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WWII Review Sheet
For each of the following years, state an important event that took place in Russia:
a. 1861
b. 1881 c. 1905
d. 1917 e. 1918
f. 1922
g. 1924
Complete each of the following sentences:
1. The immediate cause of the end of the rule of the czars was _____________________
2. Two important ways Lenin changed Russia were_____________ and ______________
TRUE OR FALSE (p. 444)
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true(T) or false(F). If false restate as a true statement.
1. The leaders of the Weimar Republic were unpopular in Germany after World War I.
2. The Nazi Party offered Germans an alternative to both communism and democracy.
3. Hitler told the Germans that they were to blame for their defeat in World War I.
4. The Third Reich was one of the world’s most brutal dictatorships.
2. List three places invaded by Japanese forces from 1930-1940.
3. List three ways Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles.
TRUE OR FALSE (p. 455)
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true(T) or false(F). If false restate as a true statement.
1. The League of Nations dealt effectively with the Ethiopian crisis.
2. Ethiopia could not match Italy’s military power.
3. Mussolini wanted to be a modern Caesar.
4. Ethiopia conquered Italy in 1936.
Reread “2. The Spanish Civil War,” on pages 452-453. Then complete the following sentences:
1. In 1931, the Spanish people___________________________________________
2. General Francisco Franco led _________________________________________
3. Both Mussolini and Hitler wanted ______________________________________
4. The Republican forces did not receive ___________________________________
5. In March 1939, the Nationalist rebels ___________________________________
Many aggressive actions took place between 1931 and 1939 in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Determine the year in which each of the
following actions occurred.
1. Invasion of Manchuria
2. Full-scale invasion of China
3. Takeover of the Rhineland
4. Annexation of Austria
5. Takeover of Czechoslovakia
6. Takeover of Ethiopia
Complete each of the following sentences:
1. During World War II, the major Axis powers in Europe were ____________________
2. Axis control extended into the nations of ____________________________________
3. Neutral nations included _________________________________________________
Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each question.
1. Which country was partially occupied by Japan?
(a) Thailand
(b) India (c) China
(d) Mongolia
2. A country or area not occupied or controlled by Japan was
(a) Korea
(b) Manchuria
(c) French Indochina
(d) Australia
3. Two cities in Japan are
(a) Manila & Port Arthur (b) Hong Kong & Singapore (c) Hiroshima & Tokyo (d) Pearl Harbor & Peking
4. In which general direction is Midway Island from Japan?
(a) north
(b) south(c) east
(d) west
5. Which country was the westernmost one controlled by Japan?
(a) Burma
(b) New Guinea (c) Kwajalein
(d) Thailand
Match each term in Column A with its meaning in Column B.
Column A
1. Axis Powers
2. nonaggression pact
3. blitzkrieg
4. Vichy
5. Battle of Britain
6. “New Order”
7. Auschwitz
8. Pearl Harbor
9. D-Day
10. Hiroshima
Column B
Hitler’s plan for Europe
A Nazi death camp
Germany, Italy, Japan, and
their allies
An agreement between Hitler
and Stalin
A series of air battles lasting
from August 1940 to June
Lightning war
The Allied invasion of France
on June 6, 1944
The capital of the pro-German
government of France
The first city on which the
United States dropped an
atomic bomb
The U.S. naval base attacked
by Japan on December 7, 1941
Choose the item that best completes each sentence.
1.Japanese aggression in Asia began with the seizure in 1931 of
(a) Burma
(b) Manchuria
(c) Malaya
(d) Thailand
2. In 1937, Japan began a full-scale attack on
(a) China
(b) India (c) the Philippine Islands (d) Laos
3. In the 1930’s, Hitler and Mussolini aided Franco during the civil war in
(a) France
(b) Spain
(c) Italy (d) Portugal
4. The African country conquered by Fascist Italy in 1936 was
(a) Egypt
(b) Morocco
(c) Ethiopia
(d) Algeria
5. Adolf Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by his seizure of
(a) Bulgaria & Rumania (b) Spain & Italy (c) Austria & Czechoslovakia
(d) Yugoslavia & Albania
6. World War II began on September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded
(a) Poland
(b) the Soviet Union
(c) France
(d) Great Britain
7. Two countries that the Nazi blitzkrieg failed to conquer were
(a) Norway & Denmark (b) Britain & Soviet Union (c) France & Belgium (d) Holland & Greece
8. Hitler’s “New Order” was based on the belief that the Germans were a
(a) conquered race
(b) disadvantaged race
(c) master race
(d) inferior race
9. The nation brought into World War II by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was
(a) the United States
(b) the Soviet Union
(c) the Republic of China (d) India
10. The last Axis nation to surrender to the Allies was
(a) Germany
(b) Italy (c) Japan
(d) Hungary
Study the examples of the German and Allied Propaganda posters. Then answer the questions that follow.
