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Hour _____
The Body’s Transport System – Chapter 16 – 1
This section describes how the heart, blood vessels, and blood work together to carry materials throughout
the body.
Use Target Reading Skills
As you read, complete the cycle diagram below that shows the path that blood follows as it circulates
through the body. Write each step of the pathway in a separate circle.
left side of the heart
The Cardiovascular System (pgs. 534-535)
1. Another name for the cardiovascular system is the
2. Complete this concept map to show what makes up the cardiovascular system.
Blood vessels
3. What three things are carried throughout the body by the cardiovascular system?
Needed substances
waste products
disease fighting cells
The Heart (pgs. 536-537)
4. Each time the heart beats, what does it do to blood?
It pushes blood through the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system
5. Complete the table about the chambers of the heart.
To receive blood that
comes from the heart
To blood out of the
pump heart
6. A flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward is a(n)
7. The group of cells that adjusts the speed of the heart beat is called the
8. When blood flows through the heart, what force pushes the blood out of the heart and into the arteries?
The contraction of the ventricles pushes blood out of the heart and into the arteries
Two Loops (pgs. 538-539)
9. Name the three kinds of blood vessels.
10. Describe the loop in which the blood picks up oxygen.
Blood is pumped from the right atrium to the right ventricle and then to the lungs. In the
lungs, blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Blood then flows to the left atrium.
11. Draw arrows on the diagram below to show how blood circulates through the body. The first arrow
should start in the right atrium.
12. The largest artery in the body is called the
Arteries (pp. 540-541)
13. What is the structure of an artery?
An artery consists of three layers. The innermost layer is made up of epithelial cells. The
middle layer is mostly muscle tissue and the outer wall is made up of flexible connective tissue.
14. Arteries carry blood away from the
15. Is the following sentence true or false? The coronary arteries provide the stomach with its blood supply.
If false, why is it false?
They provide the brain with its blood supply.
16. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about pulse.
a. The faster your heart beats, the slower your pulse will be.
b. Pulse is caused by the expanding and narrowing of artery walls.
c. When you count pulse beats, you are also counting heartbeats.
d. You can feel pulse in veins but not in arteries.
17. Is the following sentence true or false? Arteries control the amount of blood that different organs receive.
If false, why is this false? ________________________________________
Capillaries (p. 541)
18. What important thing happens in the capillaries?
In the capillaries, materials are exchanged between the blood and the body’s cells.
19. One process in which materials are exchanged between the blood and the body cells is
Veins (p. 542)
20. What job do veins carry out?
Veins carry blood back to the heart.
21. What three things help push blood through veins?
contraction of nearby skeletal muscles
valves that prevent blood from blowing backward
breathing movements that squeeze veins in the chest
22. Is the following sentence true or false? The walls of veins are generally much thinner than those of the
If false, why? _________________________________________
Blood Pressure (pgs 542-543)
23. What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts against the walls of the blood vessels.
24. As blood moves away from the heart, does the blood pressure increase or decrease?
25. Circle the letter of the name of the instrument that measures blood pressure.
a. stethoscope
b. X-ray machine
c. sphygmomanometer
d. mercury