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Exploration-End of World War II
1. Crusades- were Holy Wars waged by Europeans on the Muslims in the Middle
East to regain the Holy Land.
2. Renaissance- rebirth of learning.
3. Reformation- movement to reform the Catholic Church. Led by Martin Luther.
4. Prince Henry of Portugal- navigation and ship building.
5. Columbian Exchange- the mixing of Western Hemisphere and European
cultures. (foods, animals, words, etc.) (also diseases)
6. Conquistadors- Spanish conquerors. (Pizarro, Incas in Peru and Cortez- Aztecs
in Mexico
7. St. Augustine- founded by the Spanish. Oldest permanent settlement in the
United States.
8. Hernando de Soto- explored Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi looking for
9. Ponce de Leon- searched for Fountain of Youth in Florida.
10. 13 Colonies- settled by the English along the Atlantic Coast.
11. Roanoke in North Carolina- “The Lost Colony”
12. House of Burgesses- first representative government (democracy) in the U. S.
13. Indentured Servant- people who became servants (almost slaves) for 7 years to
pay for their passage to the colonies.
14. Triangular Trade- involved Africa (slaves), West Indies (molasses), and New
England (rum) Middle Passage- slave journey.
15. Mayflower Compact- equal and just laws for all.
16. Mercantilism- economic theory based on gold, colonies, and more exports then
imports. (Favorable Balance of Trade).
17. Enlightenment- emphasis on learning and reason. (science-people like Benjamin
18. John Locke- English writer who influenced Thomas Jefferson who wrote the
Declaration of Independence. (power comes from the people).
19. Montesquieu- Frenchman, 3 Branches of Government, Separation of Powers.
(Legislative, Executive, Judicial).
20. The Great Awakening- emphasis on religion. Jonathon Edwards.
21. Writs of Assistance- blanket search warrants. (4th Amendment).
22. Taxation without Representation- colonists were not represented in Parliament
and felt tax was unfair.
23. Patrick Henry- “Give me Liberty or give me death”
24. Paul Revere- “The British are coming”
25. Boston Massacre- 5 people are killed by British soldiers in Boston including
attacks on African Americans
26. Boston Tea Party- Tea is destroyed because of tax.
27. Lexington, Massachusetts- first battle of the American Revolution.
28. Concord, Massachusetts- second battle of American Revolution.
29. Second Continental Congress- our government during the Revolutionary War.
30. “Common Sense”- pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that said colonies should
be independent of Great Britain.
31. George Washington- commander of U.S. Continental Army and later the 1st
32. Sons of Liberty- Revolutionary group headed by Samuel Adams.
33. Declaration of Independence- written by Thomas Jefferson, it explained why the
U.S. was declaring independence.
34. Saratoga- turning point in the Revolutionary War (France helps U.S.)
35. Valley Forge- Washington and his men spent frozen winter here. (near
36. Baron von Steuben- Prussian who trained soldiers at Valley Forge.
37. Yorktown- final battle of the Revolutionary War. Located in Virginia. Cornwallis
38. Treaty of Paris (1783) - ends the war. Gets America their independence.
39. Land Ordinance of 1785- survey and sell of public lands in the Northwest
Territory. (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin)
40. Northwest Ordinance of 1785- set up how territories would become states.
(60,000 people, constitution, etc.)
41. Louisiana Purchase 1803- Thomas Jefferson buys huge amount of land from
France. (Napoleon)
42. Federalist Papers- written to support passage of the Constitution. (Madison,
Hamilton, Jag)
43. James Madison- “Father of the Constitution”
44. 3 Branches of Government- Legislative (Congress- make laws), Executive
(President- enforces the law), Judicial (Supreme Court- interprets the law)
45. Federalism- type of government where powers are divided between the national
government and the states.
46. Bill of Rights- 1st 10 amendments. Added at the insistence of the Anti-Federalists.
47. Lewis and Clark- explored the Louisiana Purchase along with an Indian guide
named Sacajewa.
48. Elastic Clause- Congress can make any laws it deems necessary to carry out
laws. (necessary and proper clause)
49. Federalists- were those who supported the Constitution and Anti-Federalists were
those opposed to the Constitution.
50. Electoral College- method of choosing the President.
51. Marbury vs. Madison- established the power of judicial review which is the
power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
52. War of 1812- major cause-impressment- taking American sailors off our ships
and making them serve in the British Navy.
53. Horseshoe Bend- Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians.
54. Battle of Fort McHenry- In Baltimore, this is where Francis Scott Key wrote the
“Star Spangled Banner”
55. Battle of New Orleans- Andrew Jackson led a defeat of the British.
56. American System- Henry Clay- Use the tariff, Internal Improvements, and a
National Bank to bind the U.S. together economically.
