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United States History
Lecture Outline
Isolationism through World War Two
Part I: U.S. Isolationism Leads to Greater Problems Abroad
Steps to Curtail Immigration
Public Prejudice
Foreign workers “taking” jobs
Non-Northern Europeans had less to offer as Americans
The Reality
America did not need as many workers
Unskilled Jobs (railroads etc.) were greatly reduced
Quota System
Favored Northern Europeans
First Phase: 3% of 1910 census demographics
Second Phase: 2% of 1890 demographics
Economic Issues
Increased Trade Tariffs on imported goods
Other countries retaliated producing a "trade war"
Tariffs compounded the economic problems of the 1930’s
Tariffs make it more difficult for Germany to meet reparations payments
German economy is ruined…serves as rallying point for the Nazi Party
Fascist governments proliferate around the world
Revival of the Roman Empire
Pan-Asian Empire
World Domination/Racial Order
Absolute power in Spain
Early Aggressive Actions
Arms build up to refresh damaged economies
Naval Arms Race (5(U.S.):5(GB):3(JP) Naval Agreement
Manchuria invaded by Japan (1931)
Italy attacks Ethiopia (1935)
Japan breaks the international naval treaty 5:5:3
The Axis Powers form (1936)
Part II: From Isolationism to War
Various Views of War in America in 1939
Avoiding problems of past wars
Neutrality Acts
War Materials Shipment Restrictions
Travel Restrictions
Appeasement and Diplomacy
More Aggressive Actions Move America Closer to War
Panay Incident (1937)
Japanese incursions in China increase
Spanish Civil War is underway (funding by Ger. And USSR)
Germany annexes Austria
Munich Agreement (Germany gains part of Czechoslovakia called
the Sudetenland)
Germany invades remainder of Czech. (1939)
Italy invades Albania (1939)
Ultimatum of the Allies not to invade Poland
America Prepares for War
Increased production of war materials
Formation of the Pan American Mutual Defense Treaty
(about 20 countries)
WWII Begins in Europe
Germany / USSR sign Non-Aggression Pact (late Summer 1939)
Germany attacks Poland (Sept. 1st 1939)
Allies declare war (Sept. 3rd 1939)
America responds to the war in Europe
Amendments to the Neutrality Acts
Cash and Carry
Lend / Lease (later)
Military Buffer Zone around the Americas is declared
Early Axis Advances in WWII
Blitzkrieg style fighting
Germany has control of Continental Europe by the Summer of 1940
Germany Attacks USSR in June of 1941
German U-boats successful against allied convoys
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor in December of 1941
Part III: America in World War Two:
Japan Exploits the Momentum of the Pearl Harbor Attack
Naval Advantage
Japan conquers various areas:
Wake Island
Midway Island
Hong Kong
Japan defeats U.S. and British forces at the battle of Java Sea
Japan is poised to invade Australia
America prepares to go on the offensive in the Pacific
United States agreed to defeat Hitler before Japan
Successful campaigns at Coral Sea and Midway Island
Ramping up of war materials production
By mid-1942 island hopping begins in the Pacific
Problems in the European Theater
German U-boats had a high kill ratio
British Semi-isolation
Soviet troops were in full retreat from the Germans
German armored divisions positioned to attack on the oil fields
of the Middle East
The War takes a positive turn for the allies (November 1942)
American / British forces on the offensive in the Pacific
British forces push back Rommel from the Middle East
The Germans were delayed at Stalingrad.
Factors Contributing to Allied victory in WWII
Agreement to a common peace accord
Lend / Lease
Winning the battle of war production
Hitler's mistakes
The Russian Winter
The survivors of Dunkirk
Developments in Sonar
Developments in Radar
Measures to conduct the war on the Home Front
Sale of War Bonds
Deficit Spending
Price Controls
Wage and Salary Freezes
Increased Taxation
Profit controls on companies with Govt. contracts
Progress toward Victory in WWII for the Allies
Defeat of the Africa Corps. allows for a staging area to invade
continental Europe
Mussolini abdicates / Italy changes sides in the war
Allies liberate Rome by June of 1944
Italy serves as a staging area for allied bombers to attack Germany
Bombing cripples German production of war goods
Operation Overlord, June 6th 1944
France is liberated late in 1944
The Battle of the Bulge, Winter 1944
FDR dies in office, April 1945
Germany Surrenders, May 1945
U.S. turns full attention to defeating Japan
Island Hopping strategy used by the U.S.
Atomic bombs dropped on Japan, August 1945
Japan Surrenders Unconditionally
Yalta Conference
Agreements for the post-war period
Public Agreements
Division of Germany
Free elections in Europe
World Organizational Forum (in S.F. CA)
Secret Agreements
USSR would enter the war against Japan
in exchange for "b" and "c"
U.S. would recognize the Mongolian
Peoples Rep.
The USSR would retain part of Sakhalin Island
and retain rights in Korea and Manchuria.