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Modern World History II
Mr. Normant
Modern World History II – Final Exam Review Guide
General Information
Exam Date
Exam Time
Room Number
Book Return
Thursday, June 17th
This is a review GUIDE! You still need to study notes, quizzes, handouts and your
textbook to do well!
Final Exam Format:
The exam will consist of around 110 multiple guess questions including some
matching and chronology.
You will have 10-15 map questions
You will have your choice of IDs
World War I
You Learned:
About how and why WWI was different from previous wars, how it was
such a devastating conflict, and how the aftermath led to the rise of
totalitarianism and fascism
You should be able to:
Identify and explain the long and short term causes of the war
Tell what the alliances were and which nations belonged to them
Tell who joined the war on which side and why
Identify and explain the roles of key people in the war
Identify and explain the course of the war – major battles, turning points
and events
 Describe conditions faced by soldiers during the war
 Explain how this war was different from other wars before it
 Tell how the war ended – who won?
 Explain the aftermath of war – the impact the war and the peace
settlement had on future events
Define the following terms: Triple Entente, Triple Alliance, Central Powers, Allied
Powers, Balkans, Sarajevo, Eastern and Western front, Schlieffen Plan, Battle of
the Marne, Battle of Verdun, Battle of Tannenberg, Battle of the Somme River,
Battle of Gallipoli, stalemate, Lusitania, U-Boat, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare,
Zimmerman Note, War of Attrition, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 14 Points, Treaty of
Modern World History II
Mr. Normant
Versailles, reparations, Black Hand, Otto von Bismarck, Gavrilo Princip,
Woodrow Wilson, Kaiser Wilhelm, pan-Slavism, trench warfare,neutrality
Russian Revolution
You Learned:
About how Russia ushered in a new era in world history with a successful
revolution based on the communist ideas of Marx and Lenin
You should be able to:
Identify and explain the causes of the Russian Revolution
Discuss the difference between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks
Identify the various sides in the Russian Civil War and explain what each
side wanted
Explain how and why the Bolsheviks were successful
Compare and contrast the economic policies and leadership styles of
Lenin and Stalin
Define the following terms: Bolshevik, Menshevik, Rasputin,
February/March Revolution, October/November Revolution, Bloody
Sunday, Russification, “Peace Land Bread”, Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph
Stalin, Provisional Government, Kulak, War Communism, NEP, 5 Year
Plans, Purges, collectivization, politburo, Karl Marx, Emancipation
Manifesto, Women’s March
You Learned:
 About the rise of Totalitarianism and Fascism around the world, how the
economy played a role in their rise, and how they ultimately led to the
outbreak of WWII
You should be able to:
 Define totalitarianism as a form of government
 Explain how totalitarianism works – tactics used to keep power
 Identify examples of totalitarian leaders and nations
 Define what fascism is and what a fascist believes
 Explain how fascism works – tactics used to keep power
 Identify examples of fascist leaders and nations
 Discuss the impact of the Great Depression
 Identify and describe the challenges faced by various nations in the
interwar period
 Identify and explain the steps to war in Europe and Asia
 Define the following terms: Reparations, League of Nations, Dawes Plan,
“spirit of Locarno”, Weimar Republic, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini,
Francisco Franco, Nazi, Nuremburg Laws, Mein Kampf, Aryan, Rhineland,
lebensraum, Anschluss, Munich Conference, Sudetenland, Nazi-Soviet
Modern World History II
Mr. Normant
Non-Aggression Pact, Rape of Nanjing, Manchuria, Greater-East Asian
Co-prosperity Sphere, Neville Chamberlain, Appeasement, Spanish Civil
War, Ethiopia, Poland, 1984, fascism, totalitarianism, Joseph Stalin,
March on Rome, “Black Shirts”
World War II
You Learned:
About how the concept and practice of Total War made WWII the most
devastating conflict in human history
You should be able to:
Identify and explain the causes of WWII
Explain how this war was different from WWI
Identify the various sides of the war and alliances and who belonged to
Identify and explain various tactics used during WWII and by whom
Explain the role of the US in the war and why we eventually joined
Discuss the course of the war in Europe and Asia (major battles, events,
turning points)
Discuss the concept and practice of total war by all sides in war and on
the home front
Tell who won and why
Discuss the aftermath of war and the impact and cost (human, economic,
political, social)
Define the following terms: Blitzkrieg, Sitzkrieg, Axis powers, Allied
powers, Maginot Line, Dunkirk, Operation Sea Lion, Battle of Britain,
Operation Barbarossa, Invasion of the Soviet Union, Stalingrad, LendLease Act, Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor, Island Hopping, Iwo Jima, Battle
of Midway, Battle of Guadalcanal, Coral Sea, Okinawa, kamikaze, Isoroku
Yamamoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Manhattan Project, Vichy France,
Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Yalta, D-Day, Battle
of the Bulge, Final Solution, Concentration Camp, Holocaust, Auschwitz,
Wansee Conference, A-bomb, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph
Stalin, Unconditional Surrender, Douglas MacArthur, scorched earth,
Afrika Korps, Erwin Rommel, El Alamein, Luftwaffe, RAF, V-E Day, J.
Robert Oppenheimer, Leyte Gulf, Bataan Death March, Warsaw
Modern World History II
Mr. Normant
Cold War
You Learned:
About the rivalry that emerged between the USA and the USSR following
WWII and how the two nations struggled for dominance
 About how the Cold War impacted developments in other nations around
the world
You should be able to:
Identify and explain the causes of the Cold War and define it
Identify and explain various times and places when the cold war flared up
Compare and contrast the goals and actions of the two superpowers
during this time period
Discuss the impact of the cold war on nations around the world (Korea,
Vietnam, Cambodia)
Discuss how the Cuban Missile Crisis led to Détente
Identify and explain the factors that led to the end of the Cold War and the
breakup of the USSR
Discuss the different styles of leadership practiced by leaders of the Soviet
Define the following terms: Arms race, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan,
Berlin Blockade & Airlift, Domino Theory, Containment, Iron Curtain,
NATO, Warsaw Pact, Sputnik, Korean War, United Nations, Cuban Missile
Crisis, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Nikita Khrushchev, Vietnam War,
Ho Chi Minh, Vietcong, Vietminh, Ngo Dinh Diem, Cambodia, Pol Pot,
Khmer Rouge, Killing Fields, Operation Breakfast, détente, Bay of Pigs,
ICBM, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Leonid Brezhvev, Boris
Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Glasnost, Perestroika, Democratization, Berlin
Wall, SALT I and II, Star Wars, SDI, Brinkmanship, Surrogate Wars