωπικό σας γιατρό για περαιτέρω οδηγίες.
Μια ευγενική χορηγία του Medical World και του
Δημοσίευση:01/03/2007 Ο λόξυγγας παρουσιάζεται λόγω σύσπασης του διαφράγματος
και των επικουρικών μεσοπλεύριων μυών χωρίς η αιτιολογία πολλές φορές να είναι
ξεκάθαρη (διάφορες εξωγενείς επιδράσεις, ενδογενή αίτια, νόσοι ή και ανεξήγητα).
Μπορεί λοιπόν, να σταματήσει αμέσως αν εισπνεύσουμε διοξείδιο του άνθρακα μέσω
της δικής μας εκπνοής (πολύ απλά αν βάλουμε το κεφάλι μέσα από την μπλούζα μας,
εκπνεύσουμε αέρα με το στόμα και τον εισπνεύσουμε με την μύτη για μερικά
δευτερόλεπτα), και βέβαια εννοείται ΟΧΙ με άλλο τρόπο. Έτσι λύεται ο σπασμός του
διαφράγματος μέσω νευροφυσιολογικού μηχανισμού λόγω της επίδρασης του CO2.