Download 7-15-08 Cropcircle 10th planet Nibiru

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Comment by Bob Cam: This is the first crop circle file I am posting at our UFO Roundtable
web site. I will try to post not just photos but the text from
which interprets them. If you send the $30 annual fee for access to this web site’s archive, you
will see that starting in 1999, the crop circle complexity and communication increased greatly.
Although photos are copyright protected we may share them. If they are included in TV
programs or other revenue generating media, one would need to clear the copyright
protection. Feel free to explore, open links from that web site to others, and google
interpretations to investigate for yourselves then share with our UFO Roundtable site.
This July 15, 2008 crop circle has a bit of everything in its interpretation by specialists adding
comments to the www.cropcircleconnector website. Text below includes the following:
1. The Mayan calendar for Dec 21 or Dec 23, 2012
2. the photo of an orb which the photographer saw, then photographed intentionally.
3. A web page link to a site which forecasts the position of our solar system on any given date.
4. Theory that Pluto is 30 degrees closer to Neptune because the 10th planet Nibiru will throw
it out of orbit in 2012.
Below is the July 15, 2008 Crop Circle in Wiltshire England
Copyright - 2008
Image Peter Sorensen Copyright 2008
The new formation is obviously a diagrammatic representation of the Sun and
planets (with no care for proper astronomical proportions). But the smaller
inner ones (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are clearly delineated from the
giant outer ones (Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune).
And there is a huge Sun with an unusual reversing swirl lay.
As for Pluto, is it another small planet and displayed the same as the little
inner ones, with a small size and thin orbital line. I also know enough to
recognize that it's orbit is symbolically correct in that it goes well outside of
Neptune’s path for most of the way, but for a while it is within the Sea God's
orbit (note the upper left hand part).
I have an astronomer friend who I asked to check the planetary positions, but
he said they do not match the present time.
Peter Sorensen
The crop circle formation at Avebury Manor seems to depict our solar-system
(not in proportional scale) on December 21, (+/-) 2012 - the highly debated
end of the Mayan calendar (or at least one of the most prominent
interpretations of that date). Whatever this means and who-or-whatever
created this crop circle, I do not know - but the basic message of it is quite
Andreas Müller
The 5125-year Mayan Long count calendar will end on December 22-23, 2012. Given the long
period of time which it represents, all nine planets of our solar system need to be shown in order
to mark its end uniquely. Such a clever astronomical diagram was shown at Avebury Manor on
July 15, 2008. All nine planets appear there precisely as they will be located in space four and
one-half years from now on December 23, 2012, with one exception.
Thus, the outermost planet Pluto has been drawn in this new crop picture somewhat further to the
right (or closer to Neptune) than should be the case. Yet Pluto still seems to be located correctly
relative to the crossover of its highly elliptical orbit with the orbit of Neptune. Three weeks ago
at Secklendorf in Germany, two different dates from the year 2012 were indicated astronomically
in a crop picture, one of which (December 21, 2012) was essentially the same as that shown here
(see HERE).
December 21 or 23, 2012?
Many people believe that the Mayan Long Count calendar will end precisely on December 21,
2012. Yet a new crop picture from Avebury Manor shows planetary positions that match more
closely December 23-24 than December 21. To be specific, Venus and Mercury will lie almost
directly in line with the Sun on December 21, whereas on December 23-24, Mercury will lie a
little ahead of Venus as shown (see HERE).
Please find photo attachment of our revisit to Avebury Manor. Just as we were admiring how
carefully this circle has been created, leaving the flowering plant in the centre intact a light orb
appeared by our feet !!! Were we just seeing things or this this quite a common report ? Made
our day anyway...
Andrew Pyrka (Cheltenham)
For those trying to figure out what date is being depicted in the recent July 14, 2008 "solar
system" crop circle at Avebury Manor, here is a very helpful site:
You can plug in any date and it will show you a picture of where the planets are. The general
diagram is identical to the one in the crop circle, but so far I have been unable to get the planets
to line up in the same positions as the crop circle. 2011 does not work, for example, but it is
close. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
Charles Montgomery
I was just thinking, that weird triangle formation that you saw going from one formation to the
flower of life. It reminds me of the the way the grid/leylines are laid out on the planet. Triangles
of various sizes and shapes. I can't think of anything else that it would represent right now.
This appears to me as a "golden ratio" attempt, utilizing The Fibonacci numbers to create a
"golden spiral" or a "Fibonacci spiral" amongst the planets, If you look carefully, you will easily
notice the "decent" of the furthest planet, making its way down to a perfect spiral toward to the
centre of the circle.
I think this new solar system formation at Avebury is showing the date Dec 21st, 2012.Type in the date
and click update and see for yourself!
Andy Fowlds
For those trying to figure out what date is being depicted in the recent July 14, 2008 "solar
system" crop circle at Avebury Manor, here is a very helpful site:
You can plug in any date and it will show you a picture of where the planets are. The general
diagram is identical to the one in the crop circle, but so far I have been unable to get the planets
to line up in the same positions as the crop circle. 2011 does not work, for example, but it is
close. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
Charles Montgomery
Here is what we did with the last Solar System crop circle, T367
T367 seems to be a valid alien crop circle because.
1. The planets orbits are not circular
2. The offset of the Sun from the centre of the circle is in the right direction for our suspected
dark star.
3. The grapeshot meteors/comets have fragments leading and trailing them and these fragments
(fireballs) impacted earth at the proper date/position in Earth's orbit. Intense fireball count from
the broken comet were observed to begin in 2007, on about 11 August as predicted. See: HERE
The July 2008 data is just coming in. It shows activity at the predicted times, but no impacts so
far. See: HERE
I need a vertical shot of then 15 July crop circle, but the Mayan calendar date is well known. Is
there anything else on this circle that is new or unusual? Like the Grapeshot in T367? If there is
no new testable information, this crop circle may be a fraud. But it looks pretty well made.
Barry Warmkessel
Did anyone tell you that the new crop circle at Avebury Manor (15th July) gives the exact
planetary positions for December 21. 2012: The end of the Mayan Calendar, and the start of the
new cycle.
There is only one planet placed wrongly in the formation; Pluto is 30ª to close to Neptune. But
even the planetoid Chiron is there close to Neptune, between the circles of Uranus and Saturn.
Astrologers will notice all the good aspects to Earth from the other planets
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
Øivind Westby
while is was reading this: Barbury Castle, nr Wroughton, Wiltshire. Reported 1st June. it hit
me!!!! Pluto's orbit may have been altered due to the passing of a large body! Nibiru! it could
also explain why its orbit is already so strange (Nibiru has come before). Is there any way you
guys can pursue this or is there any contacts you can give me (astrophysists and such) so I can
research it further.... surely a simulation can confirm this??! if so, I believe the evidence of
another planet is indeed very hard to deny.
Stephen Paoli