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Looking beyond
Medicine’s ‘Comfort Zone’
Dr. Lotze’s Newsletter
In s i g h t s , O p i n i o n s, N e w s a n d W e l l n e s s So l u t i o n s
[email protected]
Soft drinks destroy teeth and bones
All soft drinks contain phosphoric acid.
Phosphoric acid in sparkling cool drinks causes
tooth enamel erosion and dissolves all skeletal
bones. While some people may believe that sugar
is the only culprit of soft drinks’ adverse effects on
dental and bone health, it occurs whether the cool
drink is sweetened with sugar or artificial
Soft drinks are infused with phosphoric acid, which
gives it the tangy flavour. Phosphoric acid’s acidity
level approached the level of battery acid.
In nature, this type of flavour can be found in
ginger or lemon. However, phosphoric acid is
much cheaper and mass produced. Phosphoric
acid is also used in fertilizers and detergents,
including industrial cleaners. It is used in shipyards
to remove rust.
Consuming highly acidic cool drinks is not only bad
for your teeth but also terrible for bone health and
can promote a deterioration of the jawbone, pelvis
and femur.
Essentially, drinking phosphoric acid dissolves
away your skeletal system.
Diseases linked to Cool Drinks consumption:
Extra kilos on the scale
Cool drinks are a significant contributor to obesity.
Drinking a single can a day of sugary drinks
translates to more than a half a kilo of weight gain
every month. And diet soda is just as likely to cause
weight gain as regular, or even more -- it may sound
counterintuitive, but people who drink diet soft drinks
actually don’t lose weight. Artificial sweeteners
induce a whole set of physiologic and hormonal
responses that actually make you gain weight.
Liver damage
Cool drinks damage your liver. Consumption of too
many cool drinks drinks puts you under increased
risk for liver cirrhosis similar to the increased risk
faced by chronic alcoholics.
Tooth decay
Cool drinks dissolve tooth enamel. Cool drinks’
acidity is even worse for teeth than the sugar found in
Kidney stones and chronic kidney disease
Cool drinks are well known for their high phosphoric
acid content, a substance that changes the urine in a
way that promotes kidney stone formation. Drinking
two cans of cool drinks per week may increase your
risk of developing kidney stones by 15 percent.
Cool drinks continued:
Heartburn & acid reflux
Heavy consumption of cool drinks is a strong
predictor of heartburn. Many carbonated beverages
are very acidic. They also deliver a lot of air in the
form of carbon dioxide, which can cause distension
of your stomach. And that distension appears to be
associated with more reflux.
Cool drinks making osteoporosis
Cool drinks, because of their high acidity, pull
calcium out of you bones.
Sources: Squidoo January 23, 2009
Vegetarians at Risk
Brain damage caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency
Studies have confirmed that people with low Vit
B12 levels are at increased risk of having brain
atrophy or shrinkage. First sign is impaired
cognitive function. Brain atrophy is also associated
with Alzheimer’s disease.
At risk are people who have not eaten food which
contains Vit B12 over a longer period.
Vit B12 is found in animal meat, such as beef,
pork, lamb, liver. Other sources of Vit B12 are egg
yolk and cheese. Especially vegetarians are at risk
to suffer from pernicious anaemia and brain
damage. Fatigue could be a sign of Vit B12
Enemies of Vit B12 are estrogens (Contraceptives
and HRT) and sleeping pills. These neutralize even
small amounts of Vit B12 taken and the risk of
brain damage is increased.
As Vit B12 is not absorbed well through the
stomach, injections on a regular basis are
Vit B12 works synergistically with Vit A, E and C,
therefore B12 deficiency makes it difficult to absorb
these vitamins.
Sources: U S Journal of Neurology 2008;71:826-832
and Vitamin Bible, Earl Mindell
We all get heavier as we get older,
because there's a lot more information in
our heads.
Did drugs travel by themselves and somehow arrived on the streets and into our schools? Have we learned
from history about the harmful effects of drugs? How come drugs are so easily available? Who are
responsible for the influx of drugs? Is it a new phenomenon we are seeing or is it history repeating itself?
Well, here is a new lesson in history:
The drug problem predates the 20th century. It was promoted as not harmful and has no destructive
In the mid 1800, the Opium drug was legal – it was prescribed for many ailments such as headaches, skin
rashes and was even an Over-The-Counter drug (OTC drug) prescribed for soothing infants during teething!
