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I. E. S. Alfonso Moreno. Brunete
Useful information and summer exercises for students of the bilingual Program
who failed the subjet in June.
* The re-sit exam of Social Science 1º ESO, classes A & B will have 10 questions, four
of them from Geography and six about History.
* The units that will be included in the exam are all; except unit 5 and 7.
* To attend to the Re-sit exam in September it is mandatory to make all the enclosed
exercises and to bring them to the exam in September.
* Also, in order to pass this Re-Sit exam of September, it is compulsory to remake all
the exercises of the section APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE from the textbook, and to
bring them to the exam in September.
Many exercises have been included to test your knowledge. All the information
required to fill the questions is included in the textbook.
1- Summarises the physical changes called Hominisation process experienced by
the first hominids (Australopithecus) that continued with our ancestors.
2- Explain the differences (locations, colours used, kind of elements painted and
style) between cave panting in the North of Spain and in the Levantine area.
3- Define these concepts, a) Passage dolmen, b) Zigurat, c) Biface,
d) Mastaba.
4- Define, a) Australopithecus, b) Paleolithic Venus, c) Polis, d) Hoplite.
Explain why the societies became more complex during Neolithic and Metal
Describe the differences (in materials such as stone or adobe, and in
architectural elements such as arches, vaults and domes) between Mesopotamic
and Egyptian architecture.
Define theses terms. a) Helots, b) Metics, c) Aristocracy, d) Peloponnesian
8.- Identify the period in which each sculpture was made. Use this list, Egyptian,
Mesopotamian, Paleolithic, Classical Greek.
9- Define these concepts, a) Polis, b) Agora, c) Acropolis, d) Metropolis.
10- a) Name the causes of Greek Colonisation abroad.
b) Write the name of four areas where Greeks established colonies.
11- Summarises the political organisation of the Athenian democracy
12- Define, a) Oligarchy, b) Aristocracy, c) Democracy.
13- Describe all the three periods of the Greek sculpture.
14- Summarises the main features of the three orders in the Greek architecture;
Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
15- Define these concepts, a) Polis, b) Agora, c) Acropolis, d) Metropolis.
16- a) Name the causes of Greek Colonisation.
b) Write the name of four areas where Greeks established colonies.
17- Summarises the political organisation of Athens.
18- Define, a) Oligarchy, b)Aristocracy, c) Democracy.
19- Describe all the three periods of the Greek sculpture.
20- Summarises the main features of the three orders in the Greek architecture.
21- Define these concepts, a) Etruscans, b) Plebeian, c) Liberti, d) Patricians.
22- Explain the social conflicts at the end of the Roman Republic that led to the
two triumvirates and to the beginning of the Roman Empire.
23- Answer these questions about the Roman Empire.
a) Who was the first emperor?
b) What date did the empire begin?
c) How was the economy during the empire?
d) What was the Pax Romana, or the Roman Peace?
e) Why did the empire persecuted the Christians?
24- Define, a) Praetor, b) Punic Wars, c) Consul. d) Triumvirate.
25- a) What was the grid system used by the Romans to settle new cities?
b) Describe what were an insulae and a domus.
26- Write a summary about the kingdom of Tartessos.
27- Define; a) Byzantine Empire, b) Catacombs, c) Romanisation.
28- Define these words, a) Castros, b) Tarraconensis, c) Verracos.
29- Fill the missing words in the next sentences.
a.- Numantia was a ______________ city defeated by the ________ in 133 B.C.
b.- Corduba was the capital of the province of ________ in Hispania.
c.- Ampurias was a ______ colony, Gadir was a colony founded by the ________,
and Cartagena was a ___________ settlement.
d.- The former city of Caesaraugusta is known currently as ____________; and
Emerita Augusta is now known as ___________.
