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Biology 10 Study Recommendations for Lecture Exam #2
Exam #2 will consist of multiple choice questions from chapters 5, 8, 23, 24, and 26. As usual,
the questions from these chapters will emphasize what has been covered in class, so be sure to
refer to your lecture outlines as you review the chapters. A review of the questions from the end
of each chapter would also be helpful.
Metabolism: Energy & Enzymes
- Know what energy is, how it is measured, and its different forms, particularly potential, kinetic, &
chemical energy.
- Know the two laws of thermodynamics and what is meant by entropy.
- Know the meaning of metabolism and its two major forms in living things (cellular respiration and
photosynthesis). Which form occurs in autotrophs and heterotrophs? Which occurs only in
- Know the differences between endergonic & exergonic reactions, and how they are coupled to drive
metabolism in living things.
- Know what ATP is and how it is used in living cells.
- Know what is meant by a metabolic pathway.
- Know the properties of enzymes, how they are used in cells, why they are needed, and what factors
affect their activities?
- Know what is meant by enzyme inhibition and the different types of inhibition used by cells to regulate
enzyme activity.
- Know the difference between a cofactor & a coenzyme, and examples of each.
Cellular Respiration
 Know the overall equation for aerobic cellular respiration: how and where each reactant is used and
where and in what phase each product is generated.
 Know the 4 major phases of aerobic cellular respiration and where each occurs in a cell.
 Know the beginning reactants and end products in glycolysis and how many ATP are invested,
generated, and the net number of ATP.
 Know the reactants and products of the Transition Reaction and where this occurs.
 Know where the Kreb’s cycle takes place, how many ATP are generated, and the function of NAD+
and FADH.
 Know where the Electron Transport System takes place, the roles of NAD+, FADH, and oxygen in
the system, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP, and how many ATP are
generated during this process.
 Know the two types of anaerobic cellular respiration that occur if oxygen is not available, in what
types of organisms each occurs, and the products of each type of fermentation.
 Know the advantages and disadvantages of fermentation.
 Understand the basic concepts of the metabolic pool and biosynthesis.
 Where does the most of the energy for life on earth come from?
 Know the overall equation for photosynthesis.
 What is required for the light-dependent reactions? What is produced by the reactions? Where do the
reactions occur in the chloroplast?
 What is required for the light-independent reactions? What is produced by the reactions? Where do
the reactions occur in the chloroplast?
 What products are produced by photosynthesis? What reactants are needed?
 Know the pigments used in photosynthesis and the types of light they absorb.
 What is the glucose produced during photosynthesis used for in the plant?
 Know the 3 types of photosynthesis and at least one example of a plant that uses each type.
 Know the relationship between aerobic cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
Patterns of Gene & Chromosome Inheritance
 Be sure to do the textbook Practice Problems similar to those we did in class. There will be
problems like these on the exam.
 Know what a karyotype is and the composition of the human karyotype.
 Know what is meant by genes and alleles.
 Know what is meant by homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive.
 Know the meaning of independent assortment and segregation of chromosomes, where in meiosis
each occurs, and how they affect genetic inheritance.
 Know what is meant by complete dominance vs. incomplete dominance vs. codominance, and
examples given of each.
 Know how to determine genotypic and phenotypic probabilities of offspring, given parental
genotypes, using a Punnett square.
 Know how to do a testcross to determine whether an individual is homozygous dominant or
 Know what is meant by monogenic vs. polygenic vs. sex-linked traits, and multiple alleles and
examples given of each.
 Know the difference between autosomal dominant & autosomal recessive conditions, and examples
given of each.
 Know what is meant by nondisjunction of chromosomes, when in meiosis it can occur, and the
possible results.
DNA Inheritance
 Know the basic structure of DNA and how and when it replicates.
 Know how DNA directs protein synthesis and the structure and functions of rRNA, mRNA, and
tRNA in protein synthesis.
 Know the enzymes involved in both DNA replication and protein synthesis.
 Know the difference between transcription & translation and how and where each occurs.
 Know what frameshift mutations and point mutations are.