It wasn’t long before Opium became a problem and created 300 000 addicts.
Then came Morphine as the "cure" to Opium and Alcoholism, and a non-addictive treatment. Later to be
found out to be more addictive than it was supposed to cure
In the late 1800, the US manufacturer Parke Davis brought Cocaine to the public. Cocaine was promoted as
the treatment for Morphine addiction! It was even sold in the neighbourhood pharmacies.
In 1898, Heroin was marketed by Beir Pharmaceuticals as the "new wonder drug" which was "safe and non
habit forming". It was even sold as a cough suppressant. It was not until 1923 (25 years later) all the above
drugs were made illegal.
With misinformation, it led to the abuse of the drugs. One would have thought with a century of experience, a
lesson was learned, but no!
History repeats itself with false marketing and misinformation; after World War II, Methadone was promoted
as the "cure" for Heroin addiction. Cocaine is promoted as "not physically addictive"!
In 1960, a Harvard PhD and Psychology ushered LSD into the new generation. Originally formulated as a
"cure" for the common cold, LSD is in the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful drug in existence.
The drugs Valium, Librium, Xanax, Halium, are claimed "safe" yet later found to have harmful side effects.
Ecstasy was created in Germany in 1914, Ecstasy was never marketed or sold until the 1970’s, when
psychiatrists and therapists began prescribing Ecstasy to their patients. In 1985 it was declared illegal and
classified as having a high potential for abuse and no medical usefulness.
History is repeating itself today; we have new drugs on the market. One out of five teenagers have abused
prescription drugs – they think Ritalin, Concerta, Prozac, Paxil, and other psychiatric drugs are somehow
safe. Heroin addicts buy Ritalin on the streets to satisfy their addictive habits. Ritalin has as its street name
"Speed", both contain the identical chemical compound and both are highly addictive.
Addiction to psychiatric drugs are often more devastating and injurious to the original condition they were
intended to "cure". Withdrawal from such drugs are harder than withdrawal from street drugs.
Who is responsible for the drug problem today in society? The psychiatrists who promote their unscientific
diagnoses of "mental illnesses" and promote the prescription of their psychotropic drugs to the unsuspecting
public. The psychiatrists are now getting normal doctors and GP’s to diagnose so called “mental illnesses”
and freely prescribe their psychotropic drugs – drugs that alter the mind, the moods and potentially turn
people into committing violence, aggressiveness, suicidal thoughts leading to suicide, crime, death, etc.
Will you allow history to repeat itself with all the "wonder drugs" which are promoted as "not addictive", "safe
and non-habit forming" that will "cure" the problems created by earlier addictive drugs?
You can do something about it. Pass this information to all those you care so they do not become the next
victim of psychotropic drugs and potentially turn into drug addicts.
Drugs destroy the fabric of our society. The fabric of our society is composed of strong families and
businesses. No matter how much spiritual counselling one does to those in need, as in the presence of drugs,
all efforts are dissolved into nothing. We cannot maintain a sane and moral culture in the presence of drugs. If
we want a civilization that is peaceful, free of conflict and where we can live happily with one’s fellow men, we
need to act and help stop the flow of drugs and tackle the source of the drugs.
For more information on Psychiatry as the source of drugs visit
New Cigarette Hazard: 'Third-Hand Smoke'
Even if you choose to smoke outside of your home, or only smoke in your home when your children are not there, you're
still exposing them to toxins. New research demonstrates that tobacco smoke contamination lingers even after a cigarette
is extinguished, a phenomenon the researchers called "third-hand" smoke.
When you smoke, toxic particulate matter from tobacco smoke gets into your hair and clothing. When you come into
contact with your baby, your child comes in contact with those toxins, even if you're not smoking at the time.
Particulate matter from tobacco smoke has been proven toxic. It contains 250 poisonous gases, chemicals, and metals -include hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, butane, ammonia, toluene, arsenic, lead, chromium, cadmium, and
polonium-210 (a highly radioactive carcinogen).
Children may be especially susceptible to third-hand smoke exposure because they crawl and play on potentially
contaminated surfaces such as cushions, carpets and the floor. The toxins can get on their hands and can then be
Sources: New York Times January 2, 2009, Pediatrics January 2009, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. e74-e79