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Solving Equations with Variables on both sides
The students will be able to…
solve equations with variables on both sides
identify equations that are identities or have no
How do we solve this equation?
6x + 3 = -21
What do you think would be our first
step to solve this equation?
6x + 3 = 8x – 21
Using inverse operations
move all variables to one side and
numbers to the opposite
6x + 3 = 8x – 2
1. Move variable
2. move numbers
6x – 2 = x + 13
1. move variables
2. move numbers
3 – 2t = 7t + 4
8 – 4x = 6x – 2
-4h + 5 = h
Identity: when equations are equal.
Whatever number you choose for the variable:
the equations are always true
10 – 8a = 2(5 – 4a)
9 + 5x = 7x + 9 – 2x
No Solution: When equations cannot
be true. Equations are not equal
6m – 5 = 7m + 7 –m 9 + 5n = 5n – 1
As soon as you recognize Identity or No
Solution: STOP and answer
Identity (ID) or No Solution (NS)
Identity or No Solution?
2(3x – 6) = 2(3x – 4)
6p + 3 = 3(2p + 1)