30- Answer these questions about the Visigoths.
a) Why did the Visigoths fight against the others Barbarians people (Suevi,
Vandals, Alans) in the Iberian Peninsula?
b) What kind of language did the Visigoths speak?
c) Write some words or Christian names from the Visigothic language that we use
nowadays in Spanish language.
d) How did the Visigoths select their king?
e) What kind of arch did they use in architecture?
31- Define the following terms; a) Parallel, b) Meridian, c) Hemisphere, d) Time
32- Answer both questions.
a) What distance does the Latitude measure?
b) What distances does the Longitude measure?
33- Answer these two questions about time zones.
a) What time should be in Seattle (located 9 time zones to the West from Madrid)
if there are 15 hours in Madrid?
(If you move west you deduct 1 hour by each time zone)
(If you move east you add 1 hour by each time zone)
b) If there is 5 o´ clock in Tokyo, what time should be in Beijing? Keep in mind
that Beijing is located just one time zone to the West from Tokyo.
34- Complete the following sentences…
a) What is in degrees earth´ s axis tilt angle? ____ º
b) The Prime Meridian is also known as___________________________________
c) A planet is a spherical body that______________________________________
d) Longitude is measured from ____º to ___º
West or _____.
35- Complete the following sentences…
a) Latitude is measured from _____ º to ___ º _____ or South.
b) Earth´ s revolution around the sun takes ______ days and __ hours.
c) What two things causes the four seasons?________________________________
d) A leap year is _______________________________________________________
36- Calculate the distance, first in centimetres and then in
Kilometres, between
Madrid and Toledo using a map of Spain based in this numeric scale, 1:500.000
(that means that 1 cm. in the map is 500.000 cm. in real) knowing that the distance
in that map between Madrid y Toledo is just 14 cm.
Define these concepts; a) Equinox, b) Solstice, c) Topographic map, d)
Tectonic plate.
38- Explain the erosion cycle.
Define these concepts; a) Plateau, b) Ría, c) Continental slope, d) Abyssal
40- Mark if the following statements are True or False,
a) We use a large scale map to depict a map of a small town.
T□ F□
b) The Mercator projection is a conical one.
T□ F□
c) A thematic map depicts the relief and man made features in an area.
d) A scale is a ratio between a distance in the ground and its
T□ F
T□ F
T□ F
T□ F
T□ F
h) The borders between tectonic plates are really stable areas.
T□ F
i) The North American plate is smaller than Nazca plate.
T□ F
j) The mantle is the biggest part of the Earth.
T□ F
representation in a map
e) The sun rays are vertical at the tropic of Cancer in the North
Hemisphere during summer solstice.
f) Hominids were ancestors of human beings that appeared
in Secondary Age.
g) Pangea was a single continent who joined all surfaced land
during Primary Age.
41- Define the following terms; a) Aquifers, b) River meander, c) Tide, d) Waves.
42- Fill this blank map writing the names of all de main landforms of the Iberian
peninsula and both archipielagos; include Mountain ranges, Massifs, and
Depressions. Use this list; Galician massif, Toledo Mountains, Leon Mountains,
Tramontana range, Pyrenees, Cantabrian Chain, Ebro depression, Central Chain,
Guadalquivir depression, Iberian chain, Morena Range, Teide, Catalonian Coastal
Chain, Baetic Chain.
43- Describe the three stages in the course of a river.
44- Define these concepts; a) Ice caps, b) Glaciers , c) Acid rain, d) Thermosphere.
45- What causes deep ocean currents?
46- Define these concepts; a) Isoheyts, b) Convectional rain, c) Trade Winds, d)
Create a climograph using these data of temperature and rainfall, make it
over graphic paper. Calculate the annual temperature range.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
6,1 7,9 10,7 12,3 16
24,8 24,4 20,5 14,6 9,7 7
Rainfall 37
Define the following concepts: a) Anticyclones, b) Monsoons, c) Drainage
Basin, d) Anemometer.
49- Explain the main features of the Mediterranean climate.
50- Describe the main features of the Oceanic climate.
51- Fill this blank map with all the appropriated names related to the relief.