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NAME____________________________________ PER.___ EXAM DATE___________________________________
1. The characteristics of the Renaissance are: rebirth of learning, creativity, individuality; included rebirth of
learning of classical Greece and Rome; a bridge between Medieval and Modern Times
Through which sea did Renaissance merchants and traders prosper the most? Mediterranean
Who became known as the “Renaissance or Universal Man” because of his many talents in many fields? Da Vinci
What technological development in Europe led to an increase in literacy? printing press
What was the main source of protest by Martin Luther within Catholicism? selling of indulgences or pardons for sins
Any Christian who is neither Catholic nor Orthodox is known is considered to be a Protestant
How did English King Henry VIII hoped to prevent another “Wars of the Roses” civil war? by getting a divorce
against the pope’s wishes to have a son to inherit the throne
List the Catholic Church’s Counter-Reformation measures: ending sale of indulgences, writing a list of forbidden
books, accepting only Latin version of Bible, pope is only authority of western Christianity
9. What were the goals of the Jesuits? Increase literacy across Europe by opening schools, fight Protestantism,
convert non-Christians to Catholicism
10. Which two Christian religions did the Peace of Augsburg allow German princes to choose as his state religion in
the Holy Roman Empire? Catholic & Lutheran
CHAPTERS 15 & 16
1. The reasons for European exploration during the Global Age were: spread Christianity; fight against Muslims;
search for gold, silver, spices, riches; for the thrill
2. List the results of European exploration during the Golden Age: cultural diffusion, Span acquired gold, silver from
Americas; European nations acquired new lands, people, riches
3. Spain’s dealings with its American colonies included: using viceroys to answer directly to Hapsburg king; educated
priests on the Americas to spread Catholicism; colonies traded only with Mother country
4. Name the continents that were a part of the Triangular Trade Route: Africa, Americas, Europe
5. What was the Triangular Trade Route? Lasted for 3 centuries; had a 3,000-mile Middle Passage which cause death
of two million slaves
6. How did colonies benefit their parent nations? provided raw materials & markets
7. The social class that changed the least was the peasant class and the one that changed the most was city workers as a
result of the Age of Mercantilism in Europe.
1. By the Edict of Nantes in 1598, Henry IV of France granted religious toleration to French Calvinists called Huguenots
2. Peter the Great force Russians to accept social reforms because he wanted to make their culture more like that of
Western Europe
3. France was torn apart by religious wars between which two Christian religions? Catholics and Calvinists (Huguenots)
4. England’s Stuart kings’ claims to absolute power were challenged by the representative assembly known as
5. What was the name of the European empire that consisted of 300 German states? Holy Roman Empire
6. What is the term of any ruler who has complete authority over the government and the lives of its people? absolute
7. The belief that authority to rule comes directly from God is called divine right
8. The act that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a crime is called the Act of Habeas Corpus
9. Which Hapsburg king of Spain most advanced Catholic power throughout the world during the Age of Absolutism was
Philip II
10. What is the kind of government in which a constitution or legislative body curbs a monarch’s power? limited monarchy
11. Who led the Roundheads during the English Civil War? Cromwell
12. Which English queen of England encouraged her sea captains to plunder Spanish treasure ships? Elizabeth I
13. Which English ruler went to war in 1776 with his American colonies? George III
14. What is the term that describes a distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from
dominating? balance of power
1. What are the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution called Bill of Rights
2. Which English Enlightened thinker advocated a limited government which protected citizens’ natural rights of life,
liberty, and property?
