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Practice Test #__________
Nationalism and Statebuilding: 1850 - 1870
1. After 1848, European nationalist political leaders tended to be
A. realists, not idealists.
B. idealists, not realists.
C. Italian.
D. monarchs rather than republicans.
2. Camillo di Cavour hoped to unify the independent Italian states around
A. Rome.
B. Piedmont-Sardinia.
C. Trieste.
D. Naples.
3. Although Piedmont-Sardinia and France won their war with Austria, the 1859 Treaty of Villafranca
was a disappointment because Cavour and Victor Emmanuel did not add
A. Lombardy
B. Venetia
C. The Kingdom of Naples
D. The Papal States
4. Otto von Bismarck, Prussian chancellor, is most well known
A. for continuing to maintain, in spite of political developments, that the Austrian empire was
"great by reason of its physical power, greater still by reason of it. education and the intelligence
which permeates it!"
B. for saying "I cannot make a speech, but I can make Germany."
C. for his attitude that German unification would be achieved "not by speeches and majority
resolutions...but by blood and iron."
D. for being called "the sick man of Europe" in diplomatic circles.
5. Bismarck intended to achieve his goal of strengthening Prussia's place in international affairs
through a policy he called
A. Zollverein.
B. Bundestag.
C. Realpolitik.
D. Kulturkampf.
6. Prussia's defeat of France in the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian war resulted in the creation of what was
officially called
A. the German Confederation.
B. the North German Confederation.
C. the Reichstag.
D. the German empire.
7. Alexander II decided to strengthen and modernize Russia by
A. enacting his "Great Reforms."
B. entering the Crimean War.
C. legalizing labor unions.
D. enserfing more peasants to provide free labor.
8. After Napoleon III was captured by Prussian troops in 1871, the French overthrew his government
and established the
A. Third Republic.
B. Third Empire.
C. Second Republic.
D. Second Reich.
9. Lincoln’s ultimate goal, even in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, was to
A. abolish slavery in the South.
B. prevent slavery from spreading to the West.
C. keep the Border States in the Union.
D. preserve the Union.
10. Disraeli’s “Leap in the Dark”
A. Eliminated permanently the “rotten boroughs”
B. Proposed Home Rule for Ireland
C. Extended British control in Africa
D. Gave the vote to the middle class and “labor aristocracy”
11. The Compromise of 1867 between Austria and Hungary
A. declared that Francis Joseph would abdicate the Hungarian throne.
B. united the two under a common ruler but with each having a separate parliament.
C. made each one an independent state.
D. reduced Hungary to the same status as the empire's other nationalities.
12. Which of the following did not have to deal with the problem of the nationalism of subject peoples
on its territory during the 19th century?
A. Austrian empire
B. Ottoman empire
C. Russian empire
D. Prussia
13. Bismarck’s attacks on the Social Democratic (socialist) Party and the Catholic Church
A. weakened both institutions substantially
B. proved to be counterproductive
C. were a direct cause of German anti-Semitism
D. enhanced the strength of revolutionary Marxists in Germany
14. Bismarck’s social welfare legislation was
A. rejected by the Reichstag
B. successful in that German workers completely rejected socialism
C. wildly unpopular among German industrial workers
D. one factor that led many German socialists to favor revisionism rather than revolution
15. Napleon III’s regime in France
A. was popular only with the middle class
B. became progressively more autocratic
C. combined economic success with authoritarian government
D. resisted industrialization in an effort to preserve traditional French society
16. Which of the following was not one of the reforms instituted by Tsar Alexander II?
A. emancipation of the serfs
B. universal manhood suffrage
C. empowering the zemstvos
D. building railroads and factories
17. Theodore Herzl’s call for a Jewish state—the Zionist movement—
A. was based on biblical prophecies
B. reflected doubts that Jews would ever be truly accepted by European society
C. was the single most important factor leading to the Dreyfus Affair
D. was a response to Arab takeover of the Holy Land
18. William Gladstone’s greatest political failure lay in
A. his failure to develop a working relationship with Queen Victoria.
B. Parliament’s rejection of his proposal to extend suffrage to all adult males.
C. centered on his desire to grant Home Rule for Ireland.
D. the rejection of his proposal to make the Queen the Empress of India.
19. Andrew Jackson (President 1829-1837) saw himself as the chief representative of the common
American, but he also was denounced for what some saw as an abuse of his power that, critics said,
came close to dictatorship. The ruler he most resembles is
A. Alexander III
B. William Gladstone
C. Camilo Cavour
D. Napoleon III
20. The Paris Commune in 1871
A. was ruthlessly crushed by the French Army
B. was formed by Parisians angered at the peace settlement that ended the Franco-Prussian War
C. reflected disillusionment at a conservative-monarchist National Assembly
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C
21. Which of these was opposed by Bismarck?
A. social security legislation
B. the war against France
C. making the King of Prussia the new Emperor of Germany
D. building a world-class navy
22. Which of the following men is NOT a good example of the German term realpolitik?
A. Giuseppe Mazzini
B. Camilo Cavour
C. Otto von Bismarck
D. Benjamin Disraeli
23. Revisionist socialists openly rejected
A. labor union activities
B. electoral politics
C. violent revolution
D. social welfare legislation
24. Which of the following did NOT result, directly or indirectly, from the Battle of Antietam?
A. Great Britain formally recognized the Confederate States
B. Lincoln fired Gen. George B. McClellan
C. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclmation
D. Lee’s army successfully escaped destruction
25. Which of these was acquired last in the Italian unification process?
A. Venetia
B. Lombardy
C. the Papal States
D. Sicily
Part II. Names, Names, Names. Match the person with the description.
Edward Bernstein
Benjamin Disraeli
Napoleon III
Alexander III
Camilo Cavour
Karl Lueger
Victor Emmanuel
Wilhelm I
William Gladstone
Robert E. Lee
Emile Zola
Alexander II
Giuseppe Mazzini
Wilhelm II
Pius IX
a. Vienna mayor whose anti-Semitism may have inspired Hitler wannabes
b. By 1870, his popularity was waning; defeat in the Franco-Prussian War
would force him to abdicate
c. He defused socialism with his social security program; but his attack on the
church, the kulturkampf, cost him popularity
d. He was crowned Emperor of Germany at Versailles—a big mistake
e. Liberal Prime Minister whose failure to win Irish Home Rule destroyed his
f. His grouchy “Syllabus of Errors” denounced anything that was modern
g. The “Tsar-Liberator” who was assassinated in 1881
h. His courageous “J’Accuse” demanded a new trial for Capt. Dreyfus
i. Machiavellian AND idealist—Piedmontese prime minister whose vision
was a Italy united under his king, but with a little French help
j. Tory Prime Minister who charmed Victoria and whose Reform Bill extended
the English suffrage even further
k. His meeting with Garibaldi on the road to Rome symbolized the turning
point in the Italian unification movement
l. Revisionist socialist who argued for peaceful tactics in winning a better life
for workers
m. Key to this autocrat’s rule was narodnost, or super-Russian patriotism;
minorities, like Jews, were suspect
n. One more victory over the Union in the north, he felt, would bring the
Confederacy French and English support
o. His Red Shirts liberated southern Italy from a repressive monarch
p. He “dropped the pilot” by firing Bismarck, which left a nincompoop in
charge of Germany—meaning himself.
q. His “Young Italy” failed to unite Italy in the disastrous chain or 1848
revolutions throughout Europe
Answer Key. NO PEEKING!
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. E
21. D
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. C
1. c
2. l
3. j
4. b
5. m
6. i
7. a
8. k
9. d