Which picture (“A” or “B”) represents Allied propaganda?
Which picture (“A” or “B”) represents Axis propaganda?
The artist who drew picture “A” is appealing to which emotion?
a. Admiration for national leaders
b. Hatred of the enemy’s political system
c. Fear of danger to loved ones
d. Love of country
What is the artist who drew picture “B” urging people to do?
a. support the national leaders
b. grow crops to feed soldiers
c. fight against a brutal enemy
e. enlist in the armed forces
War in the Pacific & End of the War
War Against the Jews
• “_______________” : Hitler’s plan to ___________ Eastern Europe by Germans
– Based on idea of Germans being a “___________________”
• ____________ – the term given for the Nazi plan to murder all of the _______ of
Europe is an example of ___________
• ____________ – the deliberate destruction of an entire _________ or ________ group
Allied Strategy in the Pacific
• May 1942 - Allies won ______________ in Pacific
– Battle of Coral Sea stopped _____________ invasion of ________________
• Island-hopping __________ : Allies chose _____ islands to _______ then use as _____
– __________ islands then cut off from ____________ & ____________
• 1944 – Americans under General _____________ landed in the _______________
– U.S. Navy destroyed ____________________ in Battle of Leyte Gulf
Mainland battles
• ____________ forces kept Japanese from taking all of _________
• ____________ troops kept Japanese out of _________
• Japan controls almost all of _________________
Bombing of Japan
• June 1944 – U.S. planes dropped bombs on _________ and other major cities
• 1945 - Japanese refused to _____________
– Aug 6 : U.S. dropped __________ bomb on _____________
– Aug 8 : ___________ declared war on Japan
– Aug 9 : U.S. dropped atomic bomb on _____________
• Japanese surrendered Sept 2, 1945 (V-J Day = Victory in _________ Day)
Wartime Diplomacy
• Main Allied leaders : _______ (U.S.), Winston ___________ (G.B), Joseph ________
(S.U), & ____________________ (China)
• Feb 1945 – __________ terms for Germany meeting in __________, Russia
– Divided Germany into 4 ______________________
– Germany disarmed & _________________ punished
• ___________________ – world ________ organization replaces the League of Nations
Post-War Occupation
• New constitution turned Japan into a _____________
• Japan not allowed any ________________, except for __________ purposes
• Allies tried Japanese ___________________
War in the Pacific & End of the War
War Against the Jews
• “_______________” : Hitler’s plan to ___________ Eastern Europe by Germans
– Based on idea of Germans being a “___________________”
• ____________ – the term given for the Nazi plan to murder all of the _______ of
Europe is an example of ___________
• ____________ – the deliberate destruction of an entire _________ or ________ group
Allied Strategy in the Pacific
• May 1942 - Allies won ______________ in Pacific
– Battle of Coral Sea stopped _____________ invasion of ________________
• Island-hopping __________ : Allies chose _____ islands to _______ then use as _____
– __________ islands then cut off from ____________ & ____________
• 1944 – Americans under General _____________ landed in the _______________
– U.S. Navy destroyed ____________________ in Battle of Leyte Gulf
Mainland battles
• ____________ forces kept Japanese from taking all of _________
• ____________ troops kept Japanese out of _________
• Japan controls almost all of _________________
Bombing of Japan
• June 1944 – U.S. planes dropped bombs on _________ and other major cities
• 1945 - Japanese refused to _____________
– Aug 6 : U.S. dropped __________ bomb on _____________
– Aug 8 : ___________ declared war on Japan
– Aug 9 : U.S. dropped atomic bomb on _____________
• Japanese surrendered Sept 2, 1945 (V-J Day = Victory in _________ Day)
Wartime Diplomacy
• Main Allied leaders : _______ (U.S.), Winston ___________ (G.B), Joseph ________
(S.U), & ____________________ (China)
• Feb 1945 – __________ terms for Germany meeting in __________, Russia
– Divided Germany into 4 ______________________
– Germany disarmed & _________________ punished
• ___________________ – world ________ organization replaces the League of Nations
Post-War Occupation
• New constitution turned Japan into a _____________
• Japan not allowed any ________________, except for __________ purposes
Allies tried Japanese ___________________