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Kagan Reading Outline
Unit: Age of Nation States
Kagan 690-696  Italy – 1848 to 1871
1. Describe the differences of philosophy toward Italian unification between the romantic republicans and the
moderates. (p. 690-91)
2. How were the ideas of Count Camillo Cavour different than Giuseppe Mazzini and Guiseppe Garibaldi? How did
he use the Crimean War to bring Italy (Piedmont) into European politics? (p. 691-92)
3. How did the French alliance fail to live up to Cavour’s expectations after the war with Austria in 1859? (p. 692)
4. What decision did Garibaldi make to help push forward the efforts of Italian unification> (p. 692)
5. What challenges did a united Italy face shortly after Cavour’s death? How did the political structure lead to a
system of transformismo? (p. 692)
6. How did the system of Italia irredenta motivate Italian nationalists during World War I? (p. 696)
Kagan 696-700, 739-740  Germany – 1848 to 1900ish
1. Why did German unification seem like a long shot in the 1850s? (p. 696-97)
2. Describe the core ideas and political philosophy of Otto von Bismarck. Why did Bismarck embrace the cause of
German nationalism? (p. 697)
3. Who did Bismarck plan to exclude in his plans for German unification? What were the effects of the Danish War
of 1864? (p. 697)
4. What was the end political result of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and the Treaty of Prague? (p. 698)
5. Describe the political formation of the North German Confederation. How was Bismarck able to give the
government the appearance of liberal measures but in reality create a “military monarchy?” (p. 698-99)
6. Why would France oppose the new king of Spain in 1870? How did Bismarck trick the French into war with the
North German Confederation? (p. 699)
7. Describe the Franco-Prussian War. Where and how was the German Empire established and proclaimed? How
was the new, united Germany a defeat for liberalism? (p. 700)
8. What was Otto von Bismarck’s attitude toward socialism? What “socialist” programs did Bismarck pass? (p. 739)
9. What debate did the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) face? How did Eduard Bernstein’s Revisionism
differ from traditional Marxism, and how did it influence the SPD? (p. 739-740)
Kagan 687-688, 706-710, 740-746  Russia – 1848 to 1905
1. What trends occurred after the (mostly) failed revolutions of 1848? (p. 687-88)
2. What two disputes led to the beginning of the Crimean War? Why did France and Britain ally with the Ottoman
Empire against Russia? (p. 688)
3. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris? What effects did the Crimean War have on the Concert of Europe?
(p. 688)
4. Why did Czar Alexander II of Russia decide to eliminate serfdom? What new difficulties did the elimination of
serfdom bring to peasants? (p. 706-707)
5. What judicial and military reforms did Alexander II institute in the last half of the 19 th century? (p. 707)
6. How did Alexander II treat Poland? Despite reforms, why was Alexander II never popular as a leader? (p. 707)
7. How did Alexander II meet his end? Describe the accomplishments of Alexander III during his reign. (p. 710)
8. What were the provisions of the Reform Bill of 1867 in England? What were the motives of Benjamin Disraeli in
promoting the bill? (p. 710)
9. Describe the economic policies of Count Sergei Witte in Russia as it moved toward industrialism. What social
and economic problems arose in Russia due to industrialization? (p. 740-741)
10. What were the purpose of the zemstvos? How did the situation of Russia socialists differ from other European
socialists? (p. 741)
11. Describe the core disagreements that Lenin had with the beliefs of European socialists. Assess Lenin’s
confidence in the people’s ability to start their own revolution. (p. 741)
12. Describe the differences between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. What impact did the Bolsheviks make
on Russian politics before WWI? (p. 741-743)
13. Who won the Russo-Japanese War? Describe the events and significance of Bloody Sunday. (p. 743, 746)
14. What was the October Manifesto? Explain the relationship between Czar Nicholas II and the Duma, and
describe the agricultural reforms which P.A. Stolypin enforced. (p. 746)
15. Describe the influence of Rasputin on the czar and the royal family. (p. 746)
Kagan 700-702, 739  France – 1848 to 1910ish
1. Why did Napoleon III have to relax his domestic policies throughout his reign? What were some examples of his
poor foreign policy? How did the Second Empire come to an end? (p. 700)
2. What did Parisians do after the Versailles government made peace with Germany? Describe the events of April
and May in Paris. (p. 700)
3. Why was the Paris Commune not a dream situation of the Marxists as originally thought? (p. 700-701)
4. Describe the Dreyfus Affair. How did the Dreyfus Affair further divide France? (p. 701-702)
5. Describe the French movement of opportunism in France and the efforts of the French labor movement in
politics. (p. 739)
Kagan 710-713, 738-739  England – 1848 to 1910ish
1. What were the key accomplishments of William Gladstone’s liberal leadership from 1868-1874? (p. 711-712)
2. What was the Irish Question? Describe the events surrounding the Irish Question throughout the last 30 years
of the 19th century. How did the Irish Question prevent further social and political reform? (p. 712-13)
3. What were the goals of the Fabian society in England? What “socialist” measures did the British parliament
pass in 1911? (p. 738-739)
Kagan 702-706, 735-736, 775  The Questions – Eastern, Jewish, Irish, etc.
1. How did Austria attempt to sustain its absolutist rule throughout its empire in the 1850s? How did the Crimean
War affect the long-term status of the empire? (p. 704)
2. Describe the terms of the creation of the dual monarchy – the Ausgleich. (p. 704)
3. Why did the Magyars veto the Czech’s ideas of “trialism?” What factors began to determine differences
between people by the end of the 19th century? (p. 704-05)
4. Which European country was the worst in its treatment of Jews? Describe pogroms. (p. 735)
5. What were some opportunities which Jews enjoyed after the revolutions of 1848? Why did anti-Semitism grow
across Europe around the 1870s? (p. 735-736)
6. What conclusion did Theodore Herzl come to after the Dreyfus Affair? What solution did he propose in The
Jewish State? (p. 775)
Kagan 736-738  Socialism Transformation
1. After 1848, what did workers turn to voice their grievances rather than protesting in the streets? (p. 736)
2. Describe the overall efforts and membership of unions in European economies through the last part of the 19 th
century. How did the expanded franchise affect the relationship between politicians and workers? (p. 736-737)
3. Why did the emerging socialist class of politicians disagree with nationalism? What major question did latecentury socialists face? (p. 737)
4. What were the core ideas of the First International? Why did it fizzle out within 15 years of its creation? How
did the First International impact the development of the idea of socialism? (p. 737-738)