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January 17, 1950
Boston thieves pull off historic robbery
On this day in 1950, 11 men steal more than $2 million from the
Brinks Armored Car depot in Boston, Massachusetts. It was the
perfect crime--almost--as the culprits weren't caught until January
1956, just days before the statute of limitations for the theft
6th Grade Ancient History
Class Agenda
Student Planner Entry
 Chapter 11 Presentation (notes extra credit)
 EVERYONE - Complete IRSG Chapter 11
 To learn about The Roman Republic
Class Lesson
Jigsaw Presentation
 Video Introduction
 Introduction of Group
 Group Presentation
 Questions & Answers
 Commentary by teacher
 Begin work on IRSG
Objectives Students will learn that …
1. The geography of Italy made land travel difficult but helped
the Romans prosper.
2. Ancient historians were very interested in Rome’s legendary
3. Once a monarchy, the Romans created a republic.
Vocabulary Aeneas, Romulus and Remus, republic, dictator,
Cincinnatus, plebeians, patricians
California Standards
HSS: 6.7.1
• Standards Review
Workbook, with Answer
• Online Chapter Summaries
in Six Languages
___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big
Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Daily Bellringer
Transparency: Section 1
___ Building Vocabulary (TE) Preteach key terms from this
section. [SI]
___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder,
Section 1
___ If YOU were there … (SE) Have students read and discuss
the section introduction and question.
___ Universal Access Modified
Worksheets and Tests CDROM
___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the
Main Idea questions and then create time lines for the history
of Rome, from its creation to the later years of the Republic.
___ Interactive Reader and
Study Guide: Section 1
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion
___ Map Transparency: Italy:
___ Map Italy: Physical (SE)
___ Quick Facts Transparency:
Legendary Founding of
Rome [SI]
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: ELL
(TE) Italian Landscape Collage [RS] [SI]
___ Quick Facts: Legendary Founding of Rome (SE) [SI]
___ Critical Thinking: Finding Main Ideas (TE) Main Ideas on
Rome’s Beginnings [RS]
___ Collaborative Learning: (TE) Etruscan Civilization [ES]
___ Map Italy, 500 BC (SE)
___ CRF: Literature Activity:
Romulus and Remus
___ Map Transparency: Italy,
500 BC
___ Quick Facts Transparency:
Roman Society [SI]
___ Quick Facts: Roman Society [SI]
___ Literature in History: The Aeneid (SE)
___ Close (TE) Have students review how the Roman Republic
was established.
___ Online Quiz Section 1
(keyword: SS6 HP11)
___ Section 1 Assessment (SE)
___ Progress Assessment
System Solution: Section
Quiz 1
Objectives Students will learn that …
1. Roman government was made up of three parts that worked
together to run the city.
2. Written laws helped keep order in Rome.
3. The Roman Forum was the heart of Roman society.
Vocabulary magistrates, consuls, Roman Senate, veto, Latin,
checks and balances, forum
California Standards
HSS: 6.7.2
• Standards Review
Workbook, with Answer
• Online Chapter Summaries
in Six Languages
___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big
Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Daily Bellringer
Transparency: Section 2
___ Academic Vocabulary (TE) Review with students the high- ___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder,
use academic term in this section. [SI]
Section 2
___ If YOU were there … (SE) Have students read and discuss ___ Universal Access Modified
the section introduction and question.
Worksheets and Test CDROM
___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the
Main Idea questions and then make an idea web with key
concepts from this section.
___ Interactive Reader and
Study Guide: Section 2 [SI]
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion
___ Quick Facts: Government of the Roman Republic (SE)
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access:
Students Having Difficulty (TE) Levels of Roman
Government [RS]
___ Quick Facts Transparency:
Government of the Roman
Republican [SI]
___ CRF: Interdisciplinary
Project: The Romans:
Response Rally
___ Collaborative Learning: (TE) Roman Forum Video Game
___ Close (TE) Ask students if they think they would approve of ___ Online Quiz Section 2
the government of the Roman Republic if they lived in it.
(keyword: SS6 HP11)
___ Section 2 Assessment (SE)
___ Progress Assessment
System Solution: Section
Quiz 2
Objectives Students will learn that …
1. The late republic period saw the growth of territory and
2. Through wars, Rome grew beyond Italy.
3. Several crises struck the republic in its later years.
Vocabulary legions, Punic Wars, Hannibal, Gaius Marius, Lucius
Cornelius Sulia, Spartacus
California Standards
HSS: 6.7.3
• Standards Review
Workbook, with Answer
• Online Chapter Summaries
in Six Languages
___ What You Will Learn … (SE) Preview Main Ideas, Big
Idea, and Key Terms and People.
___ Daily Bellringer
Transparency: Section 3
___ Academic Vocabulary (TE) Review with students the high- ___ CRF: Vocabulary Builder,
use academic term in this section. [SI]
Section 3
___ If YOU were there … (SE) Have students read and discuss ___ Universal Access Modified
the section introduction and question.
Worksheets and Test CDROM
___ Teach the Big Idea Activity (TE) Students discuss the
Main Idea questions and then design a flowchart that traces
the growth of and changes within the late republic.
___ Interactive Reader and
Study Guide: Section 3 [SI]
___ Main Idea Questions (TE) Standards-based discussion
___ Map The Roman Empire, 509-270 BC (SE)
___ Differentiating Instruction for Universal Access: ELL
(TE) Commemoration Coin [RS] [SI]
___ Biography: Hannibal (SE)
___ Map: The Roman Republic, 270-100 BC (SE)
___ CRF: Economics and
History Activity: Rome and
___ CRF: History and
Geography Activity: The
Punic Wars
___ CRF: Biography Activity:
Spartacus; Scipio
___ Biography: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
___ CRF: Primary Source
Activity: The Story of
Spartacus, by Plutarch
___ Close (TE) Have students list the steps that led to a more
violent Roman Republic.
___ Online Quiz Section 3
(keyword: SS6 HP11)
___ Section 3 Assessment (SE)
___ Progress Assessment
System Solution: Section
Quiz 3
___ Cross-Discipline Activity: Art (TE) Honoring Heroes [RS]
___ Quick Facts: (SE) Chapter Visual Summary [SI]
___ Quick Facts Transparency:
The Roman Republic
Visual Summary [SI]