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P1 River Valley Civilizations - Setting the Scene
P2 Increased food supply allowed groups to settle in one place and develop c_______________.
P2 People s________________________ in various types of w_____________________________ (labor)
P3 Leaders organized workers for community projects such as flood control, i__________________ of
fields, and public b ___________________ (pyramids & temples)
P2 First c___________________________ developed in r_____________________ v________________.
P2 Features of early civilizations included:
P3 Dependence on a_____________________________________ (farming)
P3 Tended to be in locations easily protected from i_________________.
P3 R_________________ was a major part of life.
Where were the earliest civilizations located?
Four earliest civilizations developed around river valleys
P2 E____________________ on the N_________________ R________________ and D____________
P2 M__________________________ (Sumer) in the T___________ & E_______________________ river
valley of the F_______________ C____________________
P2 Indus (Harappan) in the I_______________ river valley in modern-day Pakistan.
P2 C__________________________ in the Huang He valley (Yellow River Valley) in Northern China
P1 Each of the river valleys provided f_________________ s___________ for farming and w______________
for people, animals, and crops
P1 Each location had p__________________________ features (geographic: deserts mountains, seas) that
provided p___________________________
P1 Later civilizations did not depend directly on rivers
P2 Hebrew of ancient Israel settled between the J__________________________ river and the
M_______________________________ S_____________
P3 Believed in ONE all-powerful G_______________ (Monotheism)
P4 Most early civilizations practiced p_______________________ (belief in m____________ gods)
P3 Hebrews migrated often during their history
P3 Originated in M______________________, led to southern P________________________ by
A___________________________, enslaved in E_______________, led to freedom in about 1300
B.C. by M______________, settled in modern-day I__________________________
P3 M__________ received the basic laws, T______ C__________________, from the Hebrew G_____.
P3 Record of the H_________________________ history is collected in the
T_____________________ and later in the Christian O__________ T____________________
P3 Hebrew religion is called J_______________________________.
P2 Phoenicians settled in modern-day L__________________________ between the Lebanon Mountains
and the M______________________________ S_______
P3 Phoenician homeland had very little good farmland.
P3 Phoenicians developed a large t_________ network across the M________________________ Sea
P3 Developed the first a___________________________ based writing system
P4 Phoenician alphabet forms basis of all later alphabetic w____________________ systems –
G_________________, R_________________, and modern E_____________________ writings
The earliest civilizations appeared in what time frame and in what general sequence?
P1 Civilizations developed with the change from h______________________ and g_____________________
to f___________________________________
P2 Process is called the N__________________ A_______________________ R____________________
P3 Occurred at different times in different locations in the period between 6000 B.C. and 500 B.C.
P1 E_______________ and M ________________________________civilizations developed agriculture first.
P1 Evidence of farming in C____________________ and I_____________________ also started about the
same time as in E____________________ and M___________________________________.
P1 Fist cities appeared in E_________________ and M______________________________ around 4000 to
3000 B.C.
P1 Cities in C_________________________ and I________________ appeared between 3200 and 1800 B.C.
P1 P____________________________ established their t________________ network around 1200 B.C.
P2 Created c___________________________________ on their trade routes
P1 The Hebrew E________________________ from Egypt to Israel occurred around 1300 B.C.
(When did these civilizations exist?)
P2 Mesopotamia (Part of the Fertile Crescent):
S____________________ (3000 – 2330 BC or BCE)
A____________________ (2330 – 2180 BC or BCE)
B____________________ (1792 – 1600 BC or BCE)
H____________________ (1600 – 1200 BC or BCE)
A____________________ (900 – 612 BC or BCE)
C____________________ (605 – 532 BC or BCE)
P____________________ (550 – 331 BC or BCE) Originated in Central Asian and
conquered the Mesopotamian civilizations, P_______________ developed the largest empire
in the world (up to that time.)
P2 Asia Minor, Jordan River Valley & Mediterranean Coast (Part of the Fertile Crescent):
P____________________ (1200 – 600 BC or BCE)
L__________________ (1200 – 600 BC)
H__________________ (1200 – 587 BC, Kingdoms of Judah, Israel)
How did advanced social, political, economic, and religious life develop in the early river
P1 Sumerians and B___________________________________
P2 First great M______________________________ civilization was the S_____________________.
P3 Built dikes to control f_______________ of the T__________ & E_____________________ rivers
P3 The world’s first countries were c________________- s__________________ (independent
cities with own laws, government, etc.)
P3 S__________________________ developed the first w__________________________ system.
P4 First versions were p__________________________ (small drawings)
P4 Later a writing system called c__________________ developed.
P4 Developed to keep track of government operation
P3 Babylonians conquered the Sumerians
P4 P_________________ (religious leaders) held great power in Babylonian civilization, but
h________________________ (related to the previous ruler) rulers controlled the government.
P3 King H________________________ was the most famous B____________________ ruler.
P4 He developed a w____________________________ law code
P5 Punishment differed based on s_______________________________ class
P5 Revenge – “an e_________________ for an eye”
P5 Protected the privileges of the n____________________ (wealthy land owners).
P4 Babylonians had a very strict class structure
P5 N______________ (wealthy land owners) common p____________, s________________
P4 Sumerian and Babylonian religion was p_______________________________ (worshipped
m_______________ gods and goddesses)
P5 The g_______________________ controlled the cycle of seasons.
P5 Sumerians built great t_________________ called z______________________________
P2 Important people to know:
S____________ – a powerful Akkadian king who established an empire in
Mesopotamia (Fertile Crescent).
H____________________ – a strong king of Babylon. He is best known for what
is believed to be one of the first written laws – the Code of H_________________
N____________________ – a Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon – he is believed
to be the creator of the hanging gardens – built for his wife.
Label the following: Lebanon Mountains, Jordan River, Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Then label where the
Phoenicians would be located, where the Hebrews would be located, where the Babylonians would be
What were the unique contributions of the Phoenicians and Hebrews?
P1 Phoenicians were great t___________________ of the ancient M______________________________ Sea
P2 Trade created the need for communication and r___________________-keeping (accounting and
business records), which led to the development of the w__________________________________.
P3 Basis for the a______________________ used in many parts of the world today, including the U.S.
P1 H_____________________ lived to the s_______________ of the Phoenicians and were a very small
P2 Hebrew believed in o____________________ all-powerful God (m_____________________________)
P2 Early history is recorded in the t________________________ (First five books of the Christian Bible)
P2 One of the first written law is the T_______ C________________________
P3 In Hebrew justice a_____________ people were e_________________________ before the law
P2 Hebrew religion is called J__________________________, which developed around 2000 B.C.
P3 Founded by A___________________________________
P3 Belief in o______________________ God – m___________________________________
P3 Holy book is called the T_____________________________
P3 Moral laws are the T________________ C___________________
P3 Holiest site (most important is the city of J______________________________
P3 Origins of Judaism:
A________________ (the founder who moved from the city of Ur in Sumer to Canaan)
M__________ (who led the Exodus back to Canaan and was given the Ten Commandments)
S____________ (the first King of the united Israel - Twelve Tribes of Israel)
J_________________ (King David made it the capital and religious center of the nation
of Israel and then Judah)
S_________________ (King of Israel at the height of wealth and power - greatest. He also built
the temple to the Hebrew/ Israel/ Jewish God.)
WH1.4a – Persian Empire
Religion: Z____________________ (monotheistic)
Location: M____________________ (modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.)
Transportation: The Royal R_____________ - used by the King of Kings (Persian Emperor) to send messages
and armies throughout the empire.
Contributions: b________________________
Treatment of Others: t___________________ of conquered peoples
Show the extent of the Persian Empire on the Map.
P2 Important people to know:
C_________________ - Persian King whose armies captured Babylon; took over the Fertile Crescent and Asia
Minor. He is sometimes called C________________________________ the Great.
Z_______________________ or Zarathushtra – Persian religious leader and prophet. He believed in universal
struggle of good and evil and a judgement day. He is the founder of the religion Z_________________.
P1 River Valley Civilizations - Setting the Scene
P2 Increased food supply allowed groups to settle in one place and develop CITIES.
P2 People SPECIALIZED in various types of WORK (labor)
P3 Leaders organized workers for COMMUNITY projects such as flood control, IRRIGATION of fields,
and public BUILDINGS (pyramids & temples)
P2 Features of early civilizations included:
P3 Dependence on AGRICULTURE
P3 Tended to be in locations easily protected from INVASION.
P3 RELIGION was a major part of life.
Where were the earliest civilizations located?
Four earliest civilizations developed around river valleys
P2 Indus (Harappan) in the INDUS river valley in modern-day Pakistan.
P2 CHINESE in the Huang He valley (Yellow River Valley) in Northern China
P1 Each of the river valleys provided FERTILE SOIL for farming and WATER for people, animals, and crops.
P1 Each location had PHYSICAL features (geographic: deserts mountains, seas) that provided PROTECTION.
P1 Later civilizations did not depend directly on rivers
P2 Hebrew of ancient Israel settled between the JORDAN river and the MEDITERRANEAN SEA
P3 Believed in ONE all-powerful GOD (Monotheism)
P4 Most early civilizations practiced POLYTHEISM (belief in MANY gods)
P3 Hebrew migrated often during their history
P3 Originated in MESOPOTAMIA, led to southern PALESTINE by ABRAHAM, enslaved in EGYPT, led to
freedom in about 1300 B.C. by MOSES, settled in modern-day ISRAEL
P3 MOSES received the basic laws, TEN COMMANDMENTS, from the Hebrew GOD.
P3 Record of the HEBREW history is collected in the TORAH and later in the Christian OLD TESTAMENT
P3 Hebrew religion is called JUDAISM
P2 Phoenicians settled in modern-day LEBANON between the Lebanon Mountains and the MEDITERANIAN
P3 Phoenician homeland had very little good farmland
P3 Phoenicians developed a large TRADE network across the MEDITERANIAN Sea
P3 Developed the first ALPHABET based writing system
P4 Phoenician alphabet forms basis of all later alphabetic WRITING systems – GREEK, ROMAN
(Latin), and modern ENGLISH writings (and European)
The earliest civilizations appeared in what time frame and in what general sequence?
P1 Civilizations developed with the change from HUNTING and GATHERING to FARMING
P3 Occurred at different times in different locations in the period between 6000 B.C. and 500 B.C.
P1 EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA civilizations developed agriculture first
P1 Evidence of farming in CHINA and INDIA also started about the same time as in EGYPT and
P1 First cities appeared in EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA around 4000 to 3000 B.C.
P1 Cities in CHINA and INDIA appeared between 3200 and 1800 B.C.
P1 PHOENICIANS established their TRADE network around 1200 B.C.
P2 Created COLONIES on their trade routes
P1 The Hebrew EXODUS from Egypt to Israel occurred around 1300 B.C.
(When did these civilizations exist?)
P2 Mesopotamia (Part of the Fertile Crescent):
SUMER (3000 – 2330 BC or BCE)
AKKADIAN (2330 – 2180 BC or BCE)
BABYLONIAN (1792 – 1600 BC or BCE)
HITTITE (1600 – 1200 BC or BCE)
ASSYRIAN (900 – 612 BC or BCE)
CHALDEANS (605 – 532 BC or BCE)
PERSIAN (550 – 331 BC or BCE) Originated in Central Asian and conquered the Mesopotamian
civilizations, PERSIAN developed the largest empire in the world (up to that time.)
P2 Asia Minor, Jordan River Valley & Mediterranean Coast (Part of the Fertile Crescent):
PHOENICIANS (1200 – 600 BC or BCE)
LYDIANS (1200 – 600 BC)
HEBREW (1200 – 587 BC, Kingdoms of Judah, Israel)
How did advanced social, political, economic, and religious life develop in the early river
P1 Sumerians and BABYLONIANS
P2 First great MESOPOTAMIAN civilizations was the SUMERIAN
P3 Built dikes to control FLOODING of the TIGRIS & EUPHRATES rivers
P3 The world’s first countries were CITY- STATEs (independent cities with own laws, government,
P3 SUMERIANS developed the first WRITING system.
P4 First versions were PICTOGRAMS (small drawings)
P4 Later a writing system called CUNEIFORM developed.
P4 Developed to keep track of government operation
P2 Babylonians conquered the Sumerians
P3 PRIESTS held great power in Babylonian civilization, but HEREDITARY rulers controlled the
P3 King HAMMURABI was the most famous BABYLONIAN ruler
P4 He developed a WRITTEN law code.
P5 Punishment differed based on SOCIAL class
P5 Revenge – “an EYE for an eye”
P5 Protected the privileges of the NOBLES (wealthy land owners).
P4 Babylonians had a very strict class structure
P5 NOBLES (wealthy land owners) common PEOPLE, SLAVES
P4 Sumerian and Babylonian religion was POLYTHEISTIC (worshipped MANY gods and goddesses)
P5 The GODS controlled the cycle of seasons.
P5 Sumerians built great TEMPLES called ZIGGURATS
P2 Important people to know:
SARGON – a powerful Akkadian king who established an empire in Mesopotamia (fertile crescent).
HAMMURABI – a strong king of Babylon. He is best known for what is believed to be one of the first
written laws – the Code of HAMMURABI
NEBUCHADNEZZAR – a Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon – he is believed to be the creator of the
hanging gardens – built for his wife.
Label the following: Lebanon Mountains, Jordan River, Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Then label where the
Phoenicians would be located, where the Hebrews would be located, where the Babylonians would be
What were the unique contributions of the Phoenicians and Hebrews?
P1 Phoenicians were great TRADERS of the ancient MEDITERRANEAN Sea
P2 Trade created the need for communication and RECORD-keeping (accounting and business records),
which led to the development of the PHOENICIAN ALPHABET
P3 Basis for the ALPHABET used in many parts of the world today, including the U.S.
P1 HEBREWS lived to the SOUTH of the Phoenicians and were a very small group
P2 Hebrew believed in ONE all-powerful God (MONOTHEISM)
P2 Early history is recorded in the TORAH (First five books of the Christian Bible)
P2 One of the first written law is the TEN COMMANDMENTS
P3 In Hebrew justice ALL people were EQUAL before the law
P2 Hebrew religion is called JUDAISM, which developed around 2000 B.C.
P3 Founded by ABRAHAM
P3 Belief in ONE God – MONOTHEISM
P3 Holy book is called the TORAH
P3 Moral laws are the TEN COMMANDMENTS
P3 Holiest site (most important) is the city of JERUSALEM
P1 Origins of Judaism:
ABRAHAM (the founder who moved from the city of Ur in Sumer to Canaan)
MOSES (who led the Exodus back to Canaan and was given the Ten Commandments)
SAUL (the first King of the united Israel - Twelve Tribes of Israel)
JERUSALEM (King David made it the capital and religious center of the nation
of Israel and then Judah)
SOLOMON (King of Israel at the height of wealth and power - greatest. He also built the temple
to the Hebrew/ Israel/ Jewish God.)
WH1.4a – Persian Empire
Religion: ZOROASTERIANISM (monotheistic)
Location: MIDDLE - EAST (modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Lebenon, Jordan, etc.)
Transportation: The Royal ROAD - used by the King of Kings (Persian Emperor) to send messages and armies
throughout the empire.
Contributions: IMPERIAL BUREAUCRACY (to help govern the large empire)
Treatment of Others: TOLERANT of conquered peoples (they allowed them to have their own religion and local
Show the extent of the Persian Empire on
the Map.
P2 Important people to know:
CYRUS - Persian King whose armies captured Babylon; took over the Fertile Crescent and Asia Minor. He is
sometimes called CYRUS the Great.
ZOROASTER or Zarathushtra – Persian religious leader and prophet. He believed in universal struggle of good
and evil and a judgment day. He is the founder of the religion ZOROASTRIANISM.