57. Dec. 14, 1819- Alabama became a state.
58. Era of Good Feelings- only 1 political party. Started during the Presidency of
James Monroe.
59. Monroe Doctrine- Europe should stay out of the Western Hemisphere.
60. Eli Whitney- cotton gin and interchangeable parts to speed up production.
61. Robert Fulton- the steamboat (Clermont)
62. Missouri Compromise- drew a line across the country at 36degress/30.
Everything above the line is closed to slavery and below the line open to slavery.
Exception- Missouri a slave state.
63. John Marshall- Famous Supreme Court judge whose rulings made the national
government very powerful.
64. Trail of Tears- removal of Indian tribes to the West.
65. Mormons- persecuted because of religious beliefs. Mainly polygamy (more than
one wife).
66. Gold Rush in California- the “49ers”
67. Andrew Jackson- “Spoils System”- give jobs to your friends.
68. Elizabeth Cady Stanton- organized the first women’s rights convention. The
Seneca Falls Convention (1848).
69. Susan B. Anthony- worked to give women the right to vote.
70. William Lloyd Garrison- famous abolitionist (opposed slavery)
71. Harriet Beecher Stowe- wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book which showed
slavery in a bad way. Abraham Lincoln thought her book was a major cause of the
Civil War.
72. Frederick Douglas- most prominent African American speaker for the abolition
of slavery.
73. Harriet Tubman- Leader of the Underground Railroad. A system of helping
slaves escape to the North.
74. Dorothea Dix- Worked to help the ones in mental institutions.
75. Temperance Movement- stop alcohol consumption (Prohibition)
76. Horace Mann- worked to establish public education
77. Noah Webster- the first American dictionary.
78. Manifest Destiny- the belief that the U.S. should stretch from one ocean to
79. Sam Houston- led the Texas (Lone Star State) movement for independence from
80. Edgar Allen Poe- “The Raven” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”
81. Washington Irving- “Rip van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
82. Henry David Thoreau- “Walden”
83. Nathaniel Hawthorne- “The Scarlet Letter”
84. Herman Melville- “Moby Dick”
85. Compromise of 1850- written by Henry Clay. California was admitted as a free
state. Popular sovereignty would be used in Utah and New Mexico territories.
86. Popular Sovereignty- people of a territory would vote whether or not they
wanted slavery.
87. Fugitive Slave Act- Northern states must return runaway slaves to the South.
88. Kansas-Nebraska Act- 2 territories where slavery would be decided by popular
sovereignty- led to “Bleeding Kansas”- killings over slavery.
89. 1854 the Republican Party was founded based on the opposition to slavery.
90. Dred Scott Decision- Supreme Court ruled slaves are property.
91. John Brown- led a raid on the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry in an effort to start an
armed slave revolt. It failed and he was hanged.
92. Secession- act of leaving the Union. South Carolina first to leave upon the
election of Lincoln in 1860.
93. First Capital of the Confederacy- Montgomery, Alabama then moved to
Richmond, Virginia. 1st President of the Confederacy was Jefferson Davis.
94. Bull Run- First battle of the Civil War. A victory for the South.
95. Winston County, Alabama- seceded from Alabama when Alabama seceded
from the Union.
96. West Virginia- leaves Virginia and forms new state.
97. Anaconda Plan- Northern plan to win the war based on 1. Capture Richmond 2.
Control the Mississippi River-they did this by capturing Vicksburg, Miss. in July
1813 3. Blockade southern ports- the South had virtually no navy.
98. Antietom- in Maryland- bloodiest one day battle in the history of the U.S.
99. After Antietom, Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.
100. Gettysburg- turning point in the Civil War, like Saratoga in the Revolutionary
101. Joseph Wheeler- famous Confederate officer from Alabama.0
102. Gettysburg Address- Famous speech by Abraham Lincoln
103. Appomattox Court House- Lee surrendered to Grant. In effect it ended the
Civil War.
104. Homestead Act- 160 acres of free land for 5 years work. Helped sped up
settlement of the West.
105. Morrill Land Grant Act- Start public universities
106. 13th Amendment- ended slavery 14th Amendment made former slaves citizens.
15th Amendment gave black men right to vote.
107. Freedmen’s Bureau- provides food, clothing, and education for ex-slaves and
poor whites.
108. April 14, 1865 John Wilkes Booth kills Abraham Lincoln and Andrew
Johnson of Tennessee becomes President.
109. Radical Republicans- group in Senate led by Thadeus Stevens that wanted to
punish the South.
110. The Election of 1876- led to the Compromise of 1877 where the Republican
Rutherford B. Hayes is allowed to claim the Presidency in return for a promise to
end Reconstruction.
