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Biology 10 Lecture
I. Overview
A. Viruses
B. Prokaryotes
C. Protists
D. Fungi
II. Viruses
A. Viruses are ____________; most are composed of two main parts
1. ________ – outer protein coat that surrounds the inner
2. Nucleic acid (_____ or ______) genetic material
3. Animal viruses have an outer ___________ around the capsid
B. Viruses are ____________ – they require a host cell to reproduce
1. ____ viruses enter a host cell and incorporate their DNA into the host’s DNA, causing
the host to manufacture more ____ viruses
2. _____ viruses (______viruses) also contain
a. _________ ___________ that carries out reverse transcription of their RNA →
______ in a host cell
b. The viral cDNA is then incorporated into the host cell DNA, and causes the host to
produce more viral _____
III. Prokaryotes – Domain ________ and Domain _________
A. _____________ are single-celled organisms that
1. Lack a membrane bound _________
2. Have a single, circular ___________, and some have extra rings of DNA called
3. Lack membrane bound __________
4. Have _____________ for protein synthesis
5. Have a plasma ____________ surrounded by a cell wall and a _________ or slime
6. Some have _______ or flagella for movement
B. _____________ is by binary fission and some also reproduce via conjugation
1. In ________________, the single chromosome (and plasmid, if present) is replicated
and the cell divides into 2 genetically identical cells (asexual reproduction – similar to
2. In ____________, one prokaryote forms a tube to another and transfers some DNA
(e.g., ________) to the other prokaryote (similar to __________ reproduction)
C. Some bacteria can survive harsh conditions by forming tough ___________ until
conditions become favorable again (e.g., Clostridium botulinum that produces botulism)
D. ____________ is obtained several ways among prokaryotes
1. Most are heterotrophic ____________ that carry on external digestion of _______
organic matter and absorb nutrients across their plasma membrane
2. _________________ (blue-green algae) contain chlorophyll and are _______synthetic,
thus can use sunlight energy to produce their own food; important for oxygen
3. _________synthetic bacteria and archae can oxidize _________ materials for energy
to produce their own food
E. _____________ is needed by some bacteria, but not by others
1. ____________ bacteria require oxygen to live
2. __________ anaerobes cannot live in the presence of oxygen
3. ____________ anaerobes can live in the presence of absence of oxygen
F. Many prokaryotes are _______________ - they live in association with other organisms
1. _____________ prokaryotes include _________-fixing bacteria that live in legume
roots and help them to use atmospheric nitrogen; in return the plants provide food for
the bacteria
2. _______________ bacteria live on our skin, and generally cause no problems
3. _______________ bacteria cause a large number of plant and animal diseases
G. Bacteria occur in 3 basic __________:
1. _________ – rod-shaped bacteria (e.g., E. coli)
2. _________ – spherical-shaped (e.g., bacteria that cause staph and strep infections)
3. ___________ (or spirochete) – spiral-shaped (e.g., Tryponema pallidum that causes
H. Bacteria are __________ as either gram positive or gram negative
1. Gram _____________ bacteria take up gram stain
2. Gram _____________ bacteria do not take up gram stain
I. __________ are similar to bacteria, but have tougher cell walls and are found in
____________ environments
1. _____________ are found in anaerobic swamps and in animal intestinal tracts; they
produce _________ (CH4) gas during ATP formation
2. ____________ live in highly saline areas, such as the Dead Sea
3. Thermoacidophiles live in _____, _______ areas, such as hot springs and thermal
vents deep in the ocean
IV. Kingdom Protista
A. _________ are eukaryotes that are mostly single-celled, but some are colonial or
multicellular; they may be
1. ____________, such as unicellular & multicellular ________, that synthesize their
own food via photosynthesis
2. ____________, such as _____________ and slime molds, that must consume organic
3. Some single-celled organisms, such as _________, are difficult to classify because
they are autotrophic in light but heterotrophic in the absence of light
B. Protists are thought to have arisen from ____________ and given rise to all other
eukaryotic organisms
C. Photosynthetic protists are called __________
1. Algae have cell walls and _______________, thus can obtain nutrients via
2. Algae may be ________-celled, colonial, or multicellular
3. ___________ are plant-like multicellular marine algae , but lack true roots, stems,
leaves, and vascular systems found in plants.
Algae phyla are named for the type of _________ they contain:
a. ________phyta = green algae
b. ________phyta = red algae
c. ________phyta = brown algae
d. ________phyta = golden algae
D. ______ algae (Phylum Chlorophyta) are the most diverse; include unicellular or colonial
flagellates, filamentous and multicellular algae
1. ____________ green algae sometimes include ____________, a motile, doubleflagellated alga found in soil, lakes, and ditches
2. __________ green algae include ______, a cluster of flagellated cells that beat their
flagella in unison to move the colony
3. ____________ green algae include ________, which reproduces asexually via mitosis,
as well as sexually via conjugation
4. _______cellular green algae includes ______ (sea lettuce), which is thought to be an
ancestor of land plants, and is used as a food source in several countries
E. ________ algae (Phylum Phaeophyta) – the largest of the multicellular seaweeds; include
fucus (rockweed), sargassum, laminaria
1. Has a plant-like body called a _________ composed of
a. _________ –root-like structure that anchors the thallus
b. ________ – stem-like structure that supports the blades
c. ________ – leaf-like structure for photosynthesis
2. _______ forests provide food and habitat for ocean organisms
3. Brown algae is harvested for human ________ and fertilizer
F. ______ algae (Phylum Rhodophyta) – multicellular seaweeds that grow in warm waters
and are generally smaller than brown algae
1. __________ algae have cell walls containing calcium carbonate, and contribute to the
formation of ________ reefs
2. Red algae is a source of ______, which is used for pill capsules, cosmetics, bacterial
cultures, and in jellies
G. __________ (Phylum Chrysophyta) are unicellular golden brown marine algae. Features
1. Cell walls composed of _______, with markings that form beautiful patterns under a
2. Among the most ___________ unicellular marine organisms
3. Provide ______ for other marine organisms, and __________ for our atmosphere
4. _____________ earth is used in pool filters, pesticides, scouring powders
H. __________________ (Phylum Euglenophyta) include mostly freshwater, flagellated,
unicellular green algae.
1. May be ____________, heterotrophic, or saprophytic depending upon environmental
2. Are surrounded by a flexible ___________, composed of protein, and have an eyespot
that can sense light.
I. _______________ are single-celled protists that ingest their food (heterotrophic)
1. Protozoans thrive in all __________ environments, from water drops to inside
2. Protozoans are classified according to their type of __________
Four common _______ of protozoans are amoebas, ciliates, zooflagellates, and
a. ___________ do not have permanent locomotor organs; most move by means of
___________ (temporary cell extensions). Amoebas obtain their food via
b. Ciliates use ______ to move and feed and are found in aquatic environments.
The _______________ is a free living (nonparasitic) fresh water ciliate.
c. Zooflagellates are mostly nonparasitic and move by means of _____________.
