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Genetics Test Review
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Cell Division PPT
1. What is cell division? Cell division is when cells divide – which allow organisms to
grow, repair damaged structures, and reproduce.
2. What is the cell cycle? What are the three main stages? The cell cycle is the regular
sequence of growth and division that cells undergo. The three main stages are
interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis
3. What happens during Interphase? Interphase is the longest phase of the cell cycle.
This is because the organelles are coping, the DNA is replicating, and the
chromosomes are duplicating.
4. What is replication? What are chromosomes? After replication, what does the cell
have? Replication is when the cell makes an exact copy of the DNA in its nucleus.
Chromosomes are the threadlike structures formed by DNA and proteins. After
replication, the cell has two identical sets of chromosomes.
5. What happens during Mitosis? During Mitosis, the cell’s nucleus divides into two
nuclei, and one set of DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.
6. What happens during Prophase? During prophase, the chromosomes condense, the
nuclear membrane disappears, and the centrioles start to move toward the poles of
the cell.
7. What are chromatids? Chromatids are the two rod-like parts of the chromosomes.
8. What happens during Metaphase? In metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the
middle of the cell, the spindle fibers grow from the centrioles and attach to the
chromosomes centromere (center of the X).
9. What happens during Anaphase? During anaphase, the chromosomes are split apart
into chromatids and move to the poles or opposite ends of the cell.
10. What happens during Telophase? The nuclear membranes form around the
chromatids to form two new nuclei.
11. What is cytokinesis? What do you have at the end of cytokinesis? Cytokinesis is when
the cell membrane and cytoplasm pinch together to create two identical daughter
cells that contain 46 chromosomes each.