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19th Century Concepts and Ideas
Your group will be presenting to the class a lesson on one of the following:
 the Development of Psychoanalysis – Sabrina B & Collin C
 gender roles in Victorian Society – Ashley F & Hannah H
 class expectations in Victorian Society – Cameron H & Elizabeth K
 the Industrial Revolution – Wilda K & Matt M
o changes in industry
o changes in medicine/science
 Superstition – Amber M & Andy M
 Transylvania – Ryan M & Alex M
 Gothic literature – Kate O’Rourke & Katie Owens
 Vlad the Impaler – Olivia P & Stewart R
 Values/lifestyle in Victorian Society – Ashleigh S & Maddy S
 Judas Chalice – Bekie S & Betsy W
 Music of Dracula – Nina W
Using materials from the Internet, find information supporting your group’s topic. Your group will be creating a
five minute mini-lesson on your topic which must include:
a definition and full explanation of the concept/idea including key people
evidence that Bram Stoker and other authors were affected by the idea(s) evidence from the novel
Dracula supporting the concept/idea
pictures as desired
4 multiple-choice questions and 1 short answer question that would need to
be answered in at least five complete sentences which will be used during the
class presentation
Be sure that:
 each member of the group contributes during the preparation of your lesson
 each member of the group contributes during the delivery of your lesson
 questions for the quiz are thoughtful and reflect the important aspects that
 you believe students should know about your topic
Grading: Each will be graded on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest; each is worth 20%.
 individual contribution during the preparation time in class
 individual contribution to the group lesson (equal time plus how well you are
familiar with what you are teaching; although you may use notes, you may not
 merely read information from a sheet
 correct information has been provided to your classmates
 information supports how the idea influenced Bram Stoker and other 19th
century authors, especially in Stoker’s Dracula
 all necessary portions of the project have been addressed (includes poster
and quiz)
(To be completed after reading the required nonfiction article)
Title of Nonfiction Read
Written By
Publication Date
I. Factual Summary: Write a short summary of the piece you read.
II. Vocabulary
1. With which vocabulary words in the piece did you encounter some degree of
2. How did you resolve your lack of understanding with these words?
III. Interpretation:
What was the main point the author wanted you to get from reading his work?
IV. Criticism
1. With which points of the piece did you agree or find easy to accept? Why?
2. With which points of the piece did you disagree or find difficult to believe? Why?
V. Personal Response: What do you think about this piece? OR How does this piece
influence your ideas?
119 Copyright 2006 Teacher's Pet Publications, Inc.