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World History
Name____________________________ Pd____ Date_____________
The Rise of Europe, 500-1300 A.D. (Ch. 8: p. 180-201)
Section One: The Early Middle Ages
1. Why is the period of 500-1450 known as the “Middle Ages?”
2. How was the Germanic tribes’ structure different from Rome’s?
3. Clovis, first king of the Franks and ruler of much of present-day France, took what key step?
4. The Muslims were also making headway into Europe during this time. What Frank stopped the
Muslims in 732 A.D.? Where?
5. What did Pope Leo III do on Christmas day, 800 A.D.? Why was this important?
6. Charlemagne, Charles Martel’s grandson, reunited much of the old Roman empire. What are 3
things that made Charlemagne a successful ruler?
7. Who set up a short-lived Viking colony in North America?
Section Two: Feudalism and the Manor Economy
8. Define the following terms.
a. Feudalism:
b. Vassal:
c. Fief:
d. Knight:
9. Why did feudalism evolve? Is this a fact or opinion?
10. T / F : Daughters of nobles, unlike common women, did not have arranged marriages.
11. T / F : Chivalry required knights to be courageous, loyal, obedient, and fair, and eventually it
influenced today’s concept of romantic love.
12. Were serfs (peasants bound to the manor) free? Explain.
Section Three: The Medieval Church
13. T / F : The Church played a vital role in medieval life and in time grew into a secular power as
14. Read the section, Views of Women, found on page 192. Do you question the accuracy of
anything in that text? Explain.
15. What were the three vows taken by Benedictine Monks? Do you think Christians today should
still strive for these vows?
16. How did monasteries help preserve learning?
17. Do you think the interdict was a useful tool for converting people to Christianity? Explain!
18. Gregory VII was a powerful pope. He outlawed marriage of the priests and prohibited simony.
What is simony?
19. T / F : St. Francis of Assisi was a monk who sent out friars (traveling monks) to preach the word.
20. What is Anti-Semitism?
Section Four: Economic Expansion and Change
21. T / F : An agricultural revolution occurred in Europe between 800-1000 A.D., thanks in part to iron
plows, a new harness, the use of horses instead of oxen, and the adoption of the 3-field system.
22. How did Europe move away from self-sufficient manors and into a thriving trade market with
other parts of the world?
23. The birth of towns led in part to the demise of manors. Why might some argue self-sufficient
manors are better than today’s system of cities and government?
24. The “middle class,” a new class of people, emerged by 1000 A.D. What occupations did they