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If you have a lesson plan of your own, on one of the three major
monotheistic religions or especially in their interactions, please consider
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Judaism, Christian, Islam Worksheet
This is a simple worksheet to you become more familiar with
the world’s three major monotheistic religions. (monotheistic
– believing in one G-d). Of the three religions, Judaism is the
oldest, Christianity comes in the middle, and Islam is the
youngest. Christianity has the most followers, then Islam, then,
Use your textbook and your notes to find the answers.
Location where the
religion was born.
Two holy cities for
this religion.
Name of a house of
worship in this
Name of a clergyman
(or clergywoman) in
each religion.
Two important
holidays. Bonus for
more than two.
Each religion has at
least one major
division. What is the
major division within
each religion?
Name of each
religion’s holy book.
Part(s) of world
where many
followers of each
religion live.
Suggested Answers
Location where each
religion was born.
(more detail)The two
Talmuds were
written in modern
day Iraq & Palestine,
with the one from
Iraq (the Babylonian
Talmud) being more
Mecca & Medina in
western modern day
Saudi Arabia. (more
detail) Muhammad
was born in Mecca,
traveled extensively
as a merchant, first
preached in Mecca,
and first established
a successful Islamic
community in
Holiest places for
this religion.
The Western Wall in
Jerusalem. (more
detail) Hebron, Safad,
& Tiberias are the
three other holiest
(called Judea during
the life of Jesus).
(more detail) Further
development of
Christianity took
place around the two
capitals of the
Roman Empire,
Rome &
developed in several
locations in northern
The Church of the
Holy Sepulchre in
Jerusalem. (more
detail) Rome is highly
important to Roman
Catholics. There are
pilgrimage locations
in many countries.
Name of a house of
worship in this
A synagogue. (More
detail) Many Reform
A church.
Mecca, Medina, and
Jerusalem. (more
detail) Muslims must
make pilgrimages to
Mecca & Medina at
least once in a
lifetime. The cities
of Qom, Najaf, and
Karbala are highly
important to Shiites.
A mosque. (more
detail) The word
and Conservative
American Jews call
their synagogue “a
temple.” Jews whose
ancestors spoke
Yiddish may call
synagogue a “shul,” a
word that derives
from the Yiddish
word for “school.”
Name of a clergyman A rabbi
A priest, for
(or clergywoman) in
Catholics & the
each religion.
Eastern Orthodox.
A minister, for
Two important
Yom Kippur, Rosh
Christmas, Easter,
holidays. Bonus for Hashana, Passover,
Good Friday. (more
more than two.
Simchat Torah,
detail) Catholics have
various saints’ days.
Each religion has at
least one major
division. What is the
major division within
each religion?
Name of each
religion’s holy book.
Part(s) of world
Ashkenazi Jews &
Sephardi Jews. (more
detail) Ashkenazi
Jews’ ancestors come
from Northern &
Eastern Europe,
Sephardi Jews’
ancestors came from
Spain and the
region. The
division is ethnic, but
there are small
religious divisions
too. Karaite Jews do
not believe in the
The Torah.
Israel, New York,
Protestants, &
Eastern Orthodox.
(more detail) There
are small Christian
groups in the Middle
East that are neither
Catholic, Protestant,
nor Orthodox.
The Bible. (more
detail) The Bible is
the Torah, plus the
New Testament.
Europe, the
“mosque” derives
from the Arabic
word “masjid,”
which means “to
An imam.
Eid al Fitr (end of
Ramadan) Eid al
Adha (feast of
sacrifice. It
willingness to
sacrifice his son,
Sunnis & Shiites.
(more detail) Shiite
Islam is further
subdivided into
scores of sects.
The Koran.
North Africa,
where many
followers of each
religion live.
Baltimore, LA,
London, France,
Americas, Australia.
western Asia, central
Asia, the Indian
Indonesia. Growing
populations in the
US & Europe.