3. What is the policy called that accepted the concept of no government interference in the economy and who introduced
this concept? Laissez faire / Adam Smith
4. What is the term that describes any person who supports the person or group already in power? loyalist
5. Where was the peace agreement signed by which Britain recognized the independence of its American colonies?
Treaty of Paris
6. Any government whose power is defined and limited by law is a known as constitutional
1. The estate that comprised 97% of the French population just prior to the French Revolution was the 3rd Estate
2. The fundamental cause of the French Revolution was the 3rd Estate declares itself a National Assembly
3. Which of France’s documents can best be compared to the American Bill of Rights? Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen
4. What is the national holiday celebrated every year in France since 1789? July 14th – Bastille Day
5. the right to vote suffrage
6. the draft of soldiers conscription
7. to relinquish (give up) the throne abdicate
8. the right of dethroned monarchs to return to their rightful positions legitimacy
9. a “yes” or “no” vote plebiscite
10. an attempt to prevent any one country from becoming too dominant balance of power
11. a quick seizure of power coup d’etat
12. French middle class bourgeoisie
13. French nobles forced to flee when the Great Fear occurred émigrés
14. French city workers sans-culottes
15. the moderate executive branch established after the Reign of Terror Directory
16. Austrian chief minister who led European politics for 30 years Metternich
17. joins with Liberty and Equality that means “brotherhood” fraternity
18. Napoleon’s final defeat Waterloo, Belgium
19. a violent overthrow of a government revolution
CHAPTERS 20 – 22
1. What was the major source that powered the first Industrial Revolution? water
2. Karl Marx tried to show that capitalism exploited which social class? industrial working class (proletariat)
3. Karl Marx’s radical form of socialism is called communism
4. Why did Russia aid the Serbs in their fight for independence against the Ottoman Empire? Both Slavic
5. Why did masses of people begin to migrate to British cities? Jobs lost in countryside; went to cites to work in
6. Which group dominated Latin American social and political life in the early 1800s? Peninsulares
7. Which event was the spark that finally set off a widespread revolt in Latin America in the early 1800s?
Napoleon’s invasion of Spain
8. Which group was most likely to support nationalist goals? groups connected by ethnicity
Who was responsible for each action?
9. advocated the theory of “survival of the fittest” Darwin
10. began world’s first nursing school in Britain Nightingale
11. introduced antiseptics Lister
12. guilt-ridden over his invention, dynamite, he established world peace prizes Nobel
13. microbiologist who invented a method of killing bacteria in milk Pasteur
1. What was the name of Prussia’s free trade union? Zollverein
2. Who was Germany’s first Kaiser? Wilhelm I
3. Who was Germany’s first chancellor? Bismarck
4. Bismarck’s Triple Alliance to isolate France was made up of Germany, Italy, & Austria-Hungary (also known as the
Dual Monarchy)
5. Name the territories taken from France by Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War Alsace-Loraine
6. The First Reich, according to the German people, was the rule of the Holy Roman Empire
7. The Second Reich, according to the German people, was the rule of the Hohenzollern
8. What was Bismarck’s nickname because of his use of “blood and iron” tactics? Iron Chancellor
9. What was the term that described a political belief that one must do whatever is necessary to achieve one’s goals, as
used by Bismarck and others? Realpolitik
10. What was the capital of the German Empire and of Germany today? Berlin
11. Which European power most competed with Germany for naval supremacy? Britain
12. Which German Kaiser most strongly promoted militarism? Wilhelm II
CHAPTERS 24 - 26
1. What term describes any industrialized nation that conquered weaker peoples and territories? imperialistic
2. What was the purpose of question #1 above? To acquire raw materials & markets
3. What became Britain’s “lifeline to India?” Suez Canal
4. Of the four fundamental causes for each of the world wars, which one most fueled Japan’s goals because of its
location as an island? imperialism
1. When did World War I begin and end? 1914 - 1918
2. Name the fundamental causes for World War I? militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
3. Why did the Black Hand assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914? resented foreign control by Hapsburgs
