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Name: ____________________ Date: _______________________________
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology Quiz 2
Your quiz is due by midnight (eastern time) on Saturday, June 29, 2013
Directions: Please use the table below to record your answers. Complete the quiz by recording
your answers in the space provided in the table below. Please submit only the answer sheet in
tacked (35 points total).
This quiz covers the chapters on Defining Psychological Disorders, Treating Psychological
Disorders, Growing and Developing, and Intelligence and Language
1. Which alternative best expresses the relationship between psychotherapy and
d. Psychoanalysis is one type of psychotherapy.
2. Which therapist is correctly matched with the component of the bio-psycho-social model that
seems to inform her practice?
d. All of these therapists are correctly matched.
3. With respect to the DSM-IV-TR, Axis I is to Axis _____ as clinical disorders are to
d. both A and C
4. With respect to the course of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which of the following
statements is most accurate?
d. The disorder usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood; its course varies from one
person to another.
5. How does dissociative amnesia differ from amnesia in general?
b. In general, there is a physiological basis for amnesia; in dissociative amnesia, there is not.
6. Prahlad has experienced mild, ongoing sadness and loss of interest for the past few years.
Prahlad is most likely to be diagnosed with __________.
a. dysthymia
7. Regarding schizophrenia, which of the following statements is true?
d. The prevalence of schizophrenia is similar across cultures.
8. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?
d. poor hygiene
9. Dr. Chu has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Dr. DeSouza is a psychiatrist with an M.D. Mr.
Faraday has an RN. Ms. Ebrahim has a Master’s degree in social work, an M.S.W. Which of
these individuals might provide psychological therapy?
d. Any of these individuals might provide psychotherapy.
10. Which of the following approaches might be used in psychoanalysis?
d. All of the above might be used in psychoanalysis.
11. Martina is becoming interested in behavioral therapy. To help her learn more about it, she
might want to read the classic works of:
c. Skinner and Watson
12. Rational-emotive therapy is associated with ________; cognitive therapy, with ______.
d. Ellis; Beck
13. The first major antipsychotic drug to be introduced was _________; it was used to treat
d. chlorpromazine; schizophrenia
14. Which of the following might be used to treat a mood disorder?
d. Any of the above might be used
15. Recently, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been used to treat not only
depression, but also:
c. (For some reason)
16. Family therapy assumes that psychological disorders reflect family dynamics, even if the
disorder mainly affects one family member. Family therapy therefore most directly reflects the
________ component of the bio-psycho-social model of illness.
c. social
17. Empirically supported therapies include each of the following EXCEPT:
a. Psychodynamic therapy for generalized anxiety disorder
18. According to Erikson, adolescents must resolve the challenge of:
d. identity versus role confusion
19. Which of the following best describes the Moro reflex?
d. The baby extends his or her arms to avoid falling
20. According to Piaget, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemata is called
_________, whereas the process of changing or modifying existing schemata to make sense of
new experiences is called ________.
d. assimilation; accommodation
21. When an infant recognizes that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer in
sight, the infant has attained what Piaget termed:
d. object permanence
22. Edward is currently in the second grade. According to Piaget, Edward is in the ________
stage of cognitive development.
b. preoperational
23. Harry Harlow completed a number of studies in which baby rhesus monkeys were raised
with two artificial mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire and delivered food, while the
other was made of cloth and provided no food. Harlow was interested in which of the mothers
the infant monkeys would seek out when they were startled or frightened. In these studies the
dependent variable was:
b. the surrogate that the infant monkey preferred when it was startled
24. According to Mary Ainsworth, a child with ambivalent attachment will
a. continue to show signs of distress when the mother returns after a brief absence.
25. Which of the following is true in a cross sectional research design?
b. Comparisons are made between people at different ages at the same time
26. In Erikson’s theory, the developmental challenge faced by adolescents is one of:
d. identity versus role confusion
27. Regarding communication and language, which of the following statements is MOST
c. Language is a form of communication.
28. The psychologist _________ developed an American version of Binet’s test, known as the
b. Terman; Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
29. Which of the following is NOT among the three types of intelligence proposed by Sternberg?
c. logical
30. Gardner’s theory includes each of the following types of intelligence EXCEPT:
a. Tacit intelligence
31. An online intelligence test yields a different IQ each time you take it. The test is:
c. not reliable, but still possibly valid
32. The WAIS yields scores on each of the following dimensions EXCEPT:
a. divergent thinking
33. A persisting issue or controversy in psychology that is especially relevant to the study of
intelligence is that of:
a. nature vs. nurture
34. Grammar is to meaning as ________ is to ________.
d. phoneme; morpheme
35. In Chomsky’s terms, expressing a thought in a sentence is a matter of translating:
c. the deep structure into the surface structure