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Child Development
Development 2-5 Test
When a child masters a basic developmental task:
a. He/she may move on to the next level.
b. He/she will mature more slowly than other children.
c. His/her physical development will slow down.
d. His/her small muscles will develop before large muscles.
Children develop most rapidly:
a. From three to five years of age:
b. After the age of seven.
c. From seven to nine years of age.
d. In the first three years of life.
Which of the following statements defines growth from simple to complex?
a. The child can creep before he/she can crawl.
b. The child can hop on one foot before he/she can jump on two feet.
c. The child can skip before he/she can jump.
d. The child can roll over before he/she can lift his/her head.
Motor development during early childhood involves gaining:
a. Better control over muscles and using gross and fine motor skills.
b. Control over only the trunk.
c. Only use of gross motor skills.
d. Control of the leg muscles.
The usual order of the development of gross motor skills is:
a. Walking, crawling, rolling over.
b. Rolling over, crawling, walking.
c. Rolling over, walking, crawling.
d. Walking, rolling over, crawling.
The development of fine muscles is referred to as:
a. Fine motor skills
b. Gross motor skills
c. Cognitive skills
d. Motor skills
Gross motor skills are:
a. Movements of the large muscle group.
b. Disgusting movements preschool children make.
c. Movements of the small muscle groups.
d. Exact, acute movements.
Motor skills refer to:
a. The coordinated movements of body parts.
b. The ability to understand how small motors work.
c. Children developing coordination in the fingers and hands before their arms and legs.
d. Creative ideas children think of.
Learning to get along with others is a:
a. Intellectual skill
b. Cognitive skill
c. Social skill
d. Conservation
10. When people say children are egocentric, it means they:
a. Think people see the way the same way the child does
b. Are basically conservative and can’t share.
c. Think poorly of themselves.
d. Are attached to their parents.
11. Play can increase children’s social skills best through:
a. Practice in using their bodies until they can master certain skills.
b. Exploring the world and expressing themselves.
c. Exercising their memories and generating new thoughts.
d. Learning to share, cooperate, and experience doing things with others.
12. Fears are very real to children; therefore:
a. Never acknowledge the fear and try to avoid talking about it.
b. Tell the child there is nothing to be afraid of .
c. Never force the child into something he/she does not want to do
d. Just ignore the fears and they will grow out of them.
13. Which one of the following will MOST enhance the emotional development of children?
a. Providing a variety of learning experiences.
b. Placing a child in a care center.
c. Providing an environment that fosters independence and trust.
d. Proving opportunities for large muscle development.
14. Children who acquired their fears by observing another person acting fearful, learned by:
a. Osmosis
b. Personal experience.
c. A painful experience
d. Imitating behavior
15. Which statement about emotional development is true?
a. Saying no and using punishment are effective parenting techniques.
b. Parents can give too much love, affection, and attention to infants.
c. Self-confidence is built by a loving and trusting relationship.
d. Infants are not affected by their parents’ feelings and emotions.
16. Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate description of moral development?
a. Acquired during the first three years of life
b. Acquiring an adult attitude toward your own sexuality
c. The process of basing behavior on what you believe is right and wrong
d. The process by which we learn to behave in social settings
17. The best way to build conscience is to:
a. Teach children with the “do as I say, not as I do” approach.
b. Be a good example as a parent.
c. Allow children to learn right and wrong by themselves
d. Dictate ALL behaviors for the child, so he/she does not make mistakes.
18. Intellectual development and cognitive development:
a. Are two different types of development.
b. Have the same basic meaning and can be used interchangeably.
c. Do not have the same meaning
d. Refer to different levels of cognitive abilities.
19. Examples of intellectual development skills are:
a. Acquiring language abilities and being able to follow instructions.
b. Sitting up, crawling, walking.
c. Walking, trotting, and skipping.
d. Being positive, cooperative, and developing empathy.
20. The best way to introduce reading to a child is to:
a. Begin drilling the child to teach them to identify letters of the alphabet.
b. Read to the child on a regular basis.
c. Begin teaching the child phonics at the age of three
d. Teach the child how to write their name.
21. One of the greatest physical challenges of the two year old is:
a. Bladder/bowl control.
b. To walk.
c. To talk.
d. To ride a bike.
22. What ability typically marks the beginning of the toddler stage?
a. Talking
b. Walking
c. Running
d. Climbing
23. Which statements about toddlers’ physical development is true?
a. An average two year old walks and runs with his/her feet further apart than an adult.
b. An average four year old child can share with other children.
c. An average three year old can hop on one foot.
d. An average five year old child can do a somersault.
24. Parent of toddlers can prevent possible dangers by:
a. Making lots of rules for toddlers to follow.
b. Keeping the child in a playpen when playing.
c. Never let toddlers play by themselves.
d. Safety proofing their home so toddlers can explore.
25. Which of the following items would encourage the development of a preschooler’s gross motor
a. Modeling clay
b. Tricycle
c. Puzzles
d. Scissors
26. A good way to show toddlers that they are love is by:
a. Giving them hugs and telling them they are loved.
b. Buying them toys.
c. Comparing them with siblings.
d. Having surprises for them on their birthdays and special occasions.
