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Name _____________________________ Period ______________Date _____________
Friction Worksheet
1. What is the name of the force that is perpendicular to a surface that “presses two
surfaces together”? _____________________
2. When an object is on a flat surface, the normal force has the same magnitude as
the object’s ______________________.
3. What are the units used to describe the coefficient of friction? _____________
4. Which type of friction is always the largest? Static, or kinetic?
5. A 450 kg bail of hay rests on flat ground with a coefficient of static friction of
0.49. Find the minimum amount of force it must be pushed with to get it moving.
6. A sled that weights 921 N is pulled by a team of dogs at a constant velocity. The
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.287 between the sled and the snow. How much
force must the dogs pull with to maintain a constant velocity?
7. A person walking on the sidewalk isn’t looking and steps on a banana peel. The
person weighs 800 Newtons. The peel only provides a static frictional force of
250 Newtons. Find the coefficient of static friction of the banana peel and the
person’s shoe.
8. A 2000 kg car traveling at 25 m/s on a flat stretch of road locks up its brakes and
skids to a stop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road is
A) Find the frictional force acting on the car from tires skidding.
B) Use Newton’s Second Law to find the car’s acceleration. (assume it to be
negative because the car is slowing down)
C) Use the equations from chapter 2 to figure out how far the car will have
traveled until it stops.