Download Black Death Bubonic Plague Followed trade routes Reached

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 Black Death
 Bubonic Plague
 Followed trade routes
 Reached Southern Italy in 1347
 Wiped out 33-50% of population
 Crowded cities hit the worst
 Spread by rats
 Carried fleas that had deadly bacteria
 Started in Southern Italy
 Followed all the way up to England in 2 years
 Russia in 4 years
 Impact
 Belief in religion lessens
 God sent it as punishment
 Devil caused it
 Priests and clergy also getting sick
 Lack of faith in priests
 Inner prayer becomes popular
 Perecution of Jews
 Believed that th eJews were poisoning wells.
 Anti-Semitism
 Rise of wage labor
 Price of labor rises
 Shortages of workers
 Deflation
 Lowered population = lower demand for food.
 Falling prices
 Decline of serfdom
 Serfs paid rent instead of providing services
 Weakened feudalism
 Reasons for massive spread of plague
 Crowded living conditions
 Disposal of bodies
 No system for garbage/sanitation
 No running water
 People don’t take regular baths
 The poor care for their sick
 Directly exposed to the sickness