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Geography: What You Know Will Help You Get There
Global History and Geography I
Name: ____________________________
E. Napp
Date: ____________________________
Label nations of the European continent:
1: What two countries share the Iberian Peninsula (Hint: These countries started exploring
the Americas in the 1500s)?
2: This country shares a border with Germany. It was also the birthplace of many of the
great Enlightenment thinkers. Name this country.
3: This country is a famous peninsula. It was also the birthplace of the Renaissance. Can
you name this country?
4: Can you name the country that is in Europe but also Asia?
Label the nations of Asia:
1: Name the nation that is a peninsula in South Asia and a subcontinent?
2: Name one nation that is an archipelago in Asia?
3: Name the Asian nation that is the birthplace of the religion of Islam.
4: Name the Asian nation that has served as a bridge between China and Japan.
5: Name the Asian nation that is just north of Australia and also an archipelago.
6: Name the Asian nation that is the home to Mesopotamia? __________________________
Geography Questions from the NYS Global Regents
1. Which statement best explains why most
6. One effect that mountain ranges, rain
of the population of the people’s Republic of forests, and river systems have had on Latin
China live in the eastern third of the nation? America has been to
(1) best agricultural land is in the East
(1) encourage cultural diffusion
(2) largest forests are in the East
(2) limit the development of transportation
(3) best fishing areas are off the eastern
and communication systems
(3) permit the nations of the area to use a
(4) largest oil deposits are in the East
single form of government
(4) allow the development of large amounts
2. Which statement best describes an effect
of arable land
that geography has had on Japan?
(1) Japan’s smooth coastline has prevented
7. A major effect of geography on Japan is
the development of a fishing industry
that the
(2) Japan’s large plains have made wheat
(1) export of oil has helped Japan maintain
growing a primary industry
a favorable balance of trade
(3) the lack of important natural resources
(2) fertile plains have enabled Japan to keep
has led Japan to depend on trade with other food prices low
(3) mountains have prevented invasions
(4) the location of Japan has encouraged
obey foreign nations
great ethnic diversity within the nation
(4) scarcity of natural resources has forced
Japan to obtain raw materials from other
3. Both Japan and Indonesia are made up of nations
a chain of islands called
(1) an archipelago
8. Which geographic factor has most
(2) a peninsula
strongly influenced Russia’s foreign policies
(3) a delta
and economic development?
(4) an atoll
(1) lack of natural resources
(2) vast desert regions
4. Which geographic factor has had the
(3) limited access to warm-water ports
most influence on Poland's historical and
(4) extensive mountain ranges
cultural development?
(1) a severe climate
9. Many people in Southeast Asia hope for
(2) vast deposits of oil
the timely arrival of the summer monsoons
(3) location on the great European Plain
each year because
(4) a rugged coastline
(1) floods are the only way to water their
5. Which of these nations is located closet to (2) daily temperatures often reach 100
the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia?
degrees Fahrenheit
(1) Korea
(3) little rain has fallen for many months
(2) Vietnam
(4) oases provide water for nomadic herders
(3) Somalia
(4) Pakistan
10. A topographical map would most likely
be used to
(1) identify the major agricultural products
of Egypt
(2) determine the population of Beijing,
(3) estimate the elevation of Bangkok,
(4) count the number of provinces in India
15. Throughout the 1800’s, Russia was
interested in acquiring Turkey mainly
because Russia wanted
(1) to maintain peace in the Middle East
(2) access to the Mediterranean Sea
(3) to reestablish the Byzantine Empire
(4) the rich farmland of the Anatolian
11. On a map of the world, Asia is to Japan
as Europe is to
(1) Great Britain
(2) the Netherlands
(3) Austria
(4) Italy
16. Which geographic factor has
contributed most to the economic growth of
Japan, Egypt, and Great Britain?
(1) variety of natural resources
(2) reliable amount of rainfall
(3) abundance of arable land
(4) access to important waterways
12. The Russian steppe is most similar in
topography to the
(1) mountains in Switzerland
(2) deserts in the Middle East
(3) rainforests in South America
(4) savannas in Africa
17. Which geographic factor has helped
China remain isolated for many centuries?
(1) many natural harbors
(2) navigable river systems
(3) severe climate
(4) northern and western mountain ranges
13. The Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz,
and the Strait of Gibraltar are important
because they
(1) prevent attacks on bordering nations
(2) control access to vital trade routes
(3) limit Russian access to warm-water
(4) prohibit the movement of ships carrying
nuclear weapons
18. Which geographic factor was most
important to the development of the early
river valley civilizations?
(1) fertile soils
(2) high mountains
(3) vast deserts
(4) smooth coastlines
14. One factor that accounted for Chinese
influence on traditional Japanese culture
was the
(1) continuous warfare between the
(2) geographic location of the countries
(3) refusal of western nations to trade with
(4) annexation of Japan into the Chinese
• Separated the cultures of Europe and Asia
• Hindered, but did not prevent, invaders
from entering India
• Terraced to increase food production in
South America
Which geographic feature is being described
in these statements?
(1) river valleys
(2) steppes
(3) mountains
(4) tundra
Adapted from
“Regions are fundamental organizing units of geography. Geographers use regions to give
order to the earth’s surface. We organize space into regions every day. Every time we refer
to an area by saying, “I’m going downtown” or “down South,” or “I’d like to live in that
neighborhood,” we are using the concept of regions. This lesson is designed to help students
understand what regions are and how to define regional boundaries.”
Examples of Regions:
Physical Regions
Physical regions include climates; vegetation zones; biomes; general physical
areas, such as mountains; and specific physical areas, such as the Rocky
 Cultural Regions
Cultural regions include Scandinavia, Latin America, and the Bible Belt.
 Global Regions
Global regions include areas with similar soil types, religions, climates,
 Local Regions
Local regions include school districts, newspaper-circulation areas, and zip code
and zoning areas.
 How would you know you had left one region and entered another?
 What characteristics make one region different from another?
 How do you determine the boundaries of a region?
An Interesting Story Involving Geography:
Five hundred people, all from the same section of London, England, died of cholera within
a ten-day period in September 1854. Dr. John Snow, a local physician, had been studying
the spread of cholera for some time. An early example of medical geography is Dr. Snow’s
use of maps to prove his long-held theory that cholera was a waterborne infection.
 How can doctors benefit from geography?
Here are questions medical geographers ask: Where are diseases found? How do diseases
spread? Is there a pattern to the spread of disease? Are some diseases more common in
some environments than in others? Are the locations of health-care facilities important?
Are they related to patterns of disease?
Explain the meaning
of the cartoon.
How can geography
foster or hinder
How can technology
overcome the effects
of geography?
Quick Review:
How do mountains affect the development of cultures?
How do rivers affect the development of cultures?
Why can technology
not completely
eradicate the impact
of geography?
How do deserts affect the development of cultures?
Quick Review:
How do monsoons affect the development of cultures?
How do steppes affect the development of cultures?
How do savannas
affect the
development of