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2014-2015 SCIENCE Instructional Curriculum Plan
Time Allowed:
Grade: K-5
Dec. 1- Dec. 19
Unit 6- Space
April 6- April 17
Science Standards
Science Access Points
SC.K.E.5.3 Recognize that the Sun can only be seen in the daytime.
SC.K.E.5.In.3: Identify the Sun in the daytime.
SC.K.E.5.Su.3: Recognize the Sun in the daytime.
SC.K.E.5.Pa.3: Associate the Sun with daytime.
SC.K.E.5.4 Observe that sometimes the Moon can be seen at night and sometimes during the day.
SC.K.E.5.In.4: Identify the Moon in the sky at night.
SC.K.E.5.Su.4: Recognize the Moon in the sky at night.
SC.K.E.5.Pa.4: Associate the Moon with night.
SC.1.E.5.1 Observe and discuss that there are more stars in the sky than anyone can easily count and that they are not
scattered evenly in the sky.
SC.1.E.5.In.1: Identify that there are many stars in the sky.
SC.1.E.5.Su.1: Recognize that there are many stars in the sky.
SC.1.E.5.Pa.1: Associate stars with the night sky.
SC.1.E.5.4 Identify the beneficial and harmful properties of the Sun.
SC.1.E.5.In.4: Recognize positive and harmful effects of sunlight.
SC.1.E.5.Su.4: Recognize a positive effect and a negative effect of sunlight.
SC.1.E.5.Pa.4: Recognize effects of sunlight, such as warming and giving light.
SC.3.E.5.1 Explain that stars can be different some are smaller, some are larger, and some appear brighter than others
all except the Sun are so far away that they look like points of light.
SC.3.E.5.In.1: Recognize that stars in the sky look different from each other.
SC.3.E.5.Su.1: Recognize that all stars except the Sun appear very small.
SC.3.E.5.Pa.1: Recognize stars in the sky.
SC.3.E.5.3 Recognize that the Sun appears large and bright because it is the closest star to Earth.
SC.3.E.5.In.3: Recognize that the Sun is the closest star to Earth.
SC.3.E.5.Su.3: Recognize that the Sun is a star.
SC.3.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize that the Sun is bright.
SC.3.E.5.5 Investigate that the number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is dramatically greater than those
seen by the unaided eye.
SC.3.E.5.In.5: Recognize that stars appear larger and closer when seen through a telescope.
SC.3.E.5.Su.5: Recognize a telescope as a tool to view stars in space.
SC.3.E.5.Pa.4: Match a familiar object enlarged by magnification.
SC.4.E.5.1 Observe that the patterns of stars in the sky stay the same although they appear to shift across the sky
nightly, and different stars can be seen in different seasons.
SC.4.E.5.In.1: Identify that there are many stars in the sky with some that create patterns.
SC.4.E.5.Su.1: Recognize a pattern of stars in the sky, such as the Big Dipper.
SC.4.E.5.Pa.1: Recognize that there are many stars in the sky.
SC.4.E.5.2 Describe the changes in the observable shape of the moon over the course of about a month.
SC.4.E.5.In.2: Label three phases of the moon, including full, half (quarter), and crescent.
SC.4.E.5.Su.2: Identify a full moon and a half (quarter) moon.
SC.4.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize a full moon as a circle.
SC.4.E.5.3 Recognize that Earth revolves around the Sun in a year and rotates on its axis in a 24-hour day.
SC.4.E.5.In.3: Recognize that Earth revolves around the Sun.
SC.4.E.5.Su.3: Recognize that Earth is always turning (rotating).
SC.4.E.5.Pa.3: Identify morning, noon, and night.
2014-2015 SCIENCE Instructional Curriculum Plan
Time Allowed:
Grade: K-5
Dec. 1- Dec. 19
Unit 6- Space
April 6- April 17
SC.4.E.5.4 Relate that the rotation of Earth (day and night) and apparent movements of the Sun, Moon, and stars are
SC.4.E.5.5 Investigate and report the effects of space research and exploration on the economy and culture of Florida.
SC.4.E.5.In.4: Recognize that the Sun appears to rise and set because of Earth’s rotation in a 24hour day.
SC.4.E.5.Su.4: Recognize that the side of Earth facing the Sun has daylight.
SC.4.E.5.Pa.3: Identify morning, noon, and night.
SC.4.E.5.In.5: Identify objects and people related to the space program in Florida.
SC.4.E.5.Su.5: Recognize an object or person related to the space program in Florida.
SC.4.E.5.Pa.4: Recognize a space-related object.
SC.5.E.5.In.1: Identify that a galaxy is made of a very large number of stars and the planets that
SC.5.E.5.1 Recognize that a galaxy consists of gas, dust, and many stars, including any objects orbiting the stars. Identify orbit them.
our home galaxy as the Milky Way.
SC.5.E.5.Su.1: Recognize that a galaxy is a group of stars.
SC.5.E.5.Pa.1: Recognize that stars are very far away from Earth.
SC.5.E.5.2 Recognize the major common characteristics of all planets and compare/contrast the properties of inner and
outer planets.
SC.5.E.5.In.2: Recognize major differences in the characteristics of the planets in the Solar System.
SC.5.E.5.Su.2: Recognize that surface of planet Earth is covered by water and land.
SC.5.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize Earth as the planet where we live.
SC.5.E.5.3 Distinguish among the following objects of the Solar System Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and
identify Earth's position in it.
SC.5.E.5.In.3: Identify that the Solar System includes the Sun, Earth, Moon, and other planets and
their moons.
SC.5.E.5.Su.3: Identify that the Sun, Earth, and Moon are part of the Solar System.
SC.5.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize Earth as the planet where we live.