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How to conduct behavioral research - lecture notes
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
1. Formulate a research question
2. Conduct reconnaissance observations
3. Construct an ethogram
4. Choose a sampling method
5. Collect data
6. Analyze data - run statistical analysis
7. Interpret and communicate results
8. Formulate new research question based on results
Commonly used resource:
"Measuring Behaviour, an introductory guide", 2nd edition
authors: Paul Martin and Patrick Bateson
Types of Studies
 Observational
o variables not manipulated, behavior correlated with environmental variables,
"natural experiments"
 Experimental
o variables are systematically varied by experimenter
Reconnaissance Observations
 what do the animals do
 time of day best suited
 recording techniques
Ethogram Construction
 A list of defined behaviors that can be quantified and easily recognized by different
observers (observer reliability/repeatability)
 Objective definitions describe behavior, e.g.., "Locomotion"
 Functional definitions define behavior in terms of its function, e.g.,“searching, playing"
 Mutually exclusive (often)
 Comprehensive (often)
Example: Elephant Ethogram
Physical contact between two elephants
Quadrupedal locomotion more than 3 ft in previous 5 secs.
Fast walk
Stand still
Standing stationary on all four legs, less than 3 ft of movement in previous 5 secs.
Consuming food item, includes conveying food item from to mouth
Consuming water
touch trunk to inanimate object
Any physical contact between elephants
Out of sight
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How to conduct behavioral research - lecture notes
Measures of Behavior
 Latency, Frequency, Duration, Intensity
 Events & States
 Bouts
 Sequence
Choosing a Sampling Method
Two major decisions to make:
 Which subject to watch & when
o Ad Libitum
o Focal
o Scan
o Behavior Sampling
 How to record the behavior
o Continuous
o Time sampling
o Instantaneous Point Sampling
o One-Zero
Recording Medium
 Film/Video
 Tape recorder
 Check Sheets
 Computer (PC, lap-top, palm)
Check Sheet Design
 Simple
 Include catch all categories such as:
o Out of sight
o Other
 Date, Observer, Weather, Notes
 Summation columns
Data Collection
 How much to collect?
o Variability
o Generalisability
 Duration of observations
o Observer fatigue/reliability
 Inter-Observer reliability
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How to conduct behavioral research - lecture notes
Sources of Unreliability
 Inter Observer Reliability - different observers recording different things
 Intra-Observer Reliability - same observer records behaviors differently over "observer
 Record what you see (not what you want to see or have seen)
 Observer fatigue
Reliability can be increased by
 Good, simple ethogram
 Observer training
 Observer testing
 Fewer observers
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