Download Cell Unit Study Guide – Part #3 (Reproduction) Vocabulary to know

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Cell Unit Study Guide – Part #3 (Reproduction)
Vocabulary to know and understand:
Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
Genetic Material
Cell Division
Concepts to know and understand:
Who/What reproduces in what way (asexual or sexual)?
Know/List examples of Asexual Reproduction.
What is the difference between body cells and sex cells?
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
What are advantages/disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction? List at
least 2 of each.
Answer Guide
Cell Unit Study Guide – Part #3 (Reproduction)
Vocabulary to know and understand:
Sexual Reproduction – The means by which organisms continue
their species. Two organisms produce their offspring having
equal genetic material from both.
Asexual Reproduction – The means by which organisms continue
their species. The organism produces the offspring which is
identical to the parent.
Fertilization – The joining of a sperm cell and an egg cell.
Genetic Material – Material found in a cell nucleus determining
the characteristics or make up of the organism.
Cell Division – A process by which a parent cell splits into two or
more daughter cells.
DNA – An organism’s information code determining its genetic
Mitosis – The process by which a cell nucleus divides to form two
identical nuclei. It involves a series of continuous steps
(prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase).
Meiosis – Process by which sex cells are created in the
reproductive organs.
Concepts to know and understand:
Who/What reproduces in what way (asexual or sexual)?
Sexual – animals, some plants
Asexual – some plants, protista/amoeba, bacteria
Know/List examples of Asexual Reproduction.
Budding – A new organism grows from the body of a parent
organism. Ex) Hydra
Regeneration – A whole new organism grows from a piece of an
organism or regrows damaged or lost body parts. Ex) sponge,
planaria(worm), sea stars
Fission – When an organism divides into two identical organisms.
Ex) Bacteria
What is the difference between body cells and sex cells?
Body cells are the basic unit of all living organisms. They have
46 chromosomes and all cells in the same body have the same 46
Sex cells are the cells used for reproduction. They have 23
chromosomes so they can match up with another sex cell to form
the body cell of an organism.
The sex cell in a male organism is called a sperm and the sex
cell in a female organism is called an egg.
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis is when a nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei.
Chromosomes duplicate then separate into the two identical
daughter cells.
During meiosis, the nucleus of a cell divides twice. The first
time, the chromosomes duplicate and separate. The second
division involves the division of both of the new cells. They each
divide into two new daughter cells but they do it without
duplicating the chromosomes. Instead they share the
chromosomes. The 46 chromosomes divide into 2 cells with 23
chromosomes each.
What are advantages/disadvantages of asexual and sexual
reproduction? List at least 2 of each.
Advantages of Asexual Reproduction
 No mate is needed making it easier
 Can reproduce larger numbers quicker
 Uses less energy as sex cells do not need to be produced
 Same genetic make-up that was successful in the environment
 Does not require mobility (organism doesn’t have to move)
Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
 Organisms cannot genetically change to adapt to a changing
 Can’t care for young so they can survive (too many of them)
 Overcrowding can occur
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
 Genetic variation can eliminate diseases and adapt to the
 Can care for young so they can survive
 Population can be controlled easily
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
 A mate is needed making it more time consuming and making more
energy needed
 They reproduce smaller numbers of offspring
 There is more of a chance that something can go wrong genetically
(there are more steps in the reproductive process)
 More energy is needed due to needing to produce sex cells
 Longer gestation time and reproductive process