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Early Cold War Events (underlined parts are testable!)
Meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin in February of 1945 in Yalta, in
southern Soviet Union. Main topics discussed were the creation of an international peacekeeping organization (later called the United Nations), the problems of occupation (who would
occupy which areas after the war), and the final defeat of Germany and Japan. A secret
agreement was reached on this last point. Russia would declare war on Japan and in return would
receive control over parts of Asia. Stalin made promises of democracy for Eastern European
Western allies control West Germany. The Soviets control East Germany. West Germany
has a democratic government while East Germany has a communist government. The Western
Allies also control a part of Berlin, which is surrounded by East Germany, which will cause
problems for decades.
#3. United Nations Founded
International Organization founded to maintain world peace. Soviets, U.S., China, France,
and Great Britain have special roles on the Security Council  they can veto U.N. decisions. The
U.N., set up to maintain peace, quickly becomes an arena of struggle between the U.S. and
Soviet Union as each battles for allies and influence.
Becomes clear that Stalin has no intension of granting free elections to Eastern Europe.
A long term U.S. policy, formulated in 1947: meant to prevent Communism from spreading
to countries in Europe and Asia who were seen as vulnerable to a Communist take-over. Later
referred to as the “domino theory.” If one country falls to communism, its neighbors will as well.
The United States must contain communism in order to ensure the security of democracy
throughout the world.
Winston Churchill coined the term in a speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri
on March 5, 1946. Churchill was referring to the areas in Eastern Europe under communist
domination, isolated from the free world. Churchill was warning of future communist advances.
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the
A program of economic and military aid for countries faced with aggression, specifically
for Greece and Turkey, whose governments were being challenged by communist guerillas that
were supported by the Soviet Union. President Truman outlined this plan in 1947 and stated it
was necessary to the security of the United States. Basically, this plan was the means to bring
about the ‘Containment Policy’ mentioned earlier.
Named after Secretary of State George C. Marshall and officially known as the
European Recovery Program, it was formulated in 1947 and was designed to aid in the economic
recovery of Western Europe. Setting the pattern for U.S. foreign policy aid in the future, the
plan is credited with helping Western Europe resist both poverty and Communist advances. It
differed from the Truman Doctrine by involving the countries not immediately threatened by
The USSR cut off all access to Berlin from the summer of 1948 until the spring of 1949
to counter western plans to unify Germany (as a democratic country). The U.S. and Britain
reacted by dropping supplies into the city via airplanes. The USSR eventually backed down and
ended the blockade.
In April 1949, western nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a mutual
defense pact. The original members included Britain, France, Spain, Italy, the U.S, and Canada.
The agreement states “an armed attack against one or more of [its members] in Europe or
American shall be considered an attack against them all.”
Communists led by Mao Zedong fought the Nationalist government under Chiang KaiShek. The United States sent limited aid to the Nationalists, but in December 1949 Mao proved
successful. Mao established the People’s Republic of China. The U.S. refused to acknowledge the
new China and blocked their attempt to join the United Nations.
In the fall of 1949 the Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, alarming western nations.
Senator Joseph McCarthy makes a speech in 1950 in West Virginia. He claims that the
government is full of traitors, communist sympathizers, who are weak on fighting the Soviet
Union. He demands that there is an investigation to weed out all of these traitors who are
jeopardizing the safety of democracy. Because of the hysteria over Communists in the
government at the time – the second Red Scare (for example, Alger Hiss, a high ranking member
of the U.S. State Department had been convicted of being a Communist)- many believed
McCarthy, despite his lack of evidence. Many careers were ruined before the public turned on
McCarthy and he was formally criticized by the senate, after which he lost his power.
Communist North Korea with Chinese aid invades South Korea. The United Nations
condemns the action and sends in U.N. forces, including many American troops, to defend South
15. Rosenbergs Executed
A husband and wife are accused of having provided the Soviet Union with secrets about
the construction of the atom bomb. They are both executed- the first execution of civilians for
espionage in the history of the U.S. Much later, information released from Russia proves they
were indeed guilty. Greatly adds to the second Red Scare.
In 1952 as a response to NATO, Stalin creates his own military alliance. Members of the
Warsaw Pact included the USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and
1. Highlight every underlined passage that contains information you didn’t already know.
2. Which of the 16 events was not on your Cold War Timeline? ____________
3. Explain how this event (see the previous question) is related to the exact division of
post-war Germany. (Use a complete sentence or sentences!)
4. What is the ‘domino theory’? What is the connection between the Domino Theory and
5. Looking over the 16 events, what was the biggest failure of the U.S. ‘containment’ policy?
6. By the late 1950s, what two alliance groups were separated by the Iron Curtain?
7. Which year on this list of events probably did the most to cause the second Red Scare?
Explain your answer with a complete sentence.
8. Why do you think our text labels its section on Joseph McCarthy the ‘Witch Hunts’? Give
a complete answer in complete sentences.