27. A social trait of a one to two year old child would be:
a. Playing next to, but not with other children.
b. Drawing simple shapes.
c. Climbing stairs.
d. Recognizing the colors red and blue.
28. Temper tantrums are emotional characteristic of:
a. Infants
b. Toddlers
c. Preschoolers
d. School-age children
29. Which term is used to describe the toddler’s idea that the whole world revolves around him/her.
a. Negativism
b. Egocentrism
c. Autonomy
d. Progressive development
30. What type of play do toddlers most often participate in?
a. Onlooker play
b. Parallel play
c. Cooperative play
d. Work play
31. Parents can encourage language development by:
a. Being a good language model for the toddler.
b. Talking baby talk.
c. Ignoring the child.
d. Punishing the child when language mistakes are made.
32. In terms of intellectual development, to conserve means:
a. To save time and money
b. To group items in a logical order.
c. That even though the property of one object changes, the others remain the same.
d. To be able to complete formal operations and think abstractly.
33. Which of the following is a fine motor skill that MOST five year olds are learning?
a. Tying shoes
b. Climbing stairs
c. Scribbling
d. Riding a bike
34. Which of the following best describes the physical development of the average five year old?
a. Stopped growth
b. Improved balance and skill
c. Toilet training
d. Shy and angry
35. Which fine motor skill can be accomplished by the average four year old?
a. Coloring skillfully
b. Turning somersaults
c. Walking on a balance beam
d. Jumping forward as well as up and down
36. Preschool children ask many questions because they:
a. Want to keep their parents answering them.
b. Want to do well when they get to the first grade.
c. Are curious and want to understand the world around them
d. Want adults to think they are smart.
37. When a child understands object permanence; they understand:
a. The child can save objects and use them later.
b. How to save energy
c. That objects exist even when not visible
d. That the volume or mass of liquids remains the same even when the shape changes.
38. Which activity defines the cognitive ability of an average four year old?
a. They skip and hop
b. The like to boast
c. They are bossy
d. They have expanded vocabularies
39. Preschoolers who talk about their imaginary friends:
a. Are lying.
b. Are using directed learning.
c. Are using their imaginations and creativity.
d. Are demonstrating concept formation.
40. A preschool child who wants a sandwich for an imaginary friend is:
a. Living in a world with too much fantasy and needs help.
b. Very insecure.
c. Not interested in the world around them.
d. Showing normal development and will grow out of the stage.
41. Sam just finished building a sand castle. His younger brother just crashed into it. Sam recognized
it was an accident. Sam has developed:
a. Object permanence.
b. Self control
c. Curiosity
d. Self help skills
42. Children who play together to accomplish a single goal are showing:
a. Associative play
b. Destructive play
c. Solitary play
d. Cooperative play
43. Preschool children learn best by:
a. Listening to the teacher
b. Reading lots of books and seeing lots of pictures
c. Doing worksheet papers
d. Participation and experience
44. Which child developmental theorist is best known for his Hierarchy of Needs?
a. Skinner
b. Maslow
c. Erikson
d. Freud
45. Which child developmental theorist is best known for his eight stage theory?
a. Piaget
b. Skinner
c. Erikson
d. Chomsky
46. Which of the following best describe the work of Jean Piaget?
a. He developed the theory called the “Eight Stages of Man.”
b. He studied moral development in children.
c. He focused on the psychosexual theory.
d. He researched the intellectual development of children.
47. Which child developmental theorist described that if a child didn’t master initiative then guilt
would be developed?
a. Maslow
b. Piaget
c. Freud
d. Erikson
48. Noam Chomsky suggested the idea that:
a. Children don’t imitate words
b. Children imitate grammar and sentence structure
c. Children have their own rules for sentence structure
d. Children think a lot about what they say before they say it.
49. The Harvard Preschool Project helped us understand that:
a. Mothers should do all they can for their children.
b. Mothers should become “consultants on the fly” to their children.
c. Peace, love, and happiness will be the best thing for a child.
d. All children should go to Harvard University.
50. When it comes to television:
a. Children should be allowed to choose their own shows.
b. Children under the age of two should watch Disney movies.
c. Too much TV can lead to hyperactive children.
d. Is the best place to learn the alphabet, counting, and basic colors.
51. When choosing appropriate safe toys for children, the most important rule is to buy expensive
a. True
b. False
52. Which of the following should parents do during playtime?
a. Control the type of play.
b. Instruct the child how to play.
c. Expect the child to never make a mess when they play.
d. Understand that play is a child’s work.
53. One of the best ways to encourage a child’s language development is to:
a. Let the child climb at the playground.
b. Watch television together.
c. Read books to the child.
d. Practice phonics with the child.
54. Repetition from song or story help the child develop which part of the body:
a. Brain
b. Voice box
c. Hand eye coordination
d. Eyes
55. Stranger anxiety is the fear that young children have when their parents leave the child alone.
a. True
b. False