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Exam 5 Review
Principles of Health
Human Growth and Development
1. Changes that occur over time in the process of one’s natural growth are referred to
as development.
2. Reference to changes in structure or size of a living organism (i.e. human) is
called: growth
3. Infants usually double their weight by what age? 9 months
4. The life stage whereby visual acuity is at its best is during: late childhood
5. At what age should one expect children to have trouble distinguishing between
what is imaginary and what is real? 4 year old
6. Physical development is complete by what life stage? Young adulthood
7. The life stage where puberty occurs is adolescence.
8. Motor coordination is at its peak during the young adulthood life stage.
9. How frequently should one expect newborns to be hungry? Every 2-3 hours
10. Children are famous for temper tantrums at this age: 2 years old
11. Children learn their morals and values by this life stage: late childhood
12. The age at which children commonly develop fears is : 4 years old
13. “Identity crisis” might be used to describe this stage: adolescence
14. Who created the Hierarchy of Needs? Maslow
15. What is it that motivates us to act? needs
16. What must be met before higher needs can be addressed? Lower needs
17. Food, water, oxygen, sleep, protection from extreme temperatures, elimination,
and sensory/motor needs are all physiological needs.
18. The need to be free from anxiety and fear, to be secure in your environment, and
for order and routine are all safety and security needs.
19. Love and affection are addressed after what other needs have been satisfied?
Physiological and safety/security
20. What is the highest level on the Heirarchy of Needs? Self-actualization
21. Patients experience emotional stages as they progress through the dying process.
Usually these patients ___________.
a. move through the stages in a sequential manner.
b. experience each with equal intensity.
c. go back and forth between stages.
d. complete each stage before passing on to the next.
22. A dying patient has started to speak with his dead brother. You realize that this is
a. due to reduced blood flow to the brain
b. due to fear of dying.
c. something that can happen as someone approaches death.
d. a manipulative gesture.
23. . If a conscious dying patient believes that death is near, it is best to
a. change the subject.
b. give him privacy by leaving the room.
c. give hope of a miracle.
d. stay with him.
24. An elderly woman with terminal leukemia, whose daughter is pregnant states, “If
I can live long enough to see my grandchild, I will then die without regret.” This
woman is in __________.
a. the anger stage.
b. the bargaining stage.
c. the denial stage.
d. the depressed stage.
25. Although a person might not be able to talk, a health care person might still
interpret pain by watching for ______________.
a. a frown.
b. a tightness of the face muscles.
c. increased restlessness.
d. All of the above
Cardiovascular System/Respiratory System
26. What are the components of blood? Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells,
27. List the functions of
a. Red blood cells (erythrocytes): carry oxygen
b. White blood cells (Lymphocytes): defense
c. Platelets (Thrombocytes): clotting
28. What is blood typing important for? Transfusions and medical/legal identification
29. What chambers of the heart receive blood from veins? atria
30. What chambers of the heart are known as pumping chambers? Ventricles
31. What is systolic? Point of high pressure as the heart contracts
32. What is diastolic? Point of low pressure as the heart relaxes
33. What is a pulse? rhythmic throbbing felt in an artery as a result of the beating of
the heart
34. What does Rh positive mean? The Rh protein (Rhesus protein) is present on the
surface of the blood cells
35. What is the bluish color of skin caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood?
36. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and the bloodstream is
external respiration.
37. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body tissues and the bloodstream
is internal respiration.
38. Use of oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide is
cellular respiration.
39. Define tachypnea. Rapid (fast) breathing
40. Be able to label heart and respiratory system. (handout)
41. Know the pathway blood takes to circulate through the heart and body.