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Ch. 10: City- States
SECTION 1- THE POLIS = city-state
What were the rights of citizens?
1. the right to VOTE
2. the right to OWN PROPERTY
3. the right to HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE (government jobs)
4. the right to SPEECH, speak for themselves in court
What were the responsibilities of citizens to their city-state?
1. take part in the government (serve in jury duty)
2. defend the polis in times of war
Who were not considered citizens?
1. women
2. children
3. slaves
4. foreigners
What were the duties of Spartan kings? 2 KINGS
1. lead the army in times of war
2. conduct religious ceremonies
Who could be a Spartan citizen?
1. Aristocrats (the Spartans called the Equals)
What did the Council of Elders (Gerousia) do? Men over 60
1. suggested laws to the Assembly
2. serve as judges
What decision did the aristocrats make with regard to the helots (slaves) and periocei (nonSpartan traders)?
That the helots work the fields as slaves and the periocei make things the Spartans need while the
Spartans train for war.
Why did they make this decision?
Because the Spartans were outnumbered by the helots they always needed to be ready to fight the
helots off.
What happened to unhealthy newborns?
They were left on the hillside to die
What was the message Spartan women gave their men when they went into battle?
“Come home with your shield, or on it!” = Win or die trying!
Spartans tried to prevent change in their city. Provide two examples of this from the reading.
1. Spartans could not travel outside Sparta except for war
2. No coins so Spartans wouldn’t care about money
What was Sparta’s ultimate goal?
To be militarily strong. The best army in the world.
What is the biggest difference between Sparta and Athens in terms of government?
Sparta was an oligarchy run by the ephors, while Athens became a democracy
that all citizens (people) had a say in the government.
Solon’s Reforms (The First Constitution)
1. Limited amount of land a person could own
2. All landowners could now vote
Only the ASSEMBLY could make laws
All debts were erased, start from scratch
People in slavery from debt were freed
Artisans and craftsmen could become citizens
All sons had to be taught a trade by their fathers
Peisistratus’ Reforms
1. Divided large estates and gave them to farmers who owned no land
2. Gave citizenship to all even if you didn’t own land
3. Encouraged sculpture and other arts to entertain people
Cleistenes’ Reforms (Democracy)
1. Opened the __Assembly (Ekklesia)___ to all males over the age of 20
2. Athenians had the freedom of ___speech_____ under the constitution
3. Council of _500___--- Why were they limited to 2 year terms?
So more people could have a turn to participate in the government
4. Education of young men at the age of __7____
5. Citizenship at _18__ years of age if they promised to:
a) make Athens a better place
b) be honorable in battle
c) follow the constitution
d) respect the gods and religion
The Persian Wars
Why did the Persian Wars start in the first place?
Ionian Greeks in Asia Minor revolted against the Persians with
the help of Greeks from Greece.
The First Marathon—What is the origin of this long distance race?
The Greeks won a big victory at Marathon and a runner ran all the way from Marathon and yelled
“Nike (Victory)” so the people of Athens wouldn’t have to leave the city. He died of exhaustion and
they run the race to celebrate the victory and the distance the runner ran.
What happened at the battle of Thermopylae?
300 Spartans and some Greek allies tried to stop the much bigger Persian army from invading Greece.
All the Spartans were killed, but they refused to leave.
How were the Greeks defeated at Thermopylae?
A Greek told the Persians how to go over the mountains and the Spartans were trapped.
How were the Greeks victorious at Salamis?
The bigger Persians ships were not able to move in a small area and were destroyed by the smaller
quicker Athenian navy.
Delian League and the Peloponnesian League
What were the contributions of Pericles (First Citizen)?
1. Rebuilds temples destroyed by the Persians including the Parthenon (temple to Athena on the
Acropolis) and built the Long Walls connecting Athens to the sea for defense
2. Had art, philosophy, and literature grow
3. Led Athens in the Peloponnesian War
Why did the Delian League fall apart?
Athens lost the Peloponnesian War against Sparta. The Spartans ended the Delian League.