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Colloidal Magnesium
Magnesium is essential for many metabolic processes - especially in maintaining correct levels
of sodium, potassium and calcium in the body. Magnesium is an important nutrient for the
cardiovascular system, heart muscle function and muscle contraction. It is involved in about 300
biochemical processes in the body and is important for body temperature regulation, bone
strength, dilation of blood vessels, and in the production of energy. In addition, it helps reduce
the risk of forming kidney stones, as it is directly involved in helping the body utilise calcium
from dietary sources. It is involved in muscle contraction and is important for nerve function and
protein , carbohydrate and fat synthesis.
It is directly involved in many of our bodily functions and processes. A magnesium deficiency
may contribute to developing osteoporosis, as it is needed for the absorption of calcium- along
with vitamin D, potassium and boron. It is one of the three minerals in Australia that is deficient in
our soils, If our soil is deficient in a mineral, the food grown with it will also be. Magnesium ions
are essential to all living cells and are the 11th most abundant element by mass in the human
body. Magnesium is needed by the body
A magnesium mineral deficiency may cause the following symptoms:
Nervous anxiety
High blood pressure
Premenstrual Syndrome
Back pain
Stiff and aching muscles
Cluster headaches
Kidney stones
Attention deficit disorder [ADD]
Diabetes -to regulate blood sugar levels
Crohn’s Disease
Muscle weakness, cramps and spasms (this one is a definite sign of a magnesium
Adrenal exhaustion/chronic fatigue syndrome
Cravings for chocolate and caffeine (which also causes the body to lose more magnesium)
It greatly increases the transport and bio-availability of other nutrients obtained from foods and
helps attract toxins and heavy metals from the body and “flush” them out. (Clinical tests
conducted in the U.S and Germany verifies this.)
Many orthodox medications render people magnesium deficient, including HRT and the Oral
Contraceptive Pill as well as the fallacy of not using good quality salt. Using magnesium
externally can be extremely useful applied directly to the affected area for muscle pain, cramps,
workouts and sports before and after.
Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll and therefore found in all green leafy vegetables
.Beans, legumes and peas, nuts (especially almonds and cashews) and seeds, broccoli,
buckwheat and whole grains. Magnesium is absorbed from these foods via the small intestine.
If the small intestine is not functioning correctly as is the case in most people now-days, it is
not absorbed.
:Global-Pulse-Colloidal-Magnesium is rapidly absorbed and the most effective way magnesium
can be taken. Within seconds the colloidal particle is absorbed by the blood stream and is in
your cells. Many magnesium tablet and powder supplements have been produced synthetically
and the body would be unlikely to absorb even 30% of what is being ingested –that’s if your
liver is functioning well, if it is not then the percentage is less and the already over-loaded liver
would have to work even harder to break it down. Colloidal supplements simply give immediate
results. Magnesium is a great muscle relaxant and therefore stress relief comes with the correct
Dosage- 5ml per day or as recommended
Lacking of Iron is unfortunately common today due to our modern life situations. Adding to
that, the depletion of nutrients and minerals in our soils and losses associated with food
processing causes a deficiency of Colloidal-IRON that may lead to a wide variety of
degenerative diseases and illnesses.
This stainless-steel Iron complex is a unique formula of noble elements. It aids in the
proper assimilation of minerals, normal growth and development, maintenance of body
tissues, sexual function, immune system stimulation, chemical detoxification and
synthesis of DNA. High levels of chromium and other complex noble elements act as an
antidepressant and for the sugar cravings and other imbalances caused by Iron out of
Therefore this Iron complex is most helpful in the proper balance to assist our many
enzymes in their various functions involving digestion, metabolism, and reproduction. This
formula of noble elements helps in the area of balancing the nervous system for high
stress professionals
Iron may assist many disorders brought about by high levels of toxicity and it can help
regulate the activity of all glands
It is a constituent of the haemoglobin interface along with insulin and many vital enzymes.
Iron’s potential to assist the immune system with challenges include acne, delayed sexual
maturation, fatigue, growth impairment, hair loss, high cholesterol levels, impaired night
vision, impotence, increased susceptibility to infections, infertility, memory impairment, a
propensity to diabetes, prostate trouble, recurrent colds and flu, skin lesions, and slow
wound healing
Colloidal Iron Is not oxidised by oxygen, it is used as a carrier for all cell nutrients;
necessary for protein synthesis; wound healing; vital for the development of the
reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity; it governs the delivery
of copper and a host of other elements important for blood stability; maintains the body's
alkaline balance; helps in normal tissue function; aids in the digestion and metabolism of
healthy cell integrity.
Colloidal Iron levels when maintained show women’s menstrual cycle disorders have been
rectified. Reports are that for the first time they experienced a marked improvement that
points to the Colloidal Iron balance.
GEE:: 5-15 ml daily for the regular maintenance, with higher doses in the event of a
chronic deficiency of the Immune System.
This product does not require refrigeration and will store indefinitely away from strong electrical fields and
direct sunlight
Please note the following: The information contained in this handout is not to be considered as medical advice, diagnosis
or prescriptive in any manner whatsoever. Always seek the advice from your trusted holistic professional.: