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Chapter 21 Section 1 - Europe in the Early Middle Ages (p.628-33)
The Geography of Europe
A. Mountains and Plains ( 1. What are the Middle Ages? 2. What does medieval mean? 3. What is topography? 4. What
is the North European Plain?
B. Waterways (1.. What are the longest rivers and Europe and how do they connect to Europe’s history?)
New Kingdoms in Europe
C. The Rise of the Franks (1. Between the 400s and early 500s How did the Frankish kingdom expand? 2. What eventually
happened to the Frankish kingdom?)
D. Charles Martel Takes Power (1. Who was Charles Martel? 2. What does unite mean? 3.Why was the Battle of Tours so
important to European history?)
The Age of Charlemagne
E. A Strong Ruler (1. Who was Charlemagne? 2. Who did Charlemagne fight to solidify his power? 3. For what did
Charlemagne use his nobles and how did he keep an eye on them? 4. Explain Charlemagne’s view on education.)
F. Charlemagne and Christianity (1. What was Charlemagne’s relation to the church? 2. What does clergy mean? 3. What
was Charlemagne’s goal for Europe? 4. What is some evidence of Charlemagne’s devotion to the church?)
G. A New Emperor (1. Why was the crowning of Charlemagne so important to the church? 2. How did the crowning of
Charlemagne affect relations between Europe and the Byzantine empire?)
H. Europe After Charlemagne (1. What happened to Charlemagne’s kingdom after his death? 2. What was the Treaty of
Verdun? 3. What were 2 effects of Charlemagne’s rule on Europe?)
Chapter 21 Section 2 - The Spread of Christianity in Europe (p 634-9)
Monasteries and Convents
A. The Benedictine Rule (1. What is a monastery? 2. What is a convent? 3.When and where did the first Christian
monasteries develop? 4. Who was Benedict and what did he do? 5. What kinds of promises did monks and nuns make
under the Benedictine Rule?)
B. Daily Life in Monasteries (1. How was the day divided in a monastery? 2. What kinds of work did monks do during
their work day? 3. Why did monasteries provide basic health care and education to the community? 4. How did the
monasteries help keep ancient learning alive?)
The Medieval Church
C. Catholic Teachings (1.What were some of the things that the Church taught were sins? 2. What did the Church teach
would happen to a person after death? 3. What were the ways to avoid hell? 4. What is a sacrament? 5. What is baptism? 6.
What is communion?)
D. The Church’s Power (1. How did Europeans view the authority of the Church? 2. How could the church punish people?
3. What kind of wealth and land did the Church control directly? 4. What was the controversy about who could choose local
E. Christendom (1. What is Christendom? 2. How did the idea of Christendom help to bring the different peoples of
Europe together? 3. How did this idea of Christendom also lead to conflict?)
Chapter 21 Section 3 - The Development of European Feudalism (p 640-5)
A Violent Time
A. Viking Invasions (1. Who were the groups of invaders threatening Europe between the 800s-1100s? 2. From what
region and countries were the Vikings? 3. In the late 700s, where did the Vikings raid and why?
B. Viking Exploration and Trade (1. Besides raiding, what else did the Vikings do? 2. What other places did the Vikings
A Feudal Society
C. Lords and Vassals (1.What caused local lords resort to a system of feudalism like that of Japan? 2. What is a vassal? 3.
What is loyalty? 4. What is a fief? 5. What size were fiefs? 6. What was included in a fief? 7. What was the agreement
between a vassal and a lord? 8. What was the role of the castle in this system?)
D. Knights and Warfare (1.What were knights? 2. Describe the training of a knight? 3. What was chivalry? 4. What kinds
of equipment did knights use in battle? 5. How did armor change through the Middle Ages?)
E. Comparing European and Japanese Feudalism (1.What were the similarities between European and Japanese
feudalism? 2. What was the major difference between the two feudal systems?)
The Medieval Manor
F. Peasants and Serf (1. What is a manor and what did it include? 2. What is a serf? 3. What is the difference between a
peasant and a serf? 4. What were the rules for serfs?)
G. Life On The Manor (1. On what did manors rely for the things they could not produce? 2. What was a peasant’s daily
life like on the manor? 3. What were some things peasants were allowed to do for themselves by the lord? 4. What were
animals able to provide for residents of the manor? 5. What kinds of specialists might live on the manor?
H. Managing the Manor (1. What was the life of the lord’s wife like on a manor in the early Middle Ages? 2. What kinds
of roles did the lord and his male officials fill on his estate? 3. What was a bailiff? 4. What was a reeve?