4. What was the name of the German plan to strike Paris with lightning speed? Schlieffen
5. List the reasons for the U.S.’s entry into WWI: sinking of Lusitania and four merchants ships; Zimmermann
Telegram to make Mexico an ally of Germany; make the world safe for democracy
6. What was Wilson’s plan for a peace of justice for the defeated power of WWI, Germany? 14 Points
7. What was Wilson’s Fourteenth Point? League of nations to negotiate peace instead of war
8. What was the Allied strategy of giving the Sudetenland to newly-created Czechoslovakia? divide the German people
9. What was the name of Germany’s treaty to end WWI? Versailles
10. What was the mountainous German region given to Czechoslovakia at end of WW I? Sudetenland
11. What was Europe’s “powder keg?” Balkan Peninsula
12. What was the strait that was protected by the Ottoman Turks during World War I? Dardanelles
13. What area was forbidden to be militarized by Germany? Rhineland (next door to France)
14. What republic was held responsible for signing Germany’s humiliating peace treaty? Weimar
15. What was the Russian event by which hundreds were massacred by Nicholas II’s troops? Bloody Sunday
16. Which Baltic states were taken away from Russia immediately following World War I? Finland, Estonia, Latvia,
17. What was the secret treaty agreed upon by Russia and Germany, ending Russia’s participation in World War I?
18. Who used the slogan Land, Peace, and Bread to seize power in Russia? Lenin
19. What was the Russian name for any communist? Bolshevik
Name the term or place for each description:
20. kind of fighting most characteristic on WWI’s Western Front trench
21. illegal war materials contraband
22. one-sided information used to convince people of a particular viewpoint propaganda
23. a condition when no one side can gain an advantage over the other stalemate
24. the wearing down of the enemy’s resources attrition
25. any nation at war belligerent
26. Austria-Hungary during World War I Dual Monarchy
27. capital city where Francis Ferdinand was assassinated to begin WWI Sarajevo
28. territory regained from Germany by France in 1919 Alsace-Lorraine
29. its neutrality was violated in 1914 by German forces Belgium
30. gave Poland access to the Baltic Sea in 1919 Polish Corridor
1. When did WW II begin and end? 1939 - 1945
What are the fundamental causes for WWII? militarism, imperialism, nationalism, totalitarianism
3. Which leader was most associated with appeasement? Britain’s Chamberlain
4. What was the systematic destruction of the Jews by the Nazis called? Holocaust (burnt whole)
5. Why is December 7, 1941 significant to the United States? Japan bombed U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Name the term, person, or place for each description:
6. the president of the United States when WW II ended Truman
7. the Japanese emperor during WW II Hirohito
8. the 2nd prime minister of Great Britain during WWII Churchill
9. the communist leader of Soviet Union Stalin
10. the president of the United States at the outbreak of WW II Roosevelt
11. invaded Poland to begin WW II Hitler & Stalin
12. lightning war blitzkrieg
13. the hate-filled book written by Hitler meaning, “My Struggle” Mein Kampf
14. the Japanese city bombed by “Little Boy” Hiroshima
15. this Japanese city was bombed by “Fat Man” Nagasaki
16. this WW II Allied invasion led to the liberation of France during WW II Normandy, D-Day, Operation Overlord
17. leader of the Nazi Party Hitler
18. was Italy’s il Duce Mussolini
20. der Fuhrer used the method of Anschluss here just prior to WW II Austria
21. an alliance formed among WW II’s Axis belligerents Rome-Berlin-Tokyo; Tripartite
22. His plan sent American aid to rebuild Europe as a result of WWII Marshall
23. An Allied airlift saved the people living here during the USSR’s occupation Berlin
24. This is the international organization headquartered in New York City United Nations
25. Any Soviet-controlled nation satellite
26. This policy attempted to keep communism from spreading Truman’s containment policy
27. According to Churchill, this had fallen to divide Europe between democracy and communism iron curtain
Which M-I-N-T cause matches each of the examples:
28. death for one’s country is honorable N
29. searches for more space with raw materials and markets I
30. builds armament factories M
31. degrades individual dignity T
32. scorns civil liberties T
Which of the following is democratic, communistic, or fascist?
33. promotes respect for individual civil liberties D
34. is chauvinistic F
35. promoted a “dictatorship of the proletariat” C
36. the United States practices this form of government D
37. Mussolini introduced this form of government F
38. led a Cold War against Truman C
39. Lenin and Stalin practiced this kind of government C
40. Hitler’s Third Reich was this kind of government F
41. promotes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness D