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Ch 8-9 Community and Population Ecology
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The relationship between durian plants and flying foxes exemplifies
a. mutualism and convergent evolution.
d. commensalism and coevolution.
b. mutualism and coevolution.
e. parasitism and coevolution.
c. commensalism and convergent evolution.
2. Flying foxes are recognized as a
a. thriving species.
d. keystone species.
b. alien species.
e. indicator species.
c. native species.
3. Flying foxes contribute to the economy for the role they play in the production of
a. tannins and dyes.
d. all of these answers
b. animal fodder.
e. none of these answers
c. fruits and medicines.
4. What does richness refer to?
a. the number of individuals of each species
d. the number of ecotones in an area
b. the number of different species
e. the number of different communities
c. the number of edge effects
5. Where is most of the world's biodiversity?
a. high-latitude forests
d. polar grasslands
b. middle-latitude grasslands
e. tundra
c. low-latitude forests
6. Based on the theory of island biogeography, you would predict that large islands near the mainland would
have relatively
a. high immigration and low extinction rates.
d. low immigration and high extinction rates.
b. high immigration and high extinction rates.
e. not enough information to predict.
c. low immigration and low extinction rates.
7. The best description of a cockroach's niche is
a. indicator species.
d. generalist.
b. keystone species.
e. specialist.
c. alien species.
8. An organism is classified as a specialist or generalist based on its
a. range of tolerance.
d. response to changing conditions.
b. niche.
e. all of these answers
c. limiting factors.
9. Specialist species
b are very adaptable.
d. eat a wide variety of food.
b. tolerate a wide range of environments.
e. have very few limiting factors.
c. are more likely to become extinct.
10. The giant panda is an endangered species because
a. it is a specialized species, eating mostly bamboo, which has periodic diebacks.
b. the pandas are separated into small, isolated populations.
c. of low birth rate and litter size.
d. all of these answers
e. none of these answers
11. Species that normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem are known as
a. nonnative species.
d. specialist species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 12. Species that serve as early warnings of environmental damage are called
a. nonnative species.
d. indicator species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. specialist species.
____ 13. Species whose roles in an ecosystem are much more important than their abundance would suggest are called
a. nonnative species.
d. specialist species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 14. Species that migrate or are accidentally introduced into an ecosystem are called
a. nonnative species.
d. specialist species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 15. Which term means the opposite of the others?
a. exotic species
d. nonnative species
b. native species
e. generalist species
c. alien species
____ 16. Which of the following statements about amphibians is false?
a. The oldest of today's amphibians were living as long as 150 million years ago.
b. Amphibians are important indicator species.
c. Amphibians are experiencing sharp population declines in a variety of habitats.
d. Amphibians eat many insects, second in number only to birds.
e. They are often considered keystone species.
____ 17. Characteristics which make amphibians particularly sensitive to pollution include
a. living part of their life cycle in water and part on land.
b. soft, permeable skin.
c. sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
d. all of these answers
e. none of these answers
____ 18. Birds and trout make good
a. nonnative species.
d. indicator species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 19. Wild African bees are best described as
a. nonnative species.
d. specialist species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 20. Sea otters, dung beetles, and gopher tortoises are generally considered to be
a. nonnative species.
d. specialist species.
b. native species.
e. generalist species.
c. keystone species.
____ 21. Which of the following predators avoid competition by being active at different times?
a. lions and tigers
d. zebras and antelopes
b. hummingbirds and bees
e. lions and cheetahs
c. hawks and owls
____ 22. The relationship between fire ants and native ant populations is best described as
a. mutualism.
d. interspecific competition.
b. commensalism.
e. parasitism.
c. intraspecific competition.
____ 23. Interspecific competition can be avoided by
a. eating at different times.
b. resource partitioning.
c. character displacement.
d. all of these answers
e. none of these answers
____ 24. A shark is least likely to be killed
a. by a predator.
d. for food.
b. for sport.
e. for their jaws.
c. out of fear.
____ 25. Prey are least likely to defend themselves against predators by
a. camouflage.
d. pursuit and ambush.
b. acute senses of sight and smell.
e. warning and ambush.
c. protective shells.
____ 26. You are an evolutionary entomologist. You have observed beetles who can raise their abdomens and give off
a defensive chemical that generally repels predators. You discover a new species of beetle that raises its
abdomen in a threatening way similar to the first species, but no defensive chemical is given off. You are
most likely to characterize this defensive strategy as a form of
a. camouflage.
d. flight mechanism.
b. chemical warfare.
e. warning coloration.
c. mimicry.
____ 27. A relationship in which one species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed to any significant
degree is best labeled
a. competition.
d. parasitism.
b. predation.
e. mutualism.
c. commensalism.
____ 28. A relationship in which both species benefit is best labeled
a. competition.
d. parasitism.
b. predation.
e. commensalism.
c. mutualism.
____ 29. Of the following relationships, the one most likely to be described as a positive feedback loop is
a. competition.
d. parasitism.
b. predation.
e. commensalism.
c. mutualism.
____ 30. Parasites
a. rarely kill their hosts.
d. may strengthen their hosts over a long period
b. are usually larger than their hosts.
of time.
c. must be internal to their hosts.
e. all of these answers
____ 31. All of the following are ectoparasites except
a. fleas and ticks.
d. tapeworms.
b. mosquitoes.
e. athlete's foot fungus.
c. mistletoe.
____ 32. All of the following illustrate the relationship of mutualism except
a. lichens.
d. Rhizobium bacteria in root nodules of legumes.
b. epiphytes.
e. flowering plants and insects.
c. ants and acacias.
____ 33. How long does it take natural processes to produce fertile soil?
a. weeks to months
d. several centuries to several thousands of years
b. months to years
e. several thousand years to millions of years
c. decades to a few centuries
____ 34. Which of the following would exhibit primary succession?
a. rock exposed by a retreating glacier
d. newly flooded land to create a reservoir
b. an abandoned farm
e. a forest that has been burned
c. a forest that had been clear-cut
____ 35. Which of the following would undergo secondary succession?
a. cooled volcanic lava
b. an abandoned parking lot
c. a heavily polluted stream that has been cleaned up
d. a bare rock outcrop
e. a newly created shallow pond
____ 36. Soil formation in primary succession is encouraged by
a. physical weathering.
d. all of these answers
b. lichens and mosses trapping soil particles.
e. none of these answers
c. secretion of acids by lichens.
____ 37. You are a field ecologist. In an ecosystem under study, you observe turkeys and gray squirrels. Which stage
of succession are you most likely to report for this ecosystem?
a. early-succession
d. mature
b. mid-succession
e. immature
c. late-succession
____ 38. You are a field ecologist. In an ecosystem under study, you observe grizzly bears and caribou. Which stage of
succession are you most likely to report for this ecosystem?
a. early-succession
d. mature
b. mid-succession
e. immature
c. late-succession
____ 39. A field ecologist observes primary succession occurring over a period of years. Bare rock is colonized by
lichens that give way to moss that give way to ferns. She is most likely to report that the process guiding
succession in this ecosystem is
a. interspecific competition.
d. inhibition.
b. tolerance.
e. intraspecific competition.
c. facilitation.
____ 40. You observe a maple seedling grow successfully in a birch stand. All species thrive. The best label for this
observation would be
a. primary succession.
e. facilitation.
b. tolerance.
c. tertiary succession.
d. inhibition.
____ 41. In immature ecosystems,
a. the species diversity is high.
e. there are few producers.
b. the decomposers are numerous.
c. there are many specialized niches.
d. the food webs are simple.
____ 42. In mature ecosystems,
a. most plants are annuals.
e. there are few, mostly generalized, ecological
b. species diversity is low.
c. the efficiency of energy use is high.
d. the efficiency of nutrient recycling is low.
____ 43. Ecologists would consider all of the following to be natural disturbances except
a. droughts.
d. fires.
b. floods
e. frost.
c. deforestation.
____ 44. All of the following are fire-maintained communities except
a. giant sequoia forests.
d. oak-hickory forests.
b. temperate grasslands.
e. none of these answers
c. chaparral.
____ 45. Which of the following natural changes would be considered gradual rather than catastrophic?
a. drought
d. fire
b. landslide
e. earthquake
c. climate change
____ 46. Changes such as drought and earthquake are considered to be
a. natural and catastrophic.
b. natural and gradual.
c. human caused and catastrophic.
d. human caused and gradual.
e. human caused, natural, and catastrophic.
____ 47. Changes such as depletion of underground aquifers and waterlogging of irrigated soils are considered to be
a. natural and catastrophic.
d. human caused and gradual.
b. natural and gradual.
e. human caused, natural, and catastrophic.v
c. human caused and catastrophic.
____ 48. Which of the following human activities most favor monocultures?
a. agriculture and plantation forestry
d. agriculture and ecosystem rehabilitation
b. agriculture and ecosystem restoration
e. ecosystem restoration and ecosystem
c. plantation forestry and ecosystem restoration
____ 49. Which of the following characteristics of organisms includes the other three?
a. stability
d. resilience
b. inertia
e. persistence
c. constancy
____ 50. Which of the following refers to the ability of an organism to return to its former condition after a period of
a. stability
d. resilience
b. inertia
e. persistence
c. constancy
____ 51. Which of the following does not apply to sea otters?
a. They have blubber to keep them warm.
b. They can eat 25 % of their weight per day in sea urchins and other benthic organisms.
c. They use tools.
d. They have the thickest fur of any mammal.
e. none of these answers
____ 52. A sea otter is a(n)
a. alien species.
c. native species.
b. indicator species.
d. keystone species.
e. generalist species.
____ 53. The changes in population size, density, dispersion, and age structure are known as
a. succession.
e. carrying capacity.
b. demography.
c. population dynamics.
d. biotic potential.
____ 54. Which of the following is not one of the age structure categories?
a. prereproductive
d. elderly
b. reproductive
e. none of these answers
c. postreproductive
____ 55. The biotic potential of a population
a. is the maximum reproductive rate of a population.
b. is the current rate of growth of a population.
c. is an expression of how many offspring survive to reproduce.
d. can be determined only by studying an age structure diagram.
e. is the future rate of growth of a population.
____ 56. A population will increase if
a. natality decreases.
d. the environmental resistance increases.
b. mortality increases.
e. all of these answers
c. the biotic potential increases.
____ 57. Carrying capacity refers to
a. reproductive rate.
b. interaction of natality and mortality.
c. the maximum size of population the environment will support.
d. the proportion of males to females.
e. the intrinsic rate of increase.
58. A logistic growth curve depicting a population that is limited by a definite carrying capacity is shaped like the letter
a. J
d. S
b. L
e. N
c. M
59. An exponential growth curve depicting an ever-growing population is shaped like the letter ____.
a. J
d. S
b. L
e. N
c. M
____ 60. A population crash occurs when
a. a population approaches its carrying capacity.
b. environmental resistance comes into play
d. a population overshoots carrying capacity and
environmental pressures cause effects.
c. resources are essentially unlimited.
e. the population growth rate slows.
____ 61. Carrying capacity is determined by
a. climatic changes.
d. resources.
b. predation.
e. all of these answers
c. interspecific competition.
____ 62. Density-dependent population controls include all of the following except
a. disease.
d. competition for resources.
b. human destruction of habitat.
e. predation.
c. parasitism.
____ 63. Density-independent population controls include all of the following except
a. drought.
d. unfavorable chemical changes in the
b. fire.
c. resource competition.
e. habitat destruction.
____ 64. Which of the following terms best describes the type of population change you would expect to find for a
monkey in an undisturbed section of the Brazilian rain forest?
a. Explosive
d. Irruptive
b. Stable
e. Irregular
c. Cyclic
____ 65. Which of the following terms best describes the type of population change you would expect to find for a
muskrat population in a state that has just outlawed trapping?
a. Explosive
d. Irruptive
b. Stable
e. Irregular
c. Cyclic
____ 66. Which of the following patterns would you expect to find for rabbits and coyotes in an undisturbed habitat?
a. Explosive
d. Irruptive
b. Stable
e. Irregular
c. Cyclic
____ 67. An r-strategist generally
a. has a low biotic potential.
d. survives to reproduce.
b. is small and short lived.
e. reproduces late in life.
c. gives much parental care to its offspring.
____ 68. K-strategists
a. have high genetic diversity.
d. are generally less adaptable to change than rb. are more responsive to environmental changes
than r-strategists.
e. reach reproductive age rapidly.
c. exhibit fast rates of evolution.
____ 69. A K-strategist generally
a. has populations that follow an S-shaped growth
e. have short generation times.
b. exhibits "boom-and-bust" cycles.
c. has populations that rise quickly then crash.
d. generally lives in a rapidly changing
____ 70. Which of the following is an r-strategist?
a. Human
d. saguaro cactus
b. Insect
e. Whale
c. Rhinoceros
____ 71. Which of the following best describes the survivorship curve you would expect to find for a mountain gorilla?
a. late loss
d. no loss
b. constant loss
e. none of these answers
c. early loss
____ 72. Which of the following best describes the survivorship curve you would expect to find for a fish?
a. late loss
d. no loss
b. constant loss
e. none of these answers
c. early loss
____ 73. Which of the following types of species is least vulnerable to habitat fragmentation?
a. generalists
b. specialists
c. large predators
d. migratory species
e. keystone species
____ 74. Choose the letter that represents when resources are not limiting and a population can grow at its intrinsic rate
of increase.
____ 75. Choose the letter that represents population size at which a population in a particular environment will
stabilize when its supply of resources remains constant.
____ 76. Choose the letter that represents limiting abiotic factors.
____ 77. Choose the letter that represents a population's capacity for growth.
____ 78. Choose the portion of the graph that can also be called a dieback.
____ 79. Choose the portion of the graph that represents the number of reindeer that can be sustained indefinitely in a
given area.
____ 80. Choose the portion of the graph that represents the number of reindeer that exceeded the capacity of their
The layer that contains the Earth’s daily weather
Extends from 5080 km above the Earth
The Earth’s ozone layer exists in this layer of the atmosphere
The highest layer of the atmosphere (above 80 km)
The layer of the atmosphere that’s heated by infrared radiation from the earth
Collection of all gases held to the earth by gravity
The species that normally live and thrive in a habitat
Species that play a pivotal role in the habitat
A species whose decline indicates damage to the habitat
A nonnative species
A species with a narrow niche, which can only live in a certain habitat
specialist species
keystone species
native species
alien species
indicator species
Cheetahs and antelope
Mycorrhizae and plant roots
Humans and tapeworms
A hawk eats a mouse
Two birds fight over a nest
____ 97. Choose the process in which aerobic bacteria convert most of the ammonia in soil nitrate and nitrite ions.
____ 98. Choose the process in which bacteria convert ammonia into nitrite and nitrate ions and then into nitrogen gas
and nitrous oxide gas.
____ 99. Choose the process in which bacteria change nitrogen gas to ammonia that can be used by plants.
____ 100. Choose the process in which bacteria convert detritus into inorganic compounds such as ammonia.