111. Jim Crow Laws- were segregation laws in the South, legalized in the 1896 case
of Plessy v. Ferguson. (Separate but equal)
112. Carpetbaggers- came from the North to work with the Republicans in the
113. Scalawags- Southerners who worked with the Radical Republicans. They were
viewed by Southerners as “traitors”
114. Cornelius Vanderbilt- great railroad builder.
115. John D. Rockefeller- standard oil.
116. Andrew Carnegie- fortune of steel.
117. Reservations- land set aside for Indians.
118. Battle of the Little Bighorn- George Armstrong Custer and all his men are
massacred by Sioux Indians.
119. Dawes Act- did away with Reservations. Attempt to assimilate Native
Americans into mainstream society. (Failure)
120. Wounded Knee, South Dakota- final Indian battle. Massacre of Sioux.
121. The Bessemer Process- way of mass producing cheap steel. (Alabama)
122. Steel Plow- John Deere cut through sod (Tough Soil).
123. Windmills- used to pump water to the surface from deep wells.
124. Barbed Wire- invented by Joseph Glidden.
125. Railroads- led to the development of the West. Especially the Transcontinental
Railroad completed in 1869.
126. The Grange- first farm organization, went after the railroads.
127. Populist Party- founded in 1892. Main support came from workers.
Disappeared by 1897. Was strong in Alabama.
128. Black Belt- area of black, fertile soil excellent for growing cotton.
129. Boll weevil- insect that destroyed cotton forcing Alabama farmers to diversify.
130. Birmingham- iron and steel center of Alabama.
131. Mobile- shipping center in Alabama.
132. Alexander Graham Bell- invented the telephone.
133. Monopoly- No competition, complete control of an industry.
134. American Federation of Labor (AFL) - famous labor union headed by Samuel
135. Chinese Exclusion Act- No Chinese can come to America. (Jobs)
136. Progressivism- social and political movement to make society better.
137. Boss Tweed- Famous big city boss. Stole 100 million dollars from New York
138. Muckrakers- journalists who wrote about the evils of society.
139. Upton Sinclair- Most famous muckraker. Wrote “The Jungle”- story of rats in
140. Ida Torbell- also wrote about abuse in “The History of the Standard Oil
141. Progressive Amendments- 16th Income tax, 17th Direct election of U.S.
Senators, 18th Prohibition, 19th Gave women the right to vote
142. Booker T. Washington- founder of Tuskegee Institute. He stressed work and
education. Favored segregation.
143. George Washington Carver- did work at Tuskegee with the peanut and the
sweat potato.
144. W.E.B. DuBois- founder of NAACP in 1909. (Niagara Movement)
145. Plessy vs. Ferguson- separate but equal. Legalized segregation.
146. Alabama Constitution of 1901- literacy test and poll tax. Tried to keep blacks
from voting. (kept Democrats in power)
147. Theodore Roosevelt- Square Deal. Fought for conservation. Fought
monopolies through the Sherman Anti-trust Act.
148. William Taft- elected in 1908. Later chief justice of the Supreme Court.
149. Woodrow Wilson- elected in 1912 and 1916. President during World War I.
Program was called New Freedom.
150. Imperialism- taking over other countries. (Colonies)
151. 1898- War with Spain (over Cuba) The explosion of the Maine and Yellow
Journalism were two major causes of the war.
152. 1898- we took Hawaii. (Queen Lilivokalani)
153. Theodore Roosevelt- led the charge of the Rough Riders.
154. Open Door Policy- equal trading rights in China.
155. Panama Canal- connect Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
156. William C. Gorgas- from Alabama. Helped eradicate yellow fever.
157. Long term causes of World War I- 1. Nationalism 2. Militarism 3. Imperialism
4. Alliance System
158. Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand- is the immediate spark that
starts the war.
159. World War I items- 1. Trench warfare 2. No man’s land 3. Machine guns and
poison gas 4. Airplane and tank- pilots called Aces fought dogfights.
160. Causes of U.S. entry into World War I- 1. The sinking of the Lusitania (128
Americans died) May 7, 1915. 2. The Zimmerman Note- Germany attempted to bribe
Mexico into entering the war against the U.S. 3. German U-Boats (Submarines)
started sinking U.S. ships. 4. Russia became a Democracy 5. Financial
161. World War I Allies- Great Britain, France, Russia, U.S. Central PowersGermany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
162. Nov. 11, 1918- World War I ended with an armistice (An agreement to stop
163. The Treaty of Versailles- ended WWI. Germany was blamed for the war and
punished severely.
164. The U.S. never signed the Treaty of Versailles nor did we join the League of
Nations (An organization created to keep the peace) We favored Isolationism.
