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2013 Spring Final Review
Who were the humanists, civic humanists, Christian humanists, Northern humanists, Italian humanists?
Pico della Mirandola's Oration on the Dignity of Man
Lorenzo Valla gained fame for
By the end of the 16c, the Protestant Reformation had extended its influence to all of the following nations EXCEPT
Probably the most important reason for the popularity of Lutheranism among the Northern German princes was
that it
cause of the Protestant Reformation
Council of Trent
Scarcity of labor in the Americas led the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers to
Bartholomew Diaz.
Emperor Charles V.
Ferdinand and Isabella.
John Cabot.
Prince Henry the Navigator.
major cause of the growing weakness of Spain and Portugal after 1600 was the
Why did the Dutch and then the British take over conquest and exploration in the later 16c
Why were there wars between Spain and England, and what were the results of those wars?
Philip II strengthened the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands because
(What is iconoclasm?)
After the United Provinces of the Netherlands won independence from Spain, their government could BEST be
described as
The Holy Roman Emperor was a weak title because
Ferdinand and Isabella consolidated royal power in Spain by
The remark attributed to the French king, Henry IV, that Paris is worth a Mass, is usually interpreted to mean that
In the late 1620s and early 1630s, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden played a key role in European affairs by
The overall practical purpose of the court of Versailles was to
During the English Revolution, the Levellers advocated the idea that
Jacques Bossuet was the seventeenth century's most articulate advocate of
Why was there intense popular anti-Austrian feeling in Italy in the 17, 18, and 19th centuries?
Sir Francis Bacon's contribution to philosophy, Novum Organum, was based upon
Which of the following nations acquired territory in Asia in the 18c through the initiative of agents working for
joint-stock companies
India eventually came under the control of the British crown because of
What was Jethro Tull's contribution to European history? What movements was he a part of?
Proto-Industrialization refers to
For Rousseau, what was the main source of inequality and the chief cause of crime
Rousseau's view of government in The Social Contract was that
Peasant life in 18c Europe was characterized by
Economic and social life among the mass of people under the Ancien Regime of the 18c still primarily focused
Which of the following statements best applies to Europe's social order in the 18c
The cahiers de doleances of 1789 generally demanded
The greatest number of victims under "The Terror" (1793-1794) were from which social group
The term "Great Fear" refers to
Napoleon's purpose in instituting the Continental System was to
What was the direct cause of the rebellions in Latin America in the first part of the 19c
How did Napoleon deal with the Holy Roman Empire
In England, the Factory Act of 1833 clearly
The New Poor Law did which of the following
Classical liberals supported all of the following EXCEPT
The group that gained most political power as a result of the Reform Bill of 1832 was the
Despite little immediate success with their reform demands, the Chartists saw all but which one of these demands
passed into law
How did Metternich keep the forces of nationalism and liberalism under control, and what ultimately happened to
In 1820, revolutionaries overthrew the governments of which two states
The Decembrist Revolt of 1825
Which of the following was the key aim of the British Corn Laws in the early 1800s
All of the following are true of the Romantic movement in the early 19c EXCEPT
Following the death of Alexander I in 1825, Russia under Nicholas I became
Nietzsche's criticism of Christianity was aimed primarily at
Emmeline Pankhurst was noted for her
The positivists believed that
What view of Fabian socialists differed from orthodox Marxism
Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty
The primary reason for Bolshevik success in taking over the government in November, 1917 was
After the Revolution of 1905 in Russia
Which of the following was not part of Count Witte’s policy of industrialization
The Spanish Civil War became an international issue because
French government in the 1920s and 1930s pretty unstable
Which aspect of German strategy was employed during BOTH World Wars I and II in Germany’s attack on France.
The chief argument between Truman and Stalin at Potsdam in July, 1945, was over
The collapse of the Fourth Republic and the rise of the Fifth Republic occurred in France over
The decision of the East Germans to erect a wall dividing East and West Berlin
Which communist country successfully asserted independence from Moscow's control soon after the end of the
Second World War
International Monetary Fund
Marshall Plan
the European Economic Community
Which of the following was not a factor in the collapse of the communist governments of eastern Europe in 1989
Changes affecting women in Western Europe since the 1950s include
The French writer Simone de Beauvoir