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Chapter #3 – Managing Stress
Stress and Stressors
Stressors – any factor or _____; real or _________, that elicits the _______ response (the
Stress – Physiological/_____________ disruption caused by an ____________,
disruptive or ___________ event: fear of ________, failure, success, ____________,
disapproval (the ______________)
Hans Seyle
Acute stress – caused by a ___________ episode
Episodic stress – pattern of _______________
Chronic stress - _____________ __________
________ stress – Rel’n b/n ________ of _________
Positive or Negative Stress
Both Good (_______) and Bad (______) stress can produce the same result:
*Can enhance longevity/_________ and life ____________ (Viet Nam vs. Nazi camps)
*”First day on the _____” feeling
*vigorous exercise, Planning a wedding or having a ________
Physiological Explanation
*high levels of:
a. epinephrine
b. norepinephrine
c. e-dependent testosterone
d. cortisol
Mostly negative – army _____ - illness leading to ___________ ___________
Post traumatic “dis” ____________ disorder
Uncontrolled Stress
*Emotional and or _________________ _____________
Hypertension, __________, ________ disease, kidney disease, ___________,
alcoholism, ______ disorders, ____________, allergies, asthma, hay fever, anxiety,
menstrual _____________, dependency _____ behaviors like ________ and
What are College-centered Stressors?
*Pressure to ________ for ________
* Non-traditional students feel ____________ of ______ among ______, _______,
Employment Expectations
*Trying to find __________ with good _________
*Conflicts among ________, work and ________
Institutional Expectations
 Course _________ and _____________
 Completing ______________ ______________
 Exams, Papers, ___________
 Test _____________ (Page 58)
Financial Support
*Parents, self-______ and ___________
Personal Expectations
 Being able to meet the ____ that you set for ____________
Family Expectations
 __________________ from family
 Family counts on you __________________________________
Time Management
 An issue of _____________
 Balance among ________________
1. Keep a ____ of how time is used
2. Analyze ________ and eliminate _________
3. Divide time into _________ and _________ activities
4. _________ specific activities within ________ __________
5. Reassess - ___________ when necessary
Cultural Conflicts
Student come from cultures where ____________ and structure are not ___________
Religious Faith
“Falling _________ __________”
Interfaith dating
Having beliefs _______________
Faculty Expectations
 Professors expect students to do well and pay ____________ in class
Life-centered Stressors
*Adjust to _________ maybe at the College level - _____mate; team______, coach and
____________ arrangements
Cost of Living
___________ of income with luxuries and ______________
What Stresses You?
1. Other ___________ concerns
- new ____________ over __________ ones
2. Job ________________
________sizing (See page 61)
3. Loss of _____________
________stress; loss of __________ from weather; _________and financial loss
4. Being too _________
Too _________ to do; Not ___________ time
5. Relaxation
Trying too ______ to relax; leads to _________
6. Family Ilness - ____, children and ___________
7. Personal ____________
Stress compromise _____________
Time off ____________ (lost __________)
Housework, family _____________ , school_________
8. Personal ___________
Being _______________ in situations feel you might be ____________
9. Discrimination
________ status, gender, race, ethnicity, “__________ preference”, disability
Generalized Physiological Response
_____rate increases; Palms sweaty, Nausea, ____ throat, light headedness…all this
known as General ______________ Syndrome)
Three Stages of “GAS”
1. ____________ Stage
-hormones/____________ system prepares for “fight or _______”
2. ____________ Stage
-Decrease in the intensity of the ___________ response – suppression of
hormone________ (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)
3. _______________ Stage
- Control over situation is __________. Homeostasis ________. Can be devastating
resulting in ___________________ or ______________
The Stress Response
*Familiar things are _________ at time and can be stressful resulting in “flight or fight”
*Involves the Sensory Modalities of knowing you are under stress from ________,
_________, ________________, and ________________.
*Could be from own imagination
Process of “GAS”
1. Cerebral Cortex
 Once stress is detected it is registered with the C.C. and sends message to
_______________________ to initiate stress response
2. Endocrine System
 Body’s stress response in addition to brain/_______ system
 Bridge between nervous system and endocrine system is the _____________
(located in brain above ____________ gland)
Hypothalamus (Vasopressin and ___________ release)
…………..Pituitary Gland activated…………..
_____________ into bloodstream
Reaches ___________ glands (corticoids)
Conserves _________/salt……________ increased
Support Adrenals in release of ___________
*Adrenaline release influences the further release of ___________ which can result in
bodily damage is the GAS is prolonged or initiated too frequently
Once epinephrine is released…..
*decreased _________ activity
* glucose released into the _______________ from liver
* gastric distress ___ or constipation
* increased metabolic rate (___________)
* increased ____________ (to _____ body down from _________ energy development
under stress – increased __________ content in sweat leads to _________ ______
* decreased salivation - __________ stops, so salivation stops
* increased muscular __________ - stiffen for “flight/flight” – headaches stiff neck, and
*increased CardioPulmonary Function which affects _______ rate, _________ output,
Blood __________ and Respiration ______________
*Altered ____________ system response, ________ will turn on itself
Decreased ___________ time: in response/preparation for injury /______ faster to
save blood
*Corticoids and Epinephrine stimulate _______ which is released from liver..early
availability of free _________ acids
*Protein Use – Body uses its own protein once glucose and ______ are used
*Constant stress ____________ immune system response
*Personality Traits: Type “__” which is angry and cynical
Managing stress – How to Cope
*Emphasis now on ________ techniques like lifestyle and time __________.
1. Self _______
2. Relaxation ______________ (Quiet body – emphasis on ___________)
3. Progressive Muscular Relaxation
(Johnson’s _______________ and _____________)
4. Quieting - _____________ outlook
5. Yoga
6. Diaphragmatic ___________________
7. ________ Imagery (8 states)
8. TM – Transcendental Meditation
9. Biofeedback
10. Exercise
11. Sleep ( Growth/Adaptation Hormone released during sleep)
12. Nutrition
Realistic Perspective on Stress
Don’t be surprised by trouble…you are not ____________.
Search for ______________ be proactive, not __________
Take control of future in _________ times
Move away from __________ thought/people patterns
___________ success – reward success
Live each day well- ____________ life
Act on your capacity for ___________
Allow for both ____________ and ________________
Keep life simple…Learn to say _____________
Final Thoughts:
“It is better to do one thing well than many things poorly”…Shakespeare
“Find that one thing that makes you tick and go for it”….Dobson
“Man gotta know his limitations”….Eastwood