One parasitic type is Trypanosoma, which is carried by the ________ fly and
causes African sleeping sickness
d. _______________ are all parasitic and some cause human diseases. Plasmodium,
carried by the Anopheles mosquito, causes ____________ and is in this group
V. Kingdom Fungi
A. _______ are mostly multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic
______________ and have cell walls
1. Many ________ & fungi form mutually beneficial relationships, with each other
a. ________________ are fungi/plant root associations
b. The fungus portion absorbs ________ & soil minerals and makes them available
to the plant
c. The plant produces ________ that nourish the fungus
d. This association allowed fungi & plants to move onto _____ together
3. Some fungi are _________, obtaining their nutrients from living plants or other
organisms (e.g., athlete’s foot fungi)
4. Many fungi __________ dead organisms, breaking the organic matter down to
inorganic nutrients that plants can use
B. Fungi __________ food after digesting it outside their bodies
1. Fungi are _____________ in their own kingdom due to their common characteristics
a. They have cell walls made of ________, rather than cellulose
b. They lack _____________, thus cannot photosynthesize
c. They are heterotophic eukaryotes that digest their food __________ and absorb
the resulting nutrients
d. They reproduce both sexually & _____________
e. Most are multicellular, except for single-celled _______
2. Typical fungi include _______ and mushrooms & consist of the following structures
a. _______ – root-like filaments that grow into other organisms, branch repeatedly,
and secrete ________ that digest their host
1) Most fungal hyphae consist of chains of _______, each cell separated by
perforated crosswalls called __________
2) In some fungi (bread mold = Rhizopus), the hyphae have many nuclei within a
single mass of cytoplasm (_______)
3) In both cases, the hyphae are surrounded by a plasma ____________
surrounded by a cell wall (of ________)
b. _________ - a network of hyphae; allows the fungus to grow at a rapid rate
C. Three major fungi ____________ are Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota
1. _____________ fungi (Zygomycetes) include the bread molds (Rhizopus) and have
the following characteristics
a. Their hyphae lack ________
b. Their asexual spores are __________
c. Their sexual spores (the fungal equivalent of seeds) are called ___________ and
are formed within zygosporangia
_____ fungi (Ascomycetes) - called “sac fungi” because their sexual reproduction
involves the formation of a sac-like _____. Their characteristics include:
a. __________ hyphae
b. They reproduce asexually via ________ and ________spores borne at the tips of
conidiophores (modified hyphae)
c. Their sexual spores are called ___________, formed within the _______ sacs
d. Ascomycetes include fungi such as morels, truffles, _______, and those that cause
chestnut blight and Dutch elm disease
3. ________ fungi (Basidiomycetes) include _____________, stinkhorns, puffballs,
shelf fungi, rusts, & smuts. Their characteristics include:
a. Porous, ___________ hyphae
b. They reproduce asexually via _________ and __________
c. Their sexual spores are called ___________spores borne outside the club-shaped
spore producing basidium (e.g.: mushroom cap)
D. Many fungi have three distinct ___________ in their life cycle
1. Some fungi (yeasts) reproduce only ____________ via mitosis
2. Others reproduce both __________ and asexually, with haploid and diploid phases
and a unique _____________ phase in which the cells contain 2 haploid nuclei
3. The life cycle of the ____________ is a example
a. The mushroom is called a _________ body, and consists of a stem and a cap with
_______ on the underside
b. Numerous ________ develop in specialized cells in the gills, via the fusion of 2
haploid ________ (not sperm & egg); this is the only diploid stage in the life
c. The zygotes undergo _______, and haploid spores are formed
d. The fruiting body releases masses of these _________
e. If the spores land on moist organic matter, they will germinate and grow into
haploid __________
The haploid mycelia are of two __________ types, each containing distinct nuclei
If the hyphae of two compatible mycelia grow together, the ________ (but not the
nuclei) fuse, forming a ___________ mycelium, with two genetically different
haploid nuclei
h. The __________ body grows from the dikaryotic mycelium and the cycle begins
4. Some dikaryotic mycelia are among the world’s __________ and largest organisms;
one in Michigan extends over 30 acres and grew from a spore deposited an estimated
______ years ago
E. _______ consist of fungi living mutualistically with photosynthetic organisms
1. Lichens are associations of green ______ or cyanobacteria within a mass of fungal
a. The fungus receives _____ from its photosynthetic partner
b. The algae receive housing, ______, and some minerals from the fungus
2. Lichens can reproduce asexually by ______________ or by dispersing units
containing both fungus and photosynthetic cells
3. The fungus and its partner can also reproduce individually, either asexually or
___________, but must reassociate for the fungus to survive
4. Lichens exist in 3 basic growth _______
a. ___________ (crusty)
b. ___________ (leaflike)
c. ___________ (bushlike)
4. Lichens are able to survive in harsh environments where there is little or no ______,
thus they are pioneers on barren land
a. Lichens grow into rock crevices, ___________ the rocks and paving the way for
future plant growth
b. Carpets of lichens cover the arctic ________, providing food for caribou
c. Lichens can remain in “____________ animation” indefinitely during drought,
then absorb rainfall and resume photosynthesis
5. Some lichens are thousands of years old and are used as dyes, perfumes, and
F. Fungi provide many beneficial uses for humans, including edible mushrooms, _________,
beers & wines, and antibiotics (e.g., penicillin)