165. Roaring Twenties- 1. F. Scott Fitzgerald- wrote “The Great Gatsby” 2. Ernest
Hemingway wrote “The Sun Also Rises”, “A Farewell to Arms”, “For Whom the
Bell Tolls”, and “The Old Man and The Sea”
166. The Harlem Renaissance- (New York) Rebirth of pride in African American
culture, literature, and music. Leading people- Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston,
W. C. Handy- from Alabama- famous blues singer. Dance and music- Jazz, Blues,
167. Margaret Sanger- she established the first birth control clinic in the U.S. in
168. Zelda Fitzgerald- she was the Flapper. From Sidney Lanier High School in
Montgomery she represented the glitz and glamour of the 1920s.
169. Radio became big in the 1920s. (Pittsburg)
170. Movies were big 1927-“The Jazz Singer”- first movie with sound.
171. The car became big. Henry Ford- assembly line
172. Rebirth of KKK (1920s)- targeted blacks, immigrants, and Catholics
173. The “Red Scare”- fear of communism. This fear led to the execution of Sacco
and Vanzetti mainly because they were foreigners and anarchists (people who oppose
all forms of government)
174. Nativism- opposition to immigrants.
175. Emergency Quota Act- limited immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe
and Asia.
176. 18th Amendment- Prohibition, Speak Easies- illegal hidden bars. Bootleggerspeople who made and smuggled alcohol into the U.S.
177. Al Capone- infamous gangster of the 1920s. (Chicago)
178. 21st Amendment- repealed the 18th, did away with prohibition.
179. Cause of the Great Depression- 1. Disparity of income- many people had little
money. 2. Crash of the stock market. The “Bull” rising prices, became “Bear” falling
prices. 3. Banks closed 4. Business companies closed 5. Unemployment went up 6.
Farmers overproduced- crop prices fell Dust Bowl in the Great Plains
180. Herbert Hoover- Most people blamed the depression on Hoover, calling
shangtowns Hoovervilles.
181. The Bonus Army- was destroyed. Unemployed group who wanted but was
denied WWI bonus. Douglas MacArthur broke them up with hoses and tear gas.
182. 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt- was elected President. His program was called the
“New Deal” FDR will be re-elected in 1936, 1940, and 1944
183. Some New Deal Agencies- 1. AAA- help farmers 2. TVA- big in Alabamabuilt dams to stop flooding and provide electricity 3. Social Security- help the elderly
and the disabled. 4. CCC- jobs for men between 17 and 23- outdoor work 5. FDICprotect bank deposits 6. WPA- provide jobs
184. Movies tried to uplift people (Escapism) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
Biggest movie- “Gone With the Wind”
185. Fireside Chats- Roosevelt talked to Americans over the radio.
186. Italy- Benito Mussolini- Fascism
187. 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria (China) starts the road to World War II
188. Germany- Adolf Hitler- Nazi- Blamed the Jews and the Treaty of Versailles for
Germany’s problems
189. Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin- Communism
190. Kellogg-Briand Pact- designed to outlaw war. Signed by 63 nations. Good idea
but a joke.
191. World War II Allies- Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, U.S. World War II
Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, Japan
192. Appeasement- Giving in to Hitler’s demands to avoid war.
193. Munich Conference- Britain and France give up the Sudetenland (part of
Czechoslovakia) in return for Hitler’s promise of peace.
194. September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland. This officially starts World War
II. Germany and Russia divide Poland.
195. Blitzkrieg- German war tactic which means “lightening warfare”
196. The U.S. tries to remain neutral.
197. Tojo Hideki- the prime minister of Japan plans a surprise attack on Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941.
198. Executive Order 9066- FDR orders 110,000 Japanese Americans placed in
internment camps for the duration of the war.
199. Tuskegee Airmen- black combat pilots were trained at Tuskegee, Alabama.
200. Midway- Victory for U.S. turning point in U.S. war in Pacific with Japan.
201. Stalingrad- Turning point in Europe. Soviet Union stops Germany and begins
offensive toward Germany.
202. U.S. troop leader in Europe- Dwight D. Eisenhower.
203. British Prime Minister- Winston Churchill
204. Operation Torch- invasion of North Africa.
205. Operation Overlord- code name for D-Day invasion at Normandy on the coast
of France. June 6, 1944.
206. Franklin Roosevelt- dies April 12, 1945, and Harry Truman becomes
President. Hitler commits suicide April 30, 1945.
207. May 8, 1945 VE-Day (Victory in Europe)
208. Holocaust- extermination of 6 million Jews
209. Douglas MacArthur- commander in the Pacific “I shall return”
210. Kamikaze- Japanese suicide pilots.
211. Manhattan Project- code name for building the Atomic bomb.
212. First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Second on Nagasaki, Japan
213. Aug. 14, 1945, V-J Day. Japan surrenders World War II is over.