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Livy multiple choice
___ 1. During the Reign of Numa the Wise
A) rules regarding the sanctity of the Vestal Virgins were established
B) a bridge over the Tiber was built
C) the doors of the temple of Janus remained closed
D) a new code of law came into being
___ 2. The Horatii and the Alban triplets fought each other because
A) the Albans raped Horatius’ sister
B) a sacred oath was broken by the Horatii
C) the Roman and Alban kings wanted a spectacle to distract their troops from the hardships of
D) the Roman and Alban kings wanted to substitute a duel between the triplets for a full-scale
___ 3. Horatius’ sister
A) met her death fighting the Albans in the battlefield
B) was killed by Horatius for mourning the death of her Alban lover
C) was made a Vestal Virgin in honor of her deeds
D) gave birth to Ancus Marcius
___ 4. At the end of his life, Tullus Hostilius
A) died in battle as befitted his name
B) incorrectly performed the secret rites of Jupiter and was struck by lightening
C) was killed on the steps of the Senate by enraged senators
D) died of the plague
___5. Tarquin (the first) came into power by
A) gaining the trust of Ancus Marcius and seizing the throne
B) killing Ancus’ sons
C) encouraging Ancus’ sons to overthrow their father
D) scheming with the Sabines to overthrow Ancus
___ 6. A strange portent that brought young Servius Tullius to Tarquin’s attention was
A) a comet shot across the sky on the day of his birth
B) a strange birthmark appeared on his forehead
C) flames encircled his head while he slept one night
D) six vultures flew over his head as he played
___ 7. Servus Tullius became king because
A) he stole the throne from Ancus Marcus
B) Tarquin’s wife insured his succession when Tarquin was stabbed by the sons of Ancus Marcus
C) an omen read from the entrails of a sheep pointed to Servus as the next king
D) Servus poisoned Tarquin and stole the throne
___ 8. Servus’ daughter Tullia was
A) a kind and thoughtful daughter who helped her father rule
B) a Vestal Virgin who conceived twins
C) an ambitious women who murdered her first husband and ran over her father’s body with a
D) a virtuous woman who was raped by Brutus
___ 9. When he was sent to Delphi on an errand for the king, Brutus
A) stole the omphalos
B) killed Tarquin the Proud’s youngest son
C) bragged of great intelligence
D) fell to the ground and kissed his mother
___ 10. Brutus revealed his character and ushered in the Roman Republic after
A) the rape of Lucretia
B) Tarquin the Proud’s suicide
C) Horatius Cocles defended the bridge
D) the Second Punic War
___ 11. Brutus, as a new consul, proved his loyalty to Rome by
A) killing the Etruscan king, Lars Porsenna
B) cutting off his right hand
C) sentencing his own sons to death on grounds of treason
D) establishing a shrine to honor Lucretia
___ 12. Horatius Cocles was famous for
A) becoming the first consul of the Roman Republic
B) single-handedly keeping the enemy from crossing the bridge spanning the Tiber
C) laying down his farming tools to become dictator when duty called
D) protecting the Temple of Janus during the Etruscan invasion
___ 13. Gauis Mucius was called “Scaevola” because
A) he placed his right hand in the fire to prove his loyalty to Rome
B) he was the most “wicked” general in the Roman army
C) he alone was able to scale to steep cliffs of the Roman citadel
D) he was known to afraid of bats
___ 14. Camillus had the schoolmaster of Falerii stripped and flogged because the schoolmaster
A) awaken the geese who guarded the Roman citadel
B) tried to remove the statue of Juno from the city without the goddess’ permission
C) taught the Faleriian boys to dishonor their elders
D) tried to turn the schoolboys over to the Romans as hostages
___ 15. Livy wrote the History of Rome in order to
A) flatter the Emperor Augustus
B) teach moral lessons to his audience
C) record history as he perceived it
D) all of the above