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STEMi Lesson Plan Template
Teachers Name: Sharmela Chandrashekhar
P.S. 62 Q
STEMi PD Attended: Queens Botanical Garden
Lesson Title
Flower Parts and Their Functions
Grade Level
NYS Standards
Common Core
State Standards
STANDARD 4: The Living Environment
1.1a Living things are composed of cells. Cells provide structure and carry on major
functions to sustain life. Cells are usually microscopic in size.
1.1f Many plants have roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures. These
organized groups of tissues are responsible for a plant’s life activities.
Materials and
Students will be able to:
Identify parts of a flowering plant and describe their functions.
 Identify selected parts of a flowering plant and explain the function of each.
 Identify and explain the parts of a flower and their role in the life cycle of
flowering plants, including pollination, seed dispersal and germination.
~ Transparency and learner copies of Parts of a Flower
~ Magnifying glass
~ Microscope
~Computer with internet access
Smart Start
Discuss with students the structure of flowers. Begin by making a list of all the
flower parts they know. Then show students a diagram of a flower and discuss the
locations of the parts of the plants and their functions. The following parts should
be included in this discussion: pistil, stigma, ovary, ovule, stamen, anther, petal,
and sepal.
Explain that reproduction is a process that all living things do. Reproduction of
flowering plants is made possible through the processes of pollination, seed
production, seed dispersal and germination. If possible, present this in the context
of a story of the life of a flower. Mention the key points and functions of the Petal,
Sepal, Style, Stigma, Ovary, Ovule, Anther, Filament, Receptacle. As you mention
each part, add the appropriate label to the display.
As a class, brainstorm ways that plants are pollinated. Discuss how the structure of
plants contributes to pollination. Ask students to consider whether they think
insects, other animals, or the wind are involved in pollination. Then, on the basis of
their observations and the class discussion, ask students to develop their own
hypothesis about the mechanism of flower pollination. Have them write their
hypothesis on their observation sheets.
(Group Work)
Have students dissect the flower they chose. Although each student has his or her
own flower, students can dissect their flowers in small groups so that they can
share ideas and problem solve together. Each student should dissect his or her
flower by carefully removing each part, starting from outside the flower and
working inward, counting how many of each part is present on the flower. If a
dissecting microscope is available, have students look at each part under the
The flower consists of many different parts. Some of the most important parts
being separated into both male and female parts.
This is the male part of the flower. It is made up of the filament and
anther, it is the pollen producing part of the plant. The number of stamen is
usually the same as the number of petals.
This is the part of the stamen that produces and contains pollen. It is
usually on top of a long stalk that looks like a fine hair.
This is the fine hair-like stalk that the anther sits on top of.
This is the female part of the flower. It is made up of the stigma, style, and
ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures.
One of the female parts of the flower. It is the sticky bulb that you see in
the center of the flowers, it is the part of the pistil of a flower which
receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate.
Another female part of the flower. This is the long stalk that the stigma sits
on top of.
The part of the plant, usually at the bottom of the flower, that has the
seeds inside and turns into the fruit that we eat. The ovary contains ovules.
The part of the ovary that becomes the seeds.
The colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract pollinators and are
usually the reason why we buy and enjoy flowers.
The parts that look like little green leaves that cover the outside of a flower
bud to protect the flower before it opens.
Draw a flower from close observation at home.
Label the main reproductive parts and their functions.
Label the parts of a flower and describe their functions.