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TAFE's 2017
Imagination Activation Summer Camps
Location: Saint Mark’s Lutheran Church
700 East Market Street, York PA
Full day camps 9am - 4pm $175
Half day camps 9am - 12pm or 1pm – 4pm $75 per camp
10 Minimum & 16 Maximum per class
Snack & Lemonade & Camp Shirt Provided
Full Day Campers Need to Bring their Lunch
Family & Friends are invited to a Performance/Sharing at the end of each week of camp.
Week 1 July 10-14
Camp A 9-12 Ages 5-7 - Imagine a Circus - Crews
We will be creating and performing our own Circus. The campers may be animals, jugglers, strongpersons,
Ringmasters. Or our stuffed animals might want to audition for parts. And then audience participation is
always an option as well. This will be a circus unique unto our imaginations!
Camp B 1-4 Ages 5-7 - An Introduction to Musicals - Schneider
Come thru the door and step into the world of the stage musical! Learn just what it takes to bring a story to
life with music and movement! The kids will explore vocal performance, choreography, and character
development using some popular kids' tunes and Broadway classics in a fun, engaging way.
Camp C 9-4 Ages 8-10 - Super Heroes - Hricik
Campers will explore the basics of safe stage combat by creating their own unique superhero, and starring
in their own superhero sketches. Campers will learn how to work together to present superhero battles.
Camp D 9-4 Ages 8-15 - Rupert Meets Mrs. Tales, Production - Hallisey & Muszynski
Rupert the Packrats adventures begin when he meets the librarian Mrs. Tales, who with the help of a
magical book, introduces him to characters from classic children's stories. This camp will be customized to
maximize accessibility for children with any level of theatre experience as well as students with physical or
learning challenges and those who are neurodiverse. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance
communication skills and self-confidence, enjoy social interaction and most of all have fun!
Week 2 July 17-21
Camp E 9-4 Ages 8-15 - The Princess & the Pauper, Musical Production - Crews
You know the famous story. Now you can play a part in bringing it to life with a slight twist. It's a musical
and everyone involved will be venturing back to the land of castles and paupers & song and dance!
Camp F 9-4 Ages 8-10 - You're Such a Character! - Unger
A really good play needs interesting charcters, which means so much more than reading you lines well.
Your character will leap from page to stage when you use your imagination … and a few tools and
techniques. Through activities, games, and experimentation we'll learn how to bring characters to life!
Camp G 9-4 Ages 11-13 - Adventures in Auditioning - Muszynski
Explore audition techniques such as cold reading, monologues, music and movement in a fun and safe
environment. Activities will include many different confidence building theatre games and exercises.
Specific areas of focus will be tailored to the interests and levels of the class members.
Week 3 July 24-28
Camp H 9-12 Ages 5-7 - Imagine a Forest - Dettinger
A forest is an example of one of Mother Natures’ most magical places. They are home for hundreds of
different flora and fauna. Via stories, observations and crafts we will create our own forest adventure to
share with you!
Camp I 1-4 Ages 5-7 - Fairies & Hobgoblins - Hricik
Flit, flutter, and fly into the realm of the wee folk! Campers will connect with their inner fairies and
hobgoblins as we play, sing, dance, and bring the magic of imagination together with the magic of theatre.
Camp J 9-4 Ages 8-12 - The Theatrical Magic of Science - Jameson
Button up your lab coat and rev up your imagination. Be prepared to uncover the mysteries of the natural
world and create adventure along the way. Join us as we experiment and explore the world around us
through both science and theatre.
Camp K 9-4 Ages 13-16 - Directing & Stage Management - Crews
These two theatre arts are intrinsically interwoven, and thus are perfect to explore simultaneously. This
camp will allow for all students to learn about and experience directing, stage management and acting.
Week 4 July 31- Aug 4
Camp L - 9-4 Ages 8-10 - Egads! (Ancient Mythology in the Theatre) - Unger
What do "Percy Jackson," "Harry Potter," and "Star Wars" have in common? Ancient Mythology!
Learn the myth and you understand the jokes and references. We'll spend the week exploring Greek and
Roman mythology, and create our own mythological masterpiece.
Camp M -9-4 Ages 11-13 - Shakespeare's Clowns & Villains - Hricik
Delve into William Shakespeare's wide range of characters. Campers will learn and perform speeches and
scenes from Shakespearean plays, and play games to develop their inner clowns. This camp has something
for everyone, so sign up to laugh and learn!
Camp N - 9-4 Ages 11-19 - Step Back In Time - Rochester/Willem/Young
Spend a week in King Henry’s England with Lady Rochester, Sir Willem and Master Young and many other
Renaissance friends. Students of this camp will learn about Tudor games, clothing, dance, songs, dialect,
language and practice ‘safe’ sword play. As an added bonus, campers will attend the Pennsylvania
Renaissance Faire's Youth Day. Camper’s and one chaperone’s admission to the faire day is included in the
cost of the camp. Each camper will need to provide their own chaperone/driver. An $20 fee for PA
Renaissance Faire Youth Day will be added to camp cost.
Volunteers Positions Available: Interested? … Call TAFE 884-8233
1 Adult per week or day ( doorkeep/nurse/caller/substitute if teacher must leave room)
3 Teens (13-18) per week (Teacher assistants - readers - game players - crafters - stage managers)
For More Information & Registration Form -