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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
This review is meant to serve as a guide to ensure your notes are complete. You will need to be able to
do/understand and READ YOUR BOOK! Simply filling out this review sheet will not be enough to earn a good
Chapters 1-4
• Know the Scientific Method
• Characteristics of living things versus nonliving things
• Know characteristics of viruses and why they are not living things
• Differences between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
• 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
• Central Dogma
• Differences between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
• Know definition of Taxonomy, the 8 taxons, binomial nomenclature
• Know 3 Domains of Life
• Know evolution; natural selection; fitness
• Know definition of chemistry, matter, elements
• Number of protons and electrons of an element if given characteristics
• Molecular formula if given the valence electrons (or atomic number) of atoms
• Bonds: Covalent bonds, both polar and nonpolar, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds
• Understand what electronegativity has to do with bonding, and the rules of
• Valence electrons of carbon
• Surface tension of water
• pH and the concentration of hydrogen ions
• Isomers
• Macromolecules/Polymers and their monomers and their bonds
• The chemistry of amino acids
• Dehydration Synthesis and Hydrolysis
• Structure/ function of nucleotides and nucleic acids
• differences between DNA and RNA
• nucleotides in DNA, RNA or both; and their bonds
• be able to give a complimentary sequence if given the sequence of one strand of
• Chargoff's Rule of A to T, and C to G
• Carbohydrates, monomers, bonds, naming sugars and specific examples
• The relationships between Chromosomes, genes, DNA and proteins
• DNA sequence, structure, bonds, template strand, anti-parallel
• Steps of transcription, where it takes place in eukaryotes vs. prokaryotes
• be able to go from a template DNA strand to a corresponding mRNA strand
• Fate of eukaryotic primary transcript
 Translation, steps, where it takes place
 Gene expression
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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
Lipids….saturated fats versus unsaturated fats
Proteins…monomers, amino acids, peptide bonds
Polysaccharides……representative examples; monomers
Be able to use Table 4.1/The Codon Dictionary to generate a protein if given an mRNA
strand sequence of DNA double strand
Chapters 5- 8
 Know the Cell Theory
 Know all of the components of a plasma membrane
 Understand the Fluid Mosaic Model
 Know the selective permeability of membranes
 Understand simple diffusion, osmosis, effects of osmosis on animal cells/plant cells,
facilitated diffusion, and active transport. Know which ones are passive vs. active.Be
able to figure out the fate of an animal cell placed in a certain type of solution.
 Know the characteristics of prokaryotic cells vs. eukaryotic cells
 Know the differences between animal eukaryotic cells and plant eukaryotic cells
 Know all organelles: nucleus, ribosomes, smooth ER, rough ER, Golgi body, lysosomes,
mitochondria, chloroplasts. Know their characteristics and what cells(s) they are found
 Understand catabolism (characteristics and examples) vs. anabolism
 Understand definition and different forms of energy
 Know the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
 Understand - delta G, + delta G, delta G = 0; exergonic vs. endergonic reactions
 Know the structure of ATP, its hydrolysis, energetic coupling, and how ATP works
 Understand Activation Energy and rate of a reaction
 Understand enzymes, their shape, active site, enzyme/substrate complex
 Define oxidation and reduction
 Understand the general equation for cellular respiration (CR), what is oxidized and what
is reduced, characteristics of CR
 Know the 4 stages of CR, where they occur, inputs/outputs
 Know the ETC and OxPhos in detail
 Know the general equation for photosynthesis (PS) and what is oxidized and reduced
 Know structure of a chloroplast
 Know the overview of PS and its 2 stages (inputs and outputs), and where they occur in
 Know where oxygen comes from in PS
 PS versus CR; what they have in common
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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
Chapters 9-12
 4 essential elements of communication
 4 key steps in cell signaling
 Endocrine signaling
 4 types of cell signaling
 terms "ligand" and "ligand-binding site"
 Cell surface receptor: G-protein coupled (adrenaline signaling in heart muscle), receptor
kinase (kinase adds a Pi; phosphatase removes a Pi; mutations called kit), ligand-gated ion
channel (between neurons and neuron and muscle cells)
 Cell-signaling and cancer
 Cytoskeleton, cells, tissues, organs
 Epithelial tissue, connective tissue
 Epidermis, dermis, basal lamina
 3 cytoskeletons, their sizes, proteins, functions
 Microtubules examples; intermediate filament examples
 Epidermolysis Bullosa
 Cell adhesion, cell junctions, ECM
 Cadherins, integrins
 Adherens junctions, desmosomes, hemidesmosomes, tight junctions
 Gap junctions, plasmodesmata
 ECM in plants
 ECM in animals
 ECM and cancer
 Mitosis is a reproducing division (copying) that leads to division of one cell into 2 daughter
cells, each with the genetically identical 46 chromosomes. Used to make somatic cells.
Have no homologues, no synapsis, no tetrads, no crossing over.
 Mitosis: division of the nucleus and the chromosomes
 Cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm and cell
o In animals: occurs by cleavage furrow
o In plants: occurs as cell plate
 Know the definitions of : gene, chromatin, chromosomes, centromere, somatic cell, gamete,
haploid, diploid, fertilization
 Know the figure on The Cell Cycle------one generation of a cell
o Mitotic phases- shortest part of cell cycle (only 10%)
 Mitosis (M)
 Cytokinesis ( C )
o Interphase phases– nondividing , growth and development (90% of cell cycle)
 G1 – growth 1
 S - DNA synthesis (this is where the sister chromatids are made): remember,
“need to multiply to divide”
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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
 G2 – growth 2 and preparation for division
o Nerve and muscle cells stay permanently in G0 once they are developed
Know the Stages of Mitosis
o Prophase: longest phase of mitosis
 Condensation/shortening of sister chromatids: in nucleus
 Formation of mitotic spindle: in cytoplasm (comes from the centrosomes:
which are the microtubule-organizing centers)
o Prometaphase:
 Nuclear envelope disintegrates
 Kinetochore microtubules formed (puppets on a string)
o Metaphase:
 46 pairs of sister chromatids line up at metaphase plate
o Anaphase:
 Sister chromatids separate and go to opposite poles
o Telophase/C
 Nuclei are reformed
 Nucleoli are reformed
 Chromosomes become unobservable chromatin (chromosomes are only
observable during mitosis or meiosis)
 Cytokinesis occurs
Centromere: where the sister chromatids attach to each other in S phase and detach in
Anaphase. If you have 12 centromeres, how many chromsosomes will you have in each
daughter cell? 12
Meiosis is a reduction division; goes from 1 diploid pre-gamete cell to 4 haploid gametes;
occurs in testes/ovaries to make sex cells; leads to genetic variability
Know the Stages of Meiotic Cell Division
o Meiosis I: to separate homologues and make haploid cells
 Prophase I: homologues find each other and line up side by side (synapsis) to
form a tetrad/bivalent; then they do crossing over of chromatids (chiasmata
where they cross over); leads to tremendous variation
 Metaphase I: 23 tetrads (23 pairs of homologues and their sisters) line up at
metaphase plate; tetrads do independent assortment for how they line up;
leads to tremendous variation
 Anaphase I: tetrads split up (homologues separate)
 Telophase I/Cytokinesis: 2 haploid cells form, but still have sister chromatids
o Meiosis II: to separate the sister chromatids (identical to mitosis)
 Prophase II
 Metaphase II
 Anaphase II: separate sister chromatids
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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
Telophase II/Cytokinesis: now have 4 haploid cells, each with 23
If an organism’s liver cells have 500 chromosomes each, how many chromosomes will each
sperm cell have? 250
Understand the comparison between Mitosis and Meiosis
Genetic variation in meiosis occurs during: Prophase I (crossing over), Metaphase I
(independent assortment), random fertilization
Cancer terminology & cancer
Multiple mutation model for cancer development
Review of DNA structure
Enzymes/Proteins of DNA replication
Semiconservative Model for replication
Replication occurs 5' to 3'
leading versus lagging strand
Telomeres and telomerase
PCR technique….the 3 steps
Gel electrophoreisis
Chapters 13-17
 Definition of genome
 No relationship between genome size and complexity of eukaryote
 Humans have 2 sets of 23 chromosomes/total 46
 Know 6 levels of eukaryotic chromosome packing
 Mitochondria and chloroplasts have a little bit of their own DNA supercoiled
 Virus: also called a virion; not a living organism.
o Why? Obligate intracellular parasite, cannot independently have life, not a cell, inactive
outside of host cells
 Basic structure, only 2 necessary pieces: genome (either SS or DS- DNA or RNA) and
capsid (protein coat)
 Viral replication: viral DNA  viral RNA  viral protein
 Reverse Transcriptase
 The effects of point mutations
 Germ-line versus somatic-line mutations
 Somatic mutation and cancer
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Final Review Sheet (Morris Chapters 1 - 19)
Dr. Solti
Know definitions of: genotype, phenotype, polymorphisms, allele
Know how to do Punnett Squares with blood type; snapdragons, sex-linked disorders
Incomplete dominance with snapdragons
Know how to do FOIL to get gametes
Understand maternal inheritance
Note: both finals are heavy on the earlier chapters and also on Cellular Respiration.
Nothing on the finals from Chapters 18 or 19.
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