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Algebra I: Sections 1.1
Write an algebraic expression for each verbal expression.
1) Four more than a number n
4) 3 times the sum of 15 and a number n
3*(15 + n)
2) A number n divided by 6
5) One-half a number n
3) 9 less than a number n
6) 3 less than 5 times a number
5*n - 3
FIRST: On your own for each of the given operation symbols think of as many words that have the same
meaning and write them in the table.
SECOND: Compare your list of words to a partner and be prepared to share with the class.
Words that have the same meaning as the operation symbol
and, increased by, more than, plus, add, addition, sum of, the quantity, combine, total
decreased by, less than, minus, subtract, subtraction, difference of, take away, deduct
times, multiply, multiplication, product, multiplied by
double, triple, quadruple
division, divide, divided by, quotient, over(fraction)
equals, same as, as much as, equal to, is, identical
More Examples of creating math from words.
Exp 1: 7 less than the product of 4 and a number x
4x - 7
Exp 2: The difference of 4 and x squared
4 – x2
Exp 3: 15 decreased by twice the sum of x and 3
15 – 2(x+3)
Exp 4: two fifths the cube of a number y
2/5 y3
Exp 5: the sum of 7 and a number a over the
number b
(7 + a)/b
Exp 6: 8 times a number y less than negative 8.
-8 – 8y
How do you write NUMBERS TO WORDS?
Exp 7: 2x - 4
The difference of 2 times x and 4. 4 less than twice x. 4 less than two times x
Exp 8: 4m3
4 times m cubed. The product of 4 and m cubed
Exp 9: c2 + 21d
The sum of c squared and 21 times d.
Exp 10: ¼ x – y
One fourth of x minus y
21a  b
The number b less than the product of 21 and b all over 6
Exp 11:
Exp 12: 5 (3m + 7)
5 times the sum of 3 multiplied by the number m and 7
Example 7: Lorenzo bout several pounds of honey roasted peanuts and gave the cashier a $20 bill. Write an
expression for the amount of change he will receive if p is the cost of the peanuts.
20 - p
b) What would be the expression if he had paid with a $15?
15 - p
Example 8: A bakery sells a dozen bagels for $8.50 and a dozen doughnuts for $3.99. Write an expression for
the cost of buying b dozen bagels and d dozen doughnuts.
8.50b + 3.99d
Example 9: Each person in the United States produces approximately 3.5 pounds of trash each day. Write an
expression representing the pounds of trash produced in a day by a family with m members.
HOMEWORK: pages 8- 9 #13 – 18, 29 – 39 (odd), 43 - 45