Download 4th-6th Grade Spelling Contract

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4th-6th Grade Spelling Contract
Please keep this contract in your binder so that you can refer to it every week. You may
also find a copy on our class website; I will not be making a new copy every week in an
effort to save paper.
Use your spelling words to complete your weekly spelling contract. Complete any
combination of activities with your spelling words. Write the value and number of each
activity on your paper. Want to know your grade? Look at the point’s list at the bottom of
the page. Please write neatly and always turn in your best work. COMPLETED
Unless otherwise specified, only handwritten work will be accepted.
4 Point Activities
1. Write the words and circle all the vowels.
2. Write the words and circle all the consonants.
3. Write the words and cross out the silent letters.
4. Write the words in reverse ABC order, or Z to A.
5. Write the words in ABC order.
6. Write the words using different colors.
6 Point Activities
7. Study the words for 10 minutes at home. You must bring in a note written by your
8. Scramble the letters in each word. Write the answer next to each word.
9. Type each word on a computer. You may email them to me at [email protected] or print them.
10. Classify each word as a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, or adjective.
11. Print each word. Next to it, write the word in cursive.
12. Draw and color a picture. “Hide” the words in the picture. Do not color over the
13. Write each word and divide it into syllables. (Use a dictionary to help you)
14. Write each word and next to it the phonetic spelling. (Use a dictionary to help you).
15. Take a practice test at home. Write any missed word 3x each. Include a parent
signature on the test.
16. Create a shape pattern for each word.
17. Use each word in a sentence. Combining words in sentences to make them a
complete, logical sentence is acceptable. CIRCLE SPELLING WORDS!
18. Make flashcards for all of the spelling words. Write the word on the front and the
definition on the back. You may use index cards or loose leaf paper for this activity.
19. Write your words 3 times in your neatest cursive
8 Point Activities
20. Make and complete a crossword puzzle using
21. Write OR TYPE a story using all the words. Circle the words that you use.
22. Find the words in newspapers or magazines and make a collage.
23. Write each word one time. Write the antonym next to it and use it in a sentence
24. Write each word one time. Write the synonym next to it and use it in a sentence
25. Make and complete a word search using
26. Print each word. What do you think the definition is? Write it down. Now look in a
dictionary and find the definition. If you are correct put a * beside the word. This activity
must be done in 3 columns using the following headings: Word, My Definition, and
Dictionary Definition.
A 18 – 20 points
B 16 – 17 points
C 14 – 15 points
D 12 – 13 points
F 11 points or below
Please write your name, the activity number and its point value at the top of your
page. This will count as